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Everything posted by dave007

  1. Thanks for all your comments have now received a cheque towards another motor which has also been fitted and back on the water.( I wish I lived nearer).
  2. Hi Can anyone help me , Had a day out in Poole harbour yesterday one of the few I have managed this year , all going well until the engine stopped suddenly, although it started again it would only race with no throttle control. we limped a shore with my little 4hp aux motor to meet up with some friends. It wasn't until I lifted the engine clear of the water that we noticed a big hole where the gear box used to be , so it looks as if I hit something in the water. Does any have or know of a long shaft 45 - 55 hp motor for sale please if you could either ring 07717 852 539 or email that would be fantastic, hoping insurance will pay up but cant get through to them only answer phone ! Dave
  3. Some ones got to say it " I think you kidding me on"
  4. Thanks for the pics Rob very helpfull and will take note! and also thanks Terry will have a look at Wick, ( hopefully soon) Cheers Dave
  5. Hi all I notice that severall of you launch at Mudeford, What restrictions are there tide wise, thought I might try out the Ledge that has been mentioned . Cheers Dave
  6. You are right Terry but unfortunately the 2 1/2 drive to the coast does tend to get in the way. Cheers
  7. Thanks to everyone for the many ideas, I will keep an eye on the weather and hopefully put out a crew or buddy boat request soon. Thanks again to you all Dave
  8. HI to you all Finally took the boat out from Baiter the other day when the yellow thing was out, lovely day, tide rising. I only seem to be able to catch macs. I was fishing with my son around Poole rocks and was able to catch about 25 macs using feathers, changed over to a pennal rig with rag and squid but no joy also tried strips of of the mac (the only one we kept) but still no joy and also just a single hook with enough weight to hold bottom . fish finder was definitely show fish in the water at various levels. if any one can help I would be most grateful as not only do want to catch something different, I also want to keep my son interest. as he gets fed up only catching macs and wants more sport and I need to keep him to crew! cheers Dave
  9. Concrete filled tyre is the way to go, if you are at Muddiford as I was , at low water you can dig a hole to bury it , it held a 20' day sailor quite happly until some one else found a use for it at low water and removed it, leaving my boat to float up on to a sand bar, could have been worse it could have gone out to see, I was told that this does happen around there so beware.
  10. Good advice will do Thanks Colin
  11. Thanks Rob
  12. Hi again Rob you mention about going to the Pier , How far away would you suggest to start and would you anchor here or drift . Cheers Dave
  13. Thanks to you all, will be down about 10 ish. so once out I will give a call on Ch6 keeping fingers crossed that all the gremlins have been sorted with the engine ! Tight lines Dave
  14. Hi all looks as if the weather may give a break on Saurday , so will hoping to take "Happy Days" out for only the second time this year due to the poor weather and gearbox problems. I have a 2hr plus drive drive so need to make sure the weather is suitable for me ( a novice ) to get out , So here is hoping the Met office have it right this time . Can any one advise where I might try to fish, not looking to go out to far from the harbour but all suggestions welcome . If anyone else is out would be great to meet up. on ch 6 all the best Dave
  15. Hi all I was taking a look at the latest release of WSF and they are running "TV fishing" videos each month. You can log in and watch a program for about 25 mins for free. It is presented by Dave Barham of BFM magasine, probably old hat to the more seasoned but for someone new to boat fishing I found it interesting. Dave
  16. Thanks Mike , hopefully the wather will kind
  17. Slight change of plan for the week end , my crew has family commitments and will not be able to get out until the Sunday, if any one else will be about would be good to buddy up . Dave
  18. Thanks Mike I'll try and catch you on Ch 6 tight lines Dave
  19. Hi to you all I have finally got the engine sorted and hoping to take "Happy Days" out on Saturday .weather permitting!. Not had any success on the couple previous occasions and wondered if any one will be out so I can shadow them and change my fortune, I was thinking of staying inside the ferry crossing possibly around aunt Bessy any comments and ideas most welcome Cheers Dave
  20. Thanks Mike i keep on with it . all the best Dave
  21. hi Guys Sorry did not make any contact yesterday, engine presented more problems , luckily I had my Aux motor and got home safely but unfortunately no fishing. It will happen one day, engine, tides , sun and fish, all on the same day, I think perserverance has got to pay off sometimes. Hope you both a better luck and look forward to catchimg up another time Good luck Dae
  22. Hi Guys will give you both a call on 6. Have you any specific marks in mind?
  23. Hi to you all thought as the weather looks like staying fine tommorrow (29th ) that I would take my first trip of the year. Intending to get to Baiter about 10(due to distance) go out for a few hours to drown some worms. If anyone else is about be good to meet up either at the slip or Channel 6 regards Dave
  24. Thanks again for all your input , now i know where it is I was able to find on my chart . I will certainly take your advice and leave plenty between me and it. I would really love to come down to one of the meetings but due to my distance away it is not really practicle, but is great to have all your knowledge at the end of my key board and really appreciate your help and advice, When I come down next I will try and make contacl via vhf. thanks again regards Dave
  25. Can any one divulge where the training bank is , thinking of going out tuesday and that sounds interesting . cheers Dave
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