I think this problem started with the netting of flounders for pot bait a few years ago.
Then the addition of seals in there ( bass nursery area ???)
and the explosion of cormorants / shags is doing the fish stocks catastrophic damage which may never come back with all this predation......but what do I know , the " EXPERTS " seem to think there's no problem !!!
Hi Mark, thanks for that tip about " Theme", that has sorted out the font size problem on my phoneπ
Will check computer later and see whats happening there.
Will also see if other stuff is now easier to find instead of having to greatly enlarge the post.
Why are the posts shown in such minute writing??
I have to enlarge them just to be able to read them !!
Sorry, may just be me ,but this cannot be right ??
Nowhere as easy to find topics, posts etc. as old
On my phone I am getting the 403 error message.
The screen alternates between normal size
and then everything goes very small writing but rest stays large? Have to really zoom in to be able to read the comments.
Happening on computer as well!