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Everything posted by PLD

  1. PLD


    Think you’ll find these are “Acid (or spiral) Wrapped” rods. Fairly common in the states. Specifically for use with multipliers. http://www.acidrod.com/acidrods.html peter
  2. It’s official https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=uriserv%3AOJ.LI.2018.244.01.0001.01.ENG&toc=OJ%3AL%3A2018%3A244I%3ATOC
  3. Abu 7000 are good solid reels at reasonable price. KastKing gear is exceptionally good stuff. I use one of their baitcasters (Spartacus) for inshore fishing for bream etc it’s a joy to use.
  4. The articles at the bottom of the document are pretty clear. “This Regulation shall enter into force on the third day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.”
  5. Just found this link to the official Journal of the EU regarding the easing of the ban. https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=COM%3A2018%3A613%3AFIN From what I can tell reading down the document, the proposal HAS been accepted and comes into law tomorrow 7th Sept (3 days after publication in the official journal]. I am happy to be corrected. But I believe this to be genuine. peter
  6. PLD

    Course adventure

    What a small world, I also used to be a member of the ‘ Twicks’ but mainly fished the matches back then late 60’s / 70’s. Then moved on to fly fishing, mainly Kempton, Barn Elms and Queen Mother reservoirs. Still love my coarse and fly fishing but having moved to Christchurch have now added sea fishing to the list. On the Royalty tomorrow/ Thursday , fly fishing with disabled children on Friday and boat fishing on Monday. Too much fishing, too little time. Funnily enough another well known (in coarse circles) ex member of Twickenham Piscatorials and Francis Francis club has just moved to Christchurch. Peter
  7. PLD

    Dory type boat wanted

    Thanks Jerry, I appreciate the advice. Peter
  8. Looking for a (cheapish) dory type open fishing boat or similar for use in Christchurch harbour. Condition not critical as long as usable. Maximum 16 ft. With or without engine. thanks Peter
  9. Brand name is Bungee Spongee http://bungee-spongee.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=62
  10. PLD

    German Coastguard

  11. PLD

    Strap-on Gopro

    Hi Wedger, I have an SJCam 4000 which you are welcome to borrow. Fully waterproof, I've used it to take underwater shots. Has a load of accessories, charger, sd card etc. Not specifically strap on, but enough odds and sods to rig something or can be clipped on to a belt. It's basically a cheaper version of the wifi GoPro but with very similar functions. You can also download an app for editing offline. I'm also away fishing from Sunday. If interested, give me a call on 07523327475. I live in West Christchurch. Peter
  12. Hi All, My name's Peter (PLD). I've been a member for a couple of years but don't have a boat. As a relative newcomer to sea angling I've been out quite a few times on Manta Ray and I think I have finally beaten the dreaded seasickness (tempting fate or what?). I still have a lot to learn and would love to be able to crew occasionally for club members. As a retiree I can often be available at short notice and on weekdays. Am happy to help out with costs and would also be happy to repay/earn favours by helping out with maintenance tasks. As a lifelong coarse and game angler I moved to Christchurch 3 years ago from Twickenham for a better lifestyle and to be nearer to family. Sea angling is new and I am really enjoying the learning curve. Hope to hear from you. Peter
  13. That's a serious pike. Great catch
  14. Out with Tomo on Manta Ray this afternoon conducting some trials following a modification to the hull. In the distance we could see a coastguard helicopter circling around. After steaming for a few minutes the helicopter 'buzzed' us. Thinking nothing of it we continue steaming only to get buzzed again. By now it was obvious something was going on. So I went out on deck and looked up, only to see a crewman holding up a board with 67 written on it. We now tune the radio to channel 67 and are immediately called up by the helicopter and asked if we would mind taking part in a training exercise. Well you don't refuse such a request and so are asked to steam west at a steady 10 knots. We were then privileged to be treated to the following spectacle. Very exciting stuff. Hope the links work Sent from my iPad
  15. PLD

    Lure Storage

    Thanks folks, looks like I'm worrying unnecessarily.
  16. PLD

    Lure Storage

    Have been building a small collection of soft plastic lures, Sidewinders, Tsunamis, Berkleys, etc. and was wounding what the best method of storage is. There are currently in original packaging, but this takes up a fair bit of space. Are they ok to store together loose in a plastic tub? Have read about possible problems with colours bleeding, plastics reacting together and meltdown? With the price of these lures it would be great to get some advice from other members. Thanks in advance. Peter
  17. PLD

    A fNightmare

    Subject: A father's nightmare.. A father goes into his daughter's bedroom and sees a letter addressed to "Mum and Dad" on the bed. With a heavy heart he opens it and reads: Dear Mum & Dad, It is with great regret and sorrow that I'm telling you that I've eloped with my new boyfriend. I've found real love and he is so nice. Especially with all his piercings, scars, tattoos and his stolen Harley. But it's not only that, I'm pregnant, and Ahmed said that we will be very happy in his caravan in Epping Forest. He wants to have many more children with me and that's one of my dreams too. I've learned that marijuana does not hurt anyone and we'll be growing it for us and Ahmed's friends. They're the ones providing us with all the cocaine and ecstasy we could ever want. In the meantime we'll pray for science to find a cure for AIDS, so Ahmed can get better. He deserves it. Don't worry about money, Ahmed has arranged for me to be in films that his friends Leroy and Jamal make in their basement. Apparently, I can earn £200 per scene. I get a £200 bonus if there are more than three men in the scene, and an extra £100 for the Alsatian. Don't worry Mum. Now I'm 14 I know how to take care of myself. Someday we'll visit you and Dad so that you can meet your grandchildren. Dad, we found the cash you were hiding from mum, but don't worry we left you a few quid. Your loving daughter, Angelina. .. . . P.S. Dad, for God's sake calm down. It's not true I'm actually watching TV at the neighbours. I just wanted to show you that there really are worse things in life than England loosing the bloody Ashes.
  18. Hi Johnny, Trick from pike (coarse) fishing is to use rubber float "stops". Perfect for slider floats and they slide up the braid easily, but DO lubricate with spit whilst sliding up the line. Rubber stop slips easily through the rings. Works equally well on braid or mono. Good luck Peter
  19. Who is that stunningly good looking chap in the hat? First ever bream (x3) and not at all seasick. Great day out, great company and great fun. Thanks Al and the rest of the gang. Peter
  20. PLD

    The Ballerina

    A large woman, wearing a sleeveless sundress, walked into a bar in Dublin, Ireland. She raised her right arm, revealing a huge, hairy armpit as she pointed to all the people sitting at the bar and asked, "What man here will buy a woman a drink?" The bar went silent as the patrons tried to ignore her. But down at the end of the bar, an owl-eyed drunk slammed his hand down on the counter and bellowed, "Give the ballerina a drink!" The bartender poured the drink, and the woman chugged it down. She turned to the patrons and again pointed around at all of them, revealing the same hairy armpit, and asked, "What man here will buy a lady another drink?" Once again, the same little drunk slapped his money down on the bar and said, "Give the ballerina another drink!" The bartender approached the little drunk and said, "Tell me, Paddy, it's your business if you want to buy the lady a drink, but why do you keep calling her the ballerina?" The drunk replied, "Any woman who can lift her leg that high has got to be a ballerina!"
  21. Jim, Standpit Recreation Ground, is on the road between Christchurch and Mudeford post code is Bh233nd, Just past Ship in Distress Pub. Peter
  22. PLD

    Sea Sick - Help

    Thanks guys, some really useful tips here. Think I'll try the stugeron next and then the phenergan and sudafed if they don't work. Seem to remember giving Phenergan to our daughter to help her sleep. Funny you should mention pork pies Charlie, Paul D did warn me about these, think he called them 'barf bombs' Much appreciated
  23. PLD

    Sea Sick - Help

    Some advice please. Although a member, I have only ever been out boat fishing twice and both times was sick. I did buy some of those special 'boarding ring' glasses much to the amusement of the crew and although I was still sick the glasses did seem to reduce the impact and the sickness passed in a couple of hours. I am determined to beat this as it is really stopping me from getting out there. So, any advice please? Do other members suffer and how do you overcome it? Do pills work? Which ones? Does ginger help? I'm desperate to get out fishing and would love to crew with other members but need to be in control of this before I would impose on any of you. Advice gratefully received, Peter
  24. PLD

    Hello All

    Shush PJ - don't tell Tomo
  25. PLD

    Hello All

    Hello Everyone, I'm Peter Le Duc and I have just joined. I confess to being a total novice at sea fishing and do not as yet have anything bigger than a 10ft dinghy which I use in Christchurch harbour. I still live up in the smoke but have a caravan in Christchurch which we stay in for most of the summer. Hope to move to Christchurch before too long and then, maybe, get a proper boat. In the meantime I would like to learn as much as possible about sea fishing and maybe have a few trips out. I am good friends with Tomo and Paul D, and know PJ and Charlie, but please don't hold this against me. I have also been to some of your social events and hope to get along to a few meetings. Well, that's me, hope to meet up with a few more of you in the future. Regards Peter
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