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Everything posted by Harnessboy

  1. Not much to add to Bens report, I was given charge of Ben from his wife Claire at 0700 hrs on the morning of Thursday, her parting words were please feed him or he gets grumpy, well feed him i did, for four days, it must have been enough as he was like a big jolly bear all weekend, I handed him back to Claire on the Sunday afternoon non the worse for wear. Well, he may have had a little too much alcohol in his blood stream, but otherwise he was fine. Oh! the reason you need to talk to Ben alot is that the last thing you want is for Ben to get to sleep before anyone else on the campsite because of the noise he makes when he gets to sleep (HORrrific) and i was in the camper he was in his tent 10 yards away. Claire how do you cope???????. Anyway what a fantastic weekend we had great fun and great company, Ben got his own back on me from our trip to Poole Patch and beat me hands down, best of all we beat the Welsh lads on home ground, and to be fair they were gracious in defeat. Next up is Ladram Bay Exmouth 24th 25th 26th Aug another great place to visit and fish. Just a couple of shot of Oxwich Bay. One of the odd tents found over the weekend. Thanks to the Banner we met a few new faces from the south coast.
  2. Great read Tom, thoroughly enjoyed it, better luck next time looking for those, ahem!! Bass. Paul.
  3. Thanks Dave i will check it out. Paul
  4. Count me in Ben but i don't want you talking my glass eye to sleep, AGAIN!! Noowoooks!!!!!!!
  5. Nice one Lofty another good day out. Paul.
  6. Martin thanks for that i will pass it on to Mark i did say to him i thought it may take a couple of days to get sorted. Thanks again Paul
  7. Ben (Sea gypsy) Lofty (lofty13) Paul (Harnessboy) Steve(Maver) Mark (uglystick) Robert (son of uglystick) Both new members awaiting registration.
  8. Ben (Sea gypsy) Lofty (lofty13) Paul (Harnessboy)
  9. Count me in for the 14th, if it's a goer.
  10. Hi Adam Yes it has clashed with a big kayak fishing comp in South Wales that some of us had already booked up for last year. I will contact Ben and get him to have a word with you asap. Paul
  11. Don't listen to him Lofty it's going to be a dry weekend of early to bed, up at sparrows fart, fish all day, catch absolutely sod all and try again the next day. Have no idea what all this drinking and banter rubbish is about.
  12. Nice one Ben it looks very tidy. I bet it doesn't stay that way once you get hungry and start looking for your sarnies.
  13. You know me Ben, Safety first
  14. As you can see Ben was a bit reticent to leave the safety of the beach but i did finally manage to coax him into those wild seas
  15. Firstly apologies for the small amount of photo's to add but here are a couple of the big lad and one of the tiny starry i got.
  16. For those of you that know Ben, you will understand what a massive job it was trying to talk him into taking the day off on Monday javascript:emoticon(''), but given the excellent weather forecast he just couldn't resist the charms of Poole Patch. This was only my second outing in the new scupper and with the new Garmin 451s fitted and i have to say it is quite impressive. Ben was kind enough to pick me up at around 0600 hrs and we sped off to dig some worm, 20 minutes later we had plenty, so it was off to Durley to rig the yaks. The sea state was lake like, and beautiful. I punched up Poole Patch and we set off with very little in the way other craft in sight, not sure about you engine borne lads but it never ceases to amaze me what a stunning place we are fortunate enough to live in, especially with an early morning start the views are wonderful. I digress, it was a pleasant enough paddle out to our mark where we found a couple of buoys to tie off to and down went the first bait. I decided to use squid on a single 1/0 circle in the vain hope of my first Bream from the yak, bugger me within 2 minutes the first rod, a 210 uglystick bent nicely and up came the first fish of the day, a small bream similar in size to the one Ben got later. I then had trouble keeping up with the rods nodding before i could re-bait the other one next up were two Mackies on the baited feathers then a doggy, a couple more mackies another 3 dogs and to my utter surprise my first ever starry, two new species from the yak in one day, can't be bad. The starry was only around 15 inches long but it was new to me. There after i was into dogfish city, so when Ben suggested we take the tide down to Bournemouth pier i was happy to oblige. The wind had picked up a little but was still light, once there i anchored up all too close to Ben, some way off the pier and we just kept bumping into each other no matter what we did. Had a right laugh trying to keep out of each others way whilst retrieving the anchors. We moved in closer to the pier and ben brought out his secret weapon, a 15 inch long rag that he couldn't believe never got touched, neither of us had any luck so we up anchored and drifted on the tide back to our launch site at Durley. Thanks to Bens plan going like a dream we both thoroughly enjoyed our trip. Our only mistake was not taking the sails for the return to Durley but as i said, a great morning out with good company. Thanks Ben. Paul pictures to follow
  17. Nice one Lofty, i had a couple real beauties (Plaice) from that spot last year, keep at it they are out there. Paul
  18. Hi Mark good to see you out there again and no blank either, nice one mate. Paul
  19. Nice one Ben and thanks for talking me into another great day Sailing/Paddling today, great fun.
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