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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by lofty

  1. https://www.facebook.com/davinamarquant/videos/1550438594245/
  2. Hope they tell the nets not to catch bass.
  3. Trouble is I'm not a member of cobbs so I normally go in at Baitor and paddle
  4. Yes. 10-2 fishing times All between the hard and the rockley bridge We did pop up to see you at cobbs but everyone was still out at 4 so had a drink and came home. It goes to show what size difference is between different parts of the harbour. 45 fished. 25 caught. Some had 9 fish,many like myself couldn't find them, despite good worms from Andy at PSAC. I will be venturing into holes bay looking for a 3lber some time soon
  5. Didn't bring them to weigh in but here's me and Bri Wouldn't have troubled the winners Bri 10 Me 19
  6. Cheers Rob The photo limit has scuppered me again !!!!
  7. What an amazing day that was I had a great summer,finished off with the Ladram meet. Really nice chilled out meet. The summer at an end and thoughts go towards winter fishing I wonder if I can get a decent cod at Blue Anchor? A 10 lber = proper cod Just for that remark I'm going to head butt and crap on you And to finish the year, the way I started it, on the flounders I've had an awesome years kayak fishing, pushed my expectations and have been rewarded, had a lot of fun with many great mates. It'll be quiter for the next few months, but really looking forward to a terrific 2016 Here's to lighter evenings, no wind, the sun on your faces , and fabulous fishing Luvtoots
  8. Had a great year on my Dorado 2 this year with many PBs and at time of print 29 species Started in the usual way killing the winter floundering, and had some belters in Holes bay, although haven't found the honey hole yet Spring was kickstarted with the 3rd Plaice chase, which saw a great turnout and a nice amount of fish and money raised for HOW, and supported by Pbsbac Then on Starwars day the Black Bream arrived. It had been crap but on May the 4th everyone started catching, with Swanage once again doing the honours As soon as everyone had got their bream fix the Swanage meet came around, with club boats providing a safety net for all anglers Personally species comps are not my bag. I'm too easily distracted by the bigger fish and as usual I soon gave up trying for species and had my ray gear out I wasn't disappointed I've had some cracking summer days fishing Poole bay Had some great fishing in Oxwich Guess what I got distracted on the species comp Oxwich is great I've had brilliant Ray's this year and numerous other big fish My highlight of the year was my incredible session on the smuts in the Solent. A dream days fishing with big double after big double destroying me. I lost count after a dozen. The longest was 148cm long.
  9. Happy birthday Neal Sent from the future using my iPhone 27
  10. Just dogs and whiting for me. When that sun went in it was cold Some nice snaps though Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. 1) Court Jester - Neal, Stuie & Alfie 2) Tigerfish Steve S, Alun J, others tba 3) Madness - Martin, Dean, Terry B 4) Kelly's Hero- John S, Allan G, Dave S. Plus non member. 5) Reel Magic Dave crew TBA 6) Illusion Tom Crew TBA Both non members 7) Wishin Too- Nigel & Mal 8) Marlin - Greg, Vic(Non Member) 9) Kingfisher - Chris, Lester 10. Slice of Life. Lofty
  12. So are they going to ban gill nets along the coast? I doubt it
  13. Was meant to be going on the 5th but with a worsening forecast I juggled my jobs around and went on the 4th Meant an earlier start so 6am on the road for a two hour jaunt to Blue Anchor,twixt Watchet and Minehead Met up with Ken and Len( his moustache) and Martin from Ivybridge, and headed out into flat seas Because the sand gives way to mud at low water you only get to fish three hours either side of the tide. Fishing over high is generally better Target species today was conger, hopefully cod, and whatever else turned up, usually thornys Wasn't too long to wait and I had my first strap conger They don't like it when you get them to the boat, good bit of fun getting them off the hook I had 4 more straps and then a proper eel,estimated at 25-30 lb judging by the size of its head. I tried pulling the hook but didn't need to as he straightened my 5/0 circle A couple of moves later and I was on the gully by the reef, fishing lug. Only had my cod goggles on by now, when a nice pull, a few nods, and a 10-5 cod was between my legs Job done. Money shot on the beach, lovely sunset and an easy drive home. Blue Anchor never disappoints
  14. lofty

    Caption Comp?

    I've looked all over this boat coxswain, and I still can't see a Cornish flag. Pass the pasty on the left hand side my ansome
  15. Happy birthday Mal
  16. Wonder where the tinware is now?
  17. Happy birthday Stuie
  18. Hi Doggie Nice first post. Not sure chumming will bring you noticeable results in Poole bay, but you never know. Have a look at the online navionics maps, may give you an insight into the sea bed. There is also a website worth looking up. DORIS. Marine mapping. There's a few reefy bits close in, Durley and Bournemouth rocks, and the Poole Patches. Looking forward to your next post,hopefully with something bigger
  19. Presume this is you?Caught a 3lb plaice at that exact spot Friday
  20. Happy birthday Nigel
  21. lofty

    New member

    Hi Ron. Welcome to the club. The info available if you put in an effort is amazing. 6 years ago I'd never held a fishing rod. We do a species hunt each year for members boats, and the variety caught is amazing. So far this year as an individual, not a boat, I'm on 27 with an aim for 31. This is partly down to the help the members give with providing info on what and where. Try to make the meets and you'll be welcomed into the fold
  22. Just back from a nice couple of days in Ladram. Great atmosphere and chilled vibe. Won't do a big write up as I'm cream crackered, and the fishing was good but nothing to write home about My home for a couple of days A nice start to my Friday Twitchy conditions Loads of plaice Loads of these Wrasse on a fisssssshhhhhh Monster Mac (1.5lb) Went for a night session targeting congers. Lots of pout and a huge Huss Whole maccy head keeps the dogs at bay Saturday was more of the same fishing, but with an easterly to take the edge off A new species for the hunt Paid some minions to haul me back to me tent Had a burnt steak in the clubhouse,great catching up with old and new chums,enjoyed watching the welsh rugger win. No names needed. Some bugger banjoed my motor Cheers Mark Berleypro for taking the details as the swine drove off Great weekend Hope the hangovers aren't too bad and well done to Donk and HOW for a good bash Luvtoots
  23. Don't piss about. Pay this as soon as possible.
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