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Everything posted by budgie

  1. budgie

    Boat Antifoul

    After me being very busy at work / home for what feels like ages, and only being out on the boat once since Oct last year, I am now getting ready to put her back in the water. Its at Rockley at the Mo but looking to put her back on a mooring and need to get her Anti fouled I am struggling for the time to get it done as I live in Amesbury Does anyone know a decent company that will do a good job or does any one in the club do it and able do do it in the next week or so? my mobile is 07760668320 if you know someone or can do it, we can arrange a price and ill pay cash on completion. Thanks Budgie
  2. my winnie will be out from about 0700
  3. budgie

    Dry Stack

    i have been at Rockley since July (previously at Lakeyard), its the 3rd dry stack I have used in recent years (Trafalgar Wharf & Gosport) and find it good. Like Brian my is in a cradle and easy to work on when I need to do jobs, It also saves on maintenance costs, lift out and scrubs and antifoul. I do miss just popping down to the boat any time of the day / night for a trip out without having to arrange the boat going in the water but it suits me. Staff at Rockley are very friendly and all boaters chatty.
  4. congrats, I took My Winnie out off Southbourne till 0100 lots of fish with a total of 8 species but no Sole.
  5. budgie


    Im Planning on taking Wy Winnie out tomorrow afternoon for a bass trip and then staying out till the wee hours to target some Sole. are any boats going out tomorrow and does anyone know of the best marks in the bay, I was thinking of trying for the sole off southbourne.
  6. budgie


    My Winnie will be out from about 0700
  7. thinking of heading out to some wrecks, but will see when we get out what the weather is like, if we don't go might see you there. Will be listening out on Ch06
  8. My Winnie will be heading out from about 1100, where are you thinking of going?
  9. My Winnie had 5 in total but nothing over 1lb, I gave up and went for species in the end.
  10. Not fish a club comp before, how do we enter and what are the timings?
  11. I have a crew of me plus Gareth (new member) and 1 who is not a member, can he enter? if yes: Court Jester - Neal, Mike, Ian Kingfisher- Chris, Mal (Alderney trip dependant) Fisheagle-Allan, Dave and Mike Pike. Serenity - tony .peter Wishin Too-Nigel,Martin Cherrett Wessex Lady - Dave Lynes & Ron Lake(non Member) just chillin - rich and emma Sweet Chariot - Oli, Nick, Tim My Winnie - Budgie, Gareth & Garry (non member)
  12. just passed this on to a friend of mine who is after a Warrior.
  13. Comments from another web site: "...the vessel never suffered any loss of propulsion or steerage nor was it any kind of pilot or navigational error. Early indications are that poor ballast/bunker tank management could be to blame. A large amount of bunker fuel was allowed to drain from the port side over to starboard at the moment the vessel was negotiating the turn to port around the west bramble cardinal buoy. This, combined with slack ballast tanks caused the vessel to take on a very pronounced list to starboard. ...she had made a full 180 degree turn round to port and was listing at approx 50 degrees. The pilot deliberately beached the car carrier in an effort to avoid a potential capsize situation. ...it's important to stress how calm and collected the pilot remained throughout the whole incident. He was the last person to be airlifted off the stricken vessel and deserves the utmost respect for his behaviour".
  14. Was in the Mob and was very active in the AAF, ran the Boat Championships, Interservices, etc for a few years after Jed, then managed the Army Team for about 5 years, Think I do remember something to do with Back casting lol.
  15. They are a secretive lot but Mike is right you can get a lot from them when they are fishing. The AAF used to fish against the England Squad on a friendly comp once a year in Newhaven, the first year they kicked our butt and the second year we kicked theirs. The Navy and RAF had guys in the England squad so when we fished the Interservices boat champs and Combined Service V's the Police boat match, we used to watch the England Team guys and then take it away and have training days to practice on what we saw. Oh how I miss getting paid to go fishing lol.
  16. Thanks Mike, Work has prevented me going to the meetings but hoping to make it next week, so see you there Budgie
  17. I have given up competition fishing since leaving the Army but happy to take you both out on my boat in exchange for some info on the marks around Poole Harbour and Bay.
  18. Agree also and hes a sea fisherman
  19. budgie

    Boat thefts

    Thanks for the info, was it just Mudeford or did they get to th boats in Christchurch along the river
  20. Sorry, Am in Watford working tonight.
  21. budgie

    West bay

    I saw couple of boing spots of fish just off Hengisbury Head last Sunday. They only happened for a few seconds but good to see there maybe some Mackerel out there
  22. budgie

    Boat storage

    Its a big decision and something i decided a few years ago. I fully agree how much of a hastle it is to tow the boat and it does put you off an evenings fishing as it can add a few hours to you trip. I think Davis Boat Yard is still a good price for trailer storage, but the slipway is tidal. I tried to get a good deal at Cobbs Quay for dry stack but for my boat they wanted over £2800 per year. dry Stack is a great option its just so expensive. I am moving to a council mooring in Christchurch, this has cost me to get the boat anti fowled and i will see how it goes, but agree that it is a matter of what is right for you. LS Marine also do storage and are very close to the slipways, not sure how good they are.
  23. I have a 5hp Suzuki 2 stroke engine, in great condition, selling for £300.00 Has been hardly used, has a few scratches but been sat in my garage since last year. I am in Afghan at the moment and not home for another 4 weeks, but it can be viewed in Amesbury, just need to arrange with my wife. PM for more info if interested. Mark
  24. It is a great spot to fish there, I used to fish there in a small dinghy, the Cafe in the car park is great for a warm up after fishing, like you said easy access and great parking, though can get very busy in the summer. Tides can run hard heading towards Calshot around what is left of the Boat Plane Station. A good mark there used to be oposite the white house in your first pic, fisihng the channel into Beaulieu River for bass.
  25. Thanks, not so memorable, I am sat in Kabul wishing I was fishing lol.
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