Very interesting and important thread and its good to hear we all share concerns over future fish stocks.
For the record when I catch [ not always the case aboard Spike !] I take one or two fish for the table always eaten fresh and enjoyed as a special treat. All other fish bare minimum handling and returned asap.
Still on the subject of catch and release, I think I can identify male and female Bream but can anyone help with Bass ? I know mother nature needs both sexes to reproduce but it would be useful to be able to spot the difference if possible.
A few years ago we were the only boat anchored on a bank a mile or two off Orford Ness off the Suffolk coast cod fishing in November. At the time we fished from a 16ft Orkney Strikeliner. A RIB approached at high speed, nothing unusual in that, but I soon realised he was heading for us [ well there were no other boats to be seen]. He came alongside side and introduced himself as a fisheries protection officer and asked what we had caught and was looking for any fish aboard. I explained this was one of our first trips out and we had only just started fishing so nothing to declare so to speak. He remained alongside informing us that a long liner around the headland he had inspected had caught a number of good sized Cod then wished us well and motored off along the coast.
On another trip we met the same FPO on the quay inspecting a small trawler's catch of Sole late at night.
Next trip out same spot, only boat fishing, same high speed RIB approach but this time 3 aboard from HM Customs and Excise. 4 rods out the back they asked what were we doing !!... I politely explained fishing if we get a chance.... They visually scanned the boat, commented it was good to see lifejackets being worn then wished us well and powered off along the coast.
I have yet to come across this whilst fishing inshore from Mudeford or the Solent and Needles areas and I don't particularly want to either but it would help educate those who are totally unaware of minimum size limits which would lead to more returned fish.
All the best,