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Everything posted by ChrisE

  1. Thanks both. 4300 gets us about 12-13 knots with a well cleaned bottom. So in l/m, just under 1. Chris
  2. Hilda Maud is a 23' Orkney Orcadian and is powered by a 115 4 stroke Yam o/b. I seem to be getting about 15l/hour fuel consumption with revs in 4300 range. Is this about right? Thanks for any input. Chris
  3. At the risk of inflaming the commercial guys, who I know work very hard for a living, it is about time that we adopted a 'no nets' policy within 3 miles of the shore. It has paid phenomenal dividends in Florida, it could do the same here. Such a policy would benefit both us, the leisure angler, and the commercials as it would create a secure breeding area for thier stock, the same way that the bass conservation areas have contributed to the bass explosion over the past 10 years. At least we have made a start with marine conservation areas.
  4. Funnily enough, I had a very similar fish on the ledge on Sunday. I believe that it is a small short spined sea scorpion. Mine was a mottled green but I have seen them in different liveries before, I used to catch lots of them in Scotland on holidays, from memory they have v poisonous liver.
  5. ChrisE

    pic editing

    How's this? If you want I can PM the snap. Chris
  6. Paul, Thanks for the posting, it reminded me to join (I'm a lapsed ACA member). Chris
  7. Does it have a towing point for the tanker that'll have to re-fuel it every 10 mins?
  8. Thank you all for your input. We've decided to hang on to the existing engine (and our cash!) for the minute and have a longer term think about what kind of craft we might replace Hilda Maud with in the future. Hmm, so that means that there will be a few bob left for new tackle, a man can never have enough gear..... Chris
  9. Hmm, I like the idea of the bags of sand... I'm a yachty as well, so know all about broaches. Thanks for all the advice, you've probably just saved us about
  10. Oh don't start me on trim tabs! The geometry of the 23 is that there is a platform on the stern where the o/bs are fitted. This preclude the fitting of the pair of Vovlo QLs that I had bought especially for the purpose..... Might go back and have a think about just what is possible tho' Chris
  11. Yep, the 23 wasn't a big seller I believe that they made about 10. A nice boat if a little rolly but built like brick do-dah house. The engine is an early Yam 115 4, probably 10-12 years old. You are probably right about a better bet being to chip the lot in for a better economy/ speed package. Thanks for you help, we'll have another head scratch. Chris
  12. It's an Orkney Orcadian 23. Oh dear, another nice idea down the bog... Maybe just a newer 115 then. The current one guzzles like no tomorrow and doesn't get anywhere near the 22 knot boat max speed, prob 16 on a good day with new antifoul.. Chris
  13. Tom, Thanks for the prompt reply. I'll check out the realtive costs of a pair of 70s. The craft is rated for a max 115 hp, do you know if this kind of thing screws up insurance or is it just an advisory? Chris
  14. My brother and I are thinking of exchanging the current 115 yam plus 10 hp Honda for a pair of 60 yams, largely because it will give us better back up than the Honda and both engines will be used so there should be less danger of the back up quietly going tits up. I have a question, does anybody have any idea on relative fuel consumptions of a pair of 60s vs a 115? Many thanks Chris
  15. I'm sorry to read of this. I've used his shop for years and whilst never knew Shaun other than to chat, I've have been impressed with the level of service and enthusiasm. My thoughts are with his family.
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