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Everything posted by rich185

  1. What a great looking boat, well done adam. rich.
  2. Happy Birthday guys, glad you had a good day. Rich.
  3. Me and emma will be out Saturday and sunday, trying the patch and maybe swanage Rich.
  4. It does matter. Most modern 2 stroke outboards dynamically mix the gas and oil and use a low oil to gas ratio because they run cool. Two stroke motors like a chain saw are designed for a much higher oil gas ratio. It's not so much that you use a "marine" oil as it is you use a 2-stroke oil designed to work properly with the low oil:gas ratio your outboard uses. The cheap 2-stroke oil designed for a chain saw would cause damage to your outboard, just make sure you use outboard oil which has a tcw3 rating on it. If you wanna buy locally then force 4 down Bournemouth road will have some 2 stroke tcw3 quicksilver oil. Rich
  5. If only i had the money dave, good luck with the sale. Rich
  6. Saw Alfresco go past us yesterday evening while we were on the mooring looking very smart Charlie, well done.
  7. Well thanks for all the reassuring replys guys, feel much better now. Iv got a couple of stainless plates made up at work for the bow roller and cleat. Drilled out the bow roller for some new m8 bolts that I fitted today and brought meself a much more beify cleat which takes 4 m8 bolts and put a plate under that too. would it be ok to use chain from the mooring, up to the bow roller then where then is 2 holes on the vertical plates on the bow roller put a padlock through there and also through one of the last links in the chain, then going to rope which I can wrap around the cleat, obviously using plenty of grease on the lock? By doing that iv got it effectively tied on in two different places and padlocked from little s#*ts cheers rich.
  8. Hi guys, on my shetland 535 i have a bow roller held on with 4 M6 bolts, and one 6 inch cleat just behind the bow roller which has 2 M6 bolts holding that on. Is the size of the cleat big enough for mooring onto or should i need a bigger one? and should i go with M8 or M10 bolts? Im going to make up some stainless plates to go on the underside. Also is this the best way to tie the boat onto the mooring, or are there safer better ways too on my boat? Thanks Rich
  9. If you dont mind a swinging mooring in poole, then salterns marina is quite cheap and not to far from the entrance. It worked out at just under £900 but amazingly got it for just over half that price for a shetland 535 from april till end of oct. Free use of the taxi boat to take you out to your boat anytime between 8am and 6pm I think, and use of there slipway and facilities. Good luck with your search rich.
  10. Well done steve, you did better than me in the harbour. rich
  11. Hi steve, sorry to here about your trees but if you need anyone to cut the trees up then a may be able to help you. My number is 07795253844. Rich.
  12. 1. Kingfisher 2. Fisheagle 3. Slice of Life 4. Awol 5. Reflections 2 6. The Grinch 7.Wishin Too 8 Freeboys 9. Yelo 10. Tiddler 11. Mistress 12. JoJo 13. MegaByte 14. Wight Magic 15. Sweet Pea 16. Tigerfish 17. Alfresco 18 Court Jester 19. Serenity 20. Star Turn 21. Just Chillin
  13. rich185

    5hp Aux

    Hi Brian, a friend of mine is selling a 4hp mariner engine, looks mid to late 90`s although it measures 17" from transom bracket to plate above the prop so short shaft. Let me know if your mate is interested. Rich
  14. Well this is it. Im using a 45l drum with a 500gph bilge pump with a 12v cigarette lighter adapter pumping water into the tube in the barrel with half a dozen holes on one side to make the water circulate clockwise with the top hole above the water line to put some bubbles into the water, and got a exit hole twice the size as the inlet at 1.5" and this goes out through a hole in the transom and tried it out yesterday and seemed to work well with the one mackerel i caught. What i am going to do now though is put a hole in the lid so i can put the bilge pump in the barrel whilst on the move and use a bit of perspex to cover the hole up that i will hinge into the lid with a small slot in it for the tubing so i can still close it whist the pump is in the barrel. Being demonstrated in my pond. Thanks everyone Rich.
  15. We ended up on the outer patch to, and a great morning to be out. Managed 6 bream and 1 mackerel. my best bream was 1lb 6oz and as usual emma beat me with a 1lb 7oz Well done every one who found the bigger ones. Rich.
  16. rich185

    Just chillin`s album

  17. 1) Court Jester - Neal, Stuie and Jon (JK) 2) Kingfisher - Chris, Dogfish Dave, Stu, Chris 3) Dream Drifter - Alfie Martin, (Berty non member) 4) MegaByte - Brian, Mark, Thomas, Tamzin 5) Awol- Martin, Dean, Rich Stevens 6) Wishin Too-Nigel,Martin Cherrett ,Mike Toms 7) Sweet Pea - Mal Thomas. Crew TBA 8) Kelly's Heroes - John Stevenson, Allan Green, Dave Samuels and Bill (Ferret). 9) Alfresco Charlie Dan Chrissie Will 10) Illusion - Tom Smith - plus crew 11) Imagine - Paul Frey and Alun J. 12) Wight Magic - Dave Evans, Ben, Charlie A, Sam A 14) Dog House - Andy Fail, Chris Large 15) Holy Mackeral- Yan Triska, Dave Loader (Non member) 16) Yelo - Kev - Mick Jacob jnr 17) Frisky Fox - Carol and Mike 18) Just Chillin - Rich and Emma
  18. Cheers for that steve and the pictures, thats just what i need. Rich
  19. Looks like id have to get a round tank with the fresh water going in and out then. But what do i do when traveling along cause i doubt it would suck water whilst the boat is moving, and id probaly have a lid on it so wouldnt be able to but the bilge in the tank with the lid on, unless a cut a small hole in the lid. Hi dave i have found a 30l and a 50l version of that barrel on ebay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/370797633748?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/330873014858?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 I would have thought these may be a better size, but how many mackerel could you keep in the 30l one? Thanks guys for your ideas rich
  20. Hi everyone, i want to make myself a livewell for mainly keeping mackerel alive for up to 4-5 hours. Been looking at a few ideas on the net and i like this idea because its simple and easy to set up. http://www.tinboats.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=14582 Basically a 40-60 liter cool box with a bilge pump pumping water into a spray bar to but oxygen into the water, but would this be sufficient for keeping mackerel alive cause i know they like there fresh water? Would i have to keep changing the water? Or would i have to get a barrel, something like this - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/350752781548?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 http://www.tropicalboating.com/2010/04/building-a-live-bait-well-for-a-small-boat and have fresh water going in and water going out an overflow. I dont have much room in my shetland so i dont want to go to crazy on the size of tank. Ideally prefer option 1 but would it be practical for the maccys ? How many mackerel can i keep in 50-60 liters of water? Your thoughts and ideas much appreciated. Rich
  21. Hi Nigel, after alot of searching on the net i brought some life jackets from http://www.lifejackets.co.uk/ the other day, i found them very helpful with fast delivery and with good prices too. I ended up going with these lifejackets http://www.lifejackets.co.uk/products/24/bluewave-150n-navy-automatic-lifejacket, they even added free crotch straps too. Hope this helps Rich
  22. Merry Christmas and a happy New year everyone. Rich and Emma.
  23. Hi mick They are good units, the only reason i choose the 620 over the 551 was cause i can use it in my mates boats with the internal battery in the unit which is handy. might even be worth a phonecall or email to garmin to see what difference there is, unless anyone on here knows. Rich
  24. Hi mick, well with out this card on my plotter which is the garmin 620 i have no detail on it at all cause it comes with no preloaded charts but some garmin plotters already come preloaded with the UK chart, but i don't know how that compares to this g2 card. What chartplotter do you have? It might be an idea to check on garmins website. Rich
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