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Everything posted by rich185

  1. Hi, if you could email me a detailed drawing of exactly what you want, im sure that i could get that knocked up at work. Would only be able to do it out of mild steel or aluminium, unless its thin, then might have some stainless steel. rich.sturt@hotmail.com rich
  2. Well done jim. Me and emma were fishing the swash channel when we saw you heading for the training bank. we only managed a few gurnards. rich.
  3. Happy birthday mick, have a good day.
  4. rich185

    Lady Luck

    Great report greg, very well done. Rich
  5. rich185

    Peeler Crab

    Probably not as productive as the crabs but we use squid for the smoothounds and seems to work well to. rich
  6. Could well be the stator under the flywheel, this creates charge from the flywheel to the coils within the stator. It could be the coils within the stator that are breaking down under load and when they get hot, sometimes when this happens whilst going along it literally feels like someone is just turning the key off. Wouldn't think it would be a ignition coil as if it was one of them the engine would still run, just not on all cylinders and would run rough instead of dying completely. Rich.
  7. How does this event work ? Me and Emma would like to do it but we are both workng early sat morning. What time does the comp start/finish? Rich
  8. Happy birthday guys.
  9. Well done mike, good result. rich
  10. Well done guys, i had to pull start my 50hp fourtroke on my old boat when we were fishing at the needles a couple of years ago when the fuse had blown due to a short in a cable against the engine. Can be done fairly easily with a good pull. But like rob said i can imagine its a bit harder when engine is cold. Did happy hooker have his engine down in the water whilst you were towing allan cause iv towed a few boats before and without the engine down the boat being towed sways all over the place? rich
  11. rich185


    Welcome steve, from another Shetland boat owner. rich.
  12. Well done nige, what a great bream, we went out and anchored closer to old harry yesterday evening and saw you already there, but just managed lots and lots of doggies, wrasse and pout, but no bream. rich
  13. Just chillin`s best was 2lb 0oz. Was great to finally get out fishing for the first time this year and was good to see so many club members down at cobbs. Rich and emma.
  14. Court Jester +crew TBA Kingfisher- Chris, Mal (Alderney trip dependant) Fisheagle-Allan, Dave and Mike Pike. Serenity - tony .peter Wishin Too-Nigel,Martin Cherrett Wessex Lady - Dave Lynes & Ron Lake(non Member) just chillin - rich and emma
  15. Cheers for the great comments guys. i hope to do the bream comp tony but will have to see how things go tomorrow first, but i will put our names down on the list. Just excited to finally get the boat in the water and catch some fish. Me and emma haven't been fishing since mid October last year! Rich
  16. Hi all, well iv had 2 osmosis pros looking at my hull and theyve both told me that there is nothing to worry about and use the boat, at the most it could be a very early sign of osmosis but nothing more than that, which was better news than i was expecting. So i have now spent about 30 hours scraping poor antifoul off the hull (never again!!!) and have lightly keyed up the hull for the new paint which also ended up smoothning out the blisters as they were so small. Hull looking great and have now given it 3 layers of hempel underwater primer followed by 2 layers of hempel tiger xtra. Engine is now back on the boat after iv serviced it aand running sweet. Now the best bit, ill be putting her in on f pontoon at cobbs for the summer season on Saturday providing saturdays weather doesn't get any worse, which will be just in time for the bream comp. Cant wait. Rich.
  17. Happy birthday guys, glad you both had a great day. rich.
  18. Happy birthday jim, have a great day!
  19. Hi charlie, yeah thats something im worried about doing. Im going to take the boat to a company in Christchurch tomorrow to get there expert opinion on what to do, hopefully will be good news, fingers crossed. rich.
  20. Thanks for the advice guys, and thanks for the offer mike, might take you up on that offer. Greg, the boat was built in 2001 and sold in 2002, i doubt there will be any warranty left on the hull. Will let you know how it goes. Rich.
  21. Hi, i got to grips with removing the old antifoul a week or so ago on the boat only to find thousands of tiny blisters on the gelcoat all over the hull below the water line. They are very small only about 2-7mm wide. i spoke to shetland boats to see what they recommend me to do and i was just told not to worry about it and to 80 grit sand the hull and then antifoul the boat and use it, i wasnt really happy with just doing that so iv now brought 3 tubs of hempels high protect osmosis protection and i was going to sand the hull up and put 3 or 4 coats of that on followed by some underwater primer and then the antifoul. Gutted that iv been able to buy a boat that is not very old but with this problem. Anyone got experience or any ideas as the best way to go about treating the hull? Any help much appreciated Rich
  22. rich185

    change of name

    Hi guys, just to let you know that iv changed my name now as i no longer have my 535. Iv changed it to rich185. Thanks martin for sorting it out for me. rich.
  23. rich185

    new boat

    Cheers for the comments guys Rob, the trailer is all good now, iv just had to get some bigger wheels on it for the extra weight, other than that its good. Dave, how does having the pod at the back help to improve performance and economy? i never knew that. rich
  24. rich185

    new boat

    I better keep the wife at home then mick rich.
  25. rich185

    new boat

    http://www.boatshop24.co.uk/advert/shetland-saker-185-windsor/42169118 hopefully this link works. rich
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