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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by David56

  1. Morning all. This is a bit late but still worth sending. Must be more than a month ago I had a Marine Ringmaster message re. theft (via boat) from Shellbay Marine. Unfortunately I didn't save the Ringmaster message but from memory the emphasise seemed to be on the theft of outboards. Yesterday at the PHW meeting we were informed that £35,000 of International Anti-foul paint of all types and colours had been stolen. Since that time a man has been questioned who was selling such products 'cheap'. He had bought from a thin, gaunt looking man driving a blue Fiesta. (Lake pier/or slipway area.) The request from Tristan is that we contact the police if we are offered cheap International Anti-foul paint.Probably better to do that BEFORE it is applied!!! Feel free to pass this on. David
  2. David56

    Kayak Stolen

    Now the insurance guys have taken it up and they are circulating details around the companies. Lets hope they come up with something soon.
  3. David56

    Kayak Stolen

    Reply from Police... Hi, Submitted for Ringmaster, but won’t go on until next week. Image added to twitter feed @HarbourPolice Image circulated locally to Police in Poole and Purbeck. Thanks David Parr Poole Deputy Neighbourhood Inspector 2051
  4. David56

    Kayak Stolen

    Just about to circulate it. Might be good to ask the insurer to get it onto "Stolen Boats" asap. David
  5. David56

    Just joined

    Afternoon All, Just joined and thought it would be good to introduce myself. I'm David Butcher, some of the members might remember me from the meeting I spoke at briefly, with PC Tristan Oliver. I'm a member at North Haven YC, not a good fisherman but do enjoy the sport. I chair Poole Harbour Watch and as much as anything wanted to get to know fellow boat anglers. All too often it is our type of boat that gets targeted by the thieves, spare parts, equipment, electronics etc. All ready this year one poor guy has had his just launched open 18ft. fishing boat and engine stolen. It was taken from a mooring by the lifting bridge. Please make sure you boat/engine etc is marked up. SelectaDNA, Smartwater, Datatag, whatever. I have found a cheaper supply for SelectaDNA and Mark, who runs Frome Boat Watch is the man to contact. To get the price (£20 per kit) he has to have an order of 8 kits. I've been suggesting that folk email him direct, it may mean p&p extra if he has to post out individually but still a good price. fromeboatwatch@gmail.com Poole Harbour Watch now has a web site, pooleharbourwatch.co.uk and you can contact me from there but my own email address is dgbutcher@ntlworld.com . Contact me if I can be of help but also if you hear of anything, please let me know. I will also pass information I get that Tristan wants circulating. We did actually recover a RIB and some other items in this way last year. I'll try to get to some of the club's meetings so that I can get to know you better. David
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