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Everything posted by bootlegger

  1. Thanks
  2. Tomorrow we are taking Wots the Point out, instead of fishing Old Harry, Swanage, or the Patches I wanted to check out Christchurch ledge but I don't have any decent marks there. I heard of X ray being mentioned a lot and I just wondered if anyone had a gps co ordinate that I could use to locate it. I'm not asking for anyone to disclose an heirloom or a jealously guarded secret it's just that when I've gone over the ledge with my finder there are so many features and ridges it's difficult to identify anyone particular spot, and since at the moment it's so infrequent I actually get time to go out now I didn't really want to waste what time I've got blanking. Could anyone help, it would be appreciated
  3. Fished the skerries many times and caught 2lb dab and really large plaice. Use drift tactics, large baited spoon on long trace and the killer bait is hermit crab.
  4. Bob, As one of the members who went out of your way to welcome me when I joined I am very sorry to hear of your redundancy. I wish you the very best in whatever new endeavour you find yourself in. Tim White
  5. bootlegger

    mobile phone

    I've got a Nkia 600, works fine and I'm sure I may even have a charger for it. Youre welcome to it, just PM me. Tim
  6. I have a Daiwa sandstorm, 12 foot rung for a multiplier, which has got quite a stiff action. I haven't used it that much as a I prefer my Team Daiwa beachcaster and my Penn surfmaster. The only problem is it's in a horrible yellow and black livery. If you want a butchers at it I am at home this weekend and not going back to London until Monday evening, and I'm likely to be over the boat at Parkstone Bay this sunday. All the best Tim
  7. Having owned two Hardy's over the years I would say that for the long time investor, the Hardy is the better bet, basically the build quality is very high and they are incredibly tough and well designed. My friend has an Aquafish 23 fitted with a 150 hp diesel and it's a lovely boat and well built, but the question you have to ask yourself is in 20 years which boat will hold its value the better on the initial outlay. I think, and of course this is just a subjective opinion, the Hardy probably will. All you have to do is look at what a 10 year old Hardy still commands in price. Fantastic boats. (I would have had a fishing 24 as opposed to a Seaworker when I upgraded, but I couldn't afford it). Either way however, you wont go far wrong on either.
  8. Unfortunately my permanent crew i.e. Dan who has fished with me for the last few years due to other commitments is unable to crew Wots the Point in 2009. Therefore I am looking for an individul who is willing to take his place. For info there will be no cost involvement other than a share of the occaissional bait and perhaps a bit of diesel. I have a number of mates who are willing to go out but ideally I am looking for someone just to keep an eye on the boat (if necessary)whilst I am away in London. If anyone is interested they can PM me or bell me 07910571111 Tim
  9. ASBO's can relate to waterborne yobbery. Can't see why the council and police cannot crack down on this sort of behaviour. It was only two years ago a tosser on a jet ski killed a bather off the beach within the bathing buoyage. It seems that he users of PWC learn nothing, usually at the expense of others. Very few of them bother to take any rudimentary training on the water born mopeds, other than the being a dick course. I just wish they would take their blessed machines elsewhere, like the straights of homuz. Hate them.
  10. Just looked at the link and assumed it was Trickett Marine and it wasn't. Don't I feel like the *****ole. Tim
  11. Coddy, Well known by a number of members, they are the people that rebuilt my engine and have done a cracking job. Sam Trickett is the person I dealt with. Would heartily reccommend. Tim
  12. If this has been mentioned elsewhere sorry to bore you. I don't know if many members took part in the Bream Comp, or indeed if they are interested in the result. But, the bream are still on the patches in large numbers. We fished around the marks with the pick down and on the drift. Wots the point boated 60+ fish on four hours, 42 were bream, the largest being just under 3 pounds. The winner of the comp was a fish of 3lb 10 ozs just under a pound less than the winning fish last year however over 40 fish over 3lb were weighed. We missed out on the prize table by a couple of ounces. Numbers of competitors appeared to be down from last year, which given the great weather was surprising, however it appears that in some quarters alot of lads were bored bashing bream and some crews were heading off between the two piers to drift for plaice and were not taking part.
  13. Is that David Graham so called Davey Boy from just about every forum on fishing on the net ? An expert on all things with fins ?
  14. We are heading out on Friday with a novice on board for a bit of bream fishing, we have a spare space if anyone is interested. Tim
  15. Not sure about price of red diesel at the lifting bridge, tanked up last week at Salterns, they charged 80p a litre.
  16. Dave, if you need a hand working on the boat, painting, anti fowling, sanding, repairing etc give me a bell and I'll give you a hand. As believe it or not after finishing my boat I've got withdrawal symptons. I've got a really good contact for well made and very reasonable camopies if you need one. PM me and I'll send you my mobile number. In the meantime me and Dan are looking to go ut next Sunday, if Lady Christine is not ready and you want a day out let me know. Tim
  17. Dont bother, confirmed by the Dolphins web site
  18. Can anyone confirm that this years Bream Open is on Sunday 11th May 2008, as I need to book that weekend off to compete. Cheers Tim
  19. Nice one, always did like Romany's, tough as old boots. Well done Tim
  20. bootlegger


    Little hint, if you go to the chemist and get some copper sulphate. Add it to your anti foul, I guarantee it will remain weed free and at the end of the season the hull will be easier to clean. The best anti foul I have found is International hard anti foul.
  21. A lot of people have mentioned the colour and said that they have liked it. The fact that she used to be in red white and black livery and called Simply Red, and she now sports the colours of the only true club in Manchester and has had her name changed is really just a coincidence.
  22. And another
  23. Not half Charlie, it's been a long 6 months. Anyway the sea trials went without a hitch, the boat was doing 9 knotts this morning at one third throttle, turns on a sixpence and Sam reckons it will cruise all day at least 11 knotts and at a push will do 13-14 knotts, which is more than good enough. PS Forgot to mention we rebuilt the engines box fitting teak edging and new huge hex bolted galvanised hinges, re fitted the door, removed the old cooker, fitted a new one and have hung cargo sotrage nets where the old cooker used to take up the entire bulkhead. It,s now on it's mooring, the down side is that we have to run the engine for the next 20 hours at under 1000 revs (but she will still do 9 knotts even at that which is sufficent to get out of the harbour). PS Charlie, we passed Alfresco on the way out, rather impressive, when are you getting a COP and starting your chartering business ? Pics attached
  24. Is now complete. Sam has rebuilt and painted the engine and tommorrow is the sea trials. In the meantime this year the hull was sanded down back to original gel coat, gouges filled, under coated and the hull repainted. The old rubber rubbing strake was removed and teak strips were added to enable new double edged rubber strakes to be added. The old wooden fendering was removed and new aluminium and rubber fenders were fitted. Under the water line the hull was slurry blasted and sanded and ground down to rid any traces of osmosis. A coat of gel shield plus was used to seal and the hull was screeded by two coats of intermix. Hullsanded down again, a further 4 coats of gelshield plus, a coat of gelsheild 200 and then two coats of hard anti foul. New cutlass bearings and stern glands were fitted. New bilge pumps with float switches were added. Old sea toilet removed, inside of hull gelshileded and bilges repainted. All skin fittings re seated and sealed and old plastic fittings replaced with brass. Deck replaced new repainted and upper deckworks and wheelhouse roof repainted. New fuel lines and valves replaced with brass fittings. New livery complete with new signage and new canopy Next year just the wheelhouse windows to be replaced and the inside of the cabin to be re trimmed and the boat will effectively be new. Many thanks to Sam Tricket, Dan and especially Dave from L'Artisan who can make painting with a roller look like it's been sprayed on, truly amazing. Photos to follow.
  25. The work on 'Wots the Point ?' aka Simply Red, carrys on a pace. The hull has sanded back ready for painting, the hull below the waterline has been shotblasted and steam cleaned ready for Osomosis treatment. The hull will be re painted when the weather improves and the new covers are being fitted this week. However the engine has been rebuilt and uprated and re fitted. Sounds fanatstic and Sam has done an amazing job. The work continues and has past the
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