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jerry.shutter last won the day on February 22

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About jerry.shutter

  • Birthday 05/26/1961

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  • Interests
    Fishing,gundogs and a bit more fishing!
  • Boat Name
    Looby IV
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Marlin Master

Marlin Master (6/6)



  1. Hi Dale, i will put a reminder up about a week beforehand, if the weather looks kind just post your boats name, your crew, and which day you are fishing. Hopefully there will be other members signing in so basically follow the thread. Tight Lines
  2. It has been suggested we should hold a Bream Comp this year, i look forward to seeing lots of entries. Bream Comp 10-11th May All other competitions will be run on fish entered to the fish recorder over the year. Tight lines between now and then, and i hope to get a good turnout weather permitting in May Jerry
  3. Thats my thoughts entirely Charlie!!!!!
  4. i dont know where the rough sea was Greg, flat as a witches what not!!!!! lovely day out good company
  5. Boats out tomorrow so a nice weather window was to good to miss, J2, Norfolk Nick and Chris was feeling up to a trip which was great to see him back out, the plan was Spurdogs, well that didn't work!!! First drop J2 had a nice Blonde then a LSD, then everything went pretty quiet for probably a couple of hours. We had grumpy commercials fishing round us catching a LOT of Bass and good ones to. Even though the Bass ban was on we decided to have a couple of drifts, well after 2-3 drifts catching a couple a drift all around the 5lbs mark and putting them back i persuaded Chris to have my rod for a drift. " Get a 10lbs err please Chris, never had a double on this boat" Next drift you got it Chris, had a stunning 10lbs 11oz fish on the deck!!!!!!!!!. Few more drifts and getting more depressed seeing the commercials catching huge numbers of really good fish all 5-10lbs all about to spawn, we decided on a move. Back to the 50/50s where we had a really great couple of hours catching Whiting to 3lbs, Congers to 20lbs, and an early Smoothound. It got really hectic for a while with great banter and even some mickey taking!!!!!! Quick run home filleted the Whiting through the 3.30 bridge, oh yes first catch of the day, and season, was a tern for J2 on a surface lure as daylight broke!. Great first trip with lots of craic.
  6. I hope to be out Sunday
  7. I would like to if i can Charlie, crew TBA!!!
  8. I agree Dave, just showing off, have a great Christmas and a happy healthy 2025 everyone
  9. I have a dubious friend in Norfolk who used to do something different for his beaters on beaters day, a few years back of course he did seal for the beaters on beaters day, it was disgusting and burnt for nearly a week on the bbq wrecking it because of the blubber!!!!!! seagull and cormmorant have also featured and were also revolting, only a vague casual friend you understand!!!
  10. Terry, that's a pretty good call, it does mean of course that as the instigator you would have to join us fishing!! Hope your doing ok and look forward to seeing you in the spring.
  11. Loobie1V had a day similar to Madness but a bottle of Rioja went into the mix. We did however manage a Dab which is another species, well done J2!!! A very sad picture of the fish stocks in the harbour, water temperature was 9.8 degrees so goodness knows, the main bird life was Commorants so i am sure that answers quite a few questions. Only the secret squirrel stealth craft (Capt Evans) to report anything otherwise Blankety Blank, but it was a lovely day and great craic. Well done those who entered.
  12. Rob, Bobby Boy has replaced Stuie on Loobie 1V, we will miss you Stuie!!
  13. OK Guys, ATM this looks like a great forecast for the Flounder Comp, i know its supposedly winter (which its not really but very grey and dull) your committee really wants you to become involved with Competitions, its a great social, and there are always things we can learn about our hobby, within the various competitions, for the different species. OK your gear is not going to be stretched by the Poole harbour Flounder, and they are not exactly numerous, however that creates a bigger challenge!!! honest!! Come on guys put your names down and see you at the weekend. To book in log in to the by following this link Flounder comp (MB)
  14. Everything seems good in deepest Wiltshire now. Well done all you techy whizz kids!!!
  15. Happy belated birthday wishes, hope you had a good one.
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