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Everything posted by Tiderunner

  1. Very interesting and important thread and its good to hear we all share concerns over future fish stocks. For the record when I catch [ not always the case aboard Spike !] I take one or two fish for the table always eaten fresh and enjoyed as a special treat. All other fish bare minimum handling and returned asap. Still on the subject of catch and release, I think I can identify male and female Bream but can anyone help with Bass ? I know mother nature needs both sexes to reproduce but it would be useful to be able to spot the difference if possible. A few years ago we were the only boat anchored on a bank a mile or two off Orford Ness off the Suffolk coast cod fishing in November. At the time we fished from a 16ft Orkney Strikeliner. A RIB approached at high speed, nothing unusual in that, but I soon realised he was heading for us [ well there were no other boats to be seen]. He came alongside side and introduced himself as a fisheries protection officer and asked what we had caught and was looking for any fish aboard. I explained this was one of our first trips out and we had only just started fishing so nothing to declare so to speak. He remained alongside informing us that a long liner around the headland he had inspected had caught a number of good sized Cod then wished us well and motored off along the coast. On another trip we met the same FPO on the quay inspecting a small trawler's catch of Sole late at night. Next trip out same spot, only boat fishing, same high speed RIB approach but this time 3 aboard from HM Customs and Excise. 4 rods out the back they asked what were we doing !!... I politely explained fishing if we get a chance.... They visually scanned the boat, commented it was good to see lifejackets being worn then wished us well and powered off along the coast. I have yet to come across this whilst fishing inshore from Mudeford or the Solent and Needles areas and I don't particularly want to either but it would help educate those who are totally unaware of minimum size limits which would lead to more returned fish. All the best, Mike
  2. All the best for both birthdays lads ! Mike
  3. I don't think you could all possibly have any more anticipation or enthusiasm but just in case here is an excerpt from my fishing diary dated June 10th - 14th 2002. This was our first of 3 annual trips to Alderney in search of Turbot, Brill and Bass aboard a local charter boat - " ...Our first 3 day trip to Alderney to fish the sandbanks and tidal races surrounding the island hoping to catch our first Turbot. Unsettled weather did not stop us fishing on all 3 days. The lads fished hard in testing boat conditions and Chris and I were rewarded with our first ever Turbot caught on live Launce on the same drift over the South banks. I will never forget the moment these fish came aboard, they were in superb condition and gave a great fight in the tidal run. Magnificent fish which weighing 10 and 12 lbs ! Mission accomplished, however it would not be unusual to catch a Turbot in these waters weighing 18 - 20lbs.....next year maybe ?.... " I am starting to feel very nostalgic. Have a great trip everyone ! Mike
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