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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Ben

  1. Ben

    Happy Birthday

  2. Ben

    Happy Birthday

    Cheers lads had a nice day sat on my arse lol nice one for all the wishes Ben
  3. If You have handed over ££££ for some one to rebuild a engine and got it back in that state you should be asking them to sort it otherwise go down the court road .... Don't let them take the piss out of you mate !!!! Get on the phone
  4. Happy birthday Ben
  5. Top one mate bet ur well chuffed see you out there soon for another race lol
  6. Happy birthday mate
  7. Gutted for you mate !!!!!
  8. Nice one Adam nice gloves as well !!! 😛😛
  9. Just a quick one to say thank you for organizing the prizes for the junior comp Neil I belive ? My boys are well chuffed with there bits they have won and I'm sure it will make them even keener to get out next year even more . Thanks Ben Jack and Lewis
  10. 1. Kingfisher 2. Fisheagle 3. Slice of Life 4. Awol 5. Reflections 2 6. The Grinch 7.Wishin Too 8 Freeboys 9. Yelo 10. Tiddler 11. Mistress 12. JoJo 13. MegaByte 14. Wight Magic 15. Sweet Pea 16. Tigerfish 17. Alfresco 18 Court Jester 19. Hobbit 19. Serenity 20. Star Turn 21. Just Chillin 22. Fillet up
  11. Great post Charlie It's great to get them fishing as early as possible and encouraged in every way eg:- the idea of giving prizes is a great idea ... And defiantly helps / encourages them for the future . I definitely think that this would be a great idea to take them all out and if possible get as many as possible on the same boat so they can all get to know each other better I for one would be willing to gilly/set up gear for the day and not fish if it would help . Let me know if you want to put something together . Ben
  12. Happy birthday mate
  13. Shouldn't be driving springs to mind !!!!
  14. Lol I'm going for twin 115"s next year ... If they would only fit !!!
  15. Suppose it depends how far you want to go in it and how quickly you want to get there
  16. Me and my lad will be out off xchurch somewhere ...... Will be on 6
  17. I will be out again how far depends on the wind !
  18. Looks like there's a lot less wind than forecast here in Verwood than forecast !!!! Right pack gear and off to the boat ....
  19. Me and my boy will be out 10ish be on c6 prob on clan
  20. 1) Court Jester plus crew TBA (on each and every day possible!) 2) Kingfisher plus crew Jim Davies Plus TBA (on each and every day possible! Will try hard to make it!) 3) AWOL Martin + Jon 4) Fisheagle plus Allan, Dave (Coddy) and Jan T. 5) Serenity , will need crew any volunteers , Tony + Rich 6) Wight Magic crew tba 7) fillet up crew tba
  21. Ben

    Insurance coverage

    Don't know Martin mines at tuckton with some large trees right by it
  22. Ben

    Insurance coverage

    Lol .... Yeh but there are some large trees up by me !
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