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Everything posted by TomBettle
One for Paul D I suspect. I haven't been around as much as I used to be for sometime and so the new forum layout is provig a little challenging for me. I used to live by the scrolling bar that told of new posts on the old site. I'd pop in, see what was current and comment if need be. Is there anything like that on the new site as now I struggle to view the very latest posts? Sorry for being thick. Tom
It's been a pleasure helping you Allan. I hope your new boat will be everything you hope for and more. Charlie, she is ashore with me at PBY and looking pretty good.
Haha. I wouldn't know as I have never been on one! The reports from those that have, have scared me so much I refuse to.
Just another opinion thought and it is only opinion as I haven't read the whole thread. The sponsoons on early boats had to be added as the boat was dreadfully unstable. It did become something of a feature and a bit of a laughing point, but it did make the boat safe. Whilst on a boat test to the Channel Islands with Sea Angler mag and one of the TV fishermen we were talking about best and worst boats. A dealer for one of the brands of boats we were with said that the smallest pilot house in his range was the worst and the Journalist said that the Redfinn 6000 was his worst. Mine was the smallest Merry Fisher then built, the 480 - horrible thing! The reason the journalist hated the 6000 was it's dreadful stability, especially as the boat was being sold for offshore use etc. Note, stability issues sorted by the funny sponsoons. Many years later and the 6000 gets a bit of a revamp, but takes a very long time to come to market. The boat now has the sponsoons moulded in place rather than stuck on. My own personal opinion is why the hell don't they just make the boat mould correct to start with to give additional interior space, but there you go. Dave Barham from BFM was due to get one and was genuinely ravving about the quoted efficiency etc etc and I was there at London Boat Show in 2011 when he was presented with his boat Everything was great big smiles and flashing of Jim Midgleys camera until Dave went to sit at the helm and couldn't really get at the helm seat. It had been positioned under the cuddy roof. Dave is a big bloke and simply wouldn't fit. Even a shorty would be smacking their head in a chop so a big design flaw there... Since then, Dave's boat went off to be refitted so he could get in it, but a year plus went by and the boat never materialised. Only Dave can tell you the exact reasons for that, but I can only guess that funding issues or similar prevented it. Dave is currently in line to be using one of the new Hardy fishing boats. Note that these Hardy boats are not the same as the Hardy boats we all remember and still see about today. Oh, I still reckon teh Merry Fisher 480 is the worst ever boat. It's built well enough, it's just horrible.
I am not getting remotely jealous in the slightest. I won't be even the tiniest but resentfull that I am sat at Salterns Marina whilst you lot indulge in the best Turbot fishing for 9 years (thanks Mark, that comment didn't rub any salt into the wounds!). It doesn't even make it sting when I know I will be over there in four weekends, but with work and not fishing (grrrr). Good luck with fair weather and tightlines to all who are going. Please can I book a crew place for 2013!!!
Happy Birthday Tony
Well done Nige Happy to do your paperwork for you if you would like a hand or to know it is 100%.
Guys I'll put a large carrier bags worth aside for the three of you no probs. Just need to sort out when I'll see you all to hand it over. Tom
Hello all Some old Shytalk helped me plane up some oak planks I am using for a table yesterday. The result was a huge sack of shavings and pure oak dust. I love smoking my own fish and meat, but this sack will take me years to get through. If you can bring your own bags then I am pleased to let you come and grab (within reason) as much as you would like). Please post here or pm me to arrange a convenient time to drop by. I am out at Winterbourne Kingston near Bere Regis. Come and get your free smoking chips / dust! Tom
Easy diagnosis. "Fish on the brain". Cure? Take two paracetomol and go for a lie down. When you get up, get your Bass rod out and go and find your boat.
PMSL!!! Oh dear, I can see that now. The Kedge by the way is actually a little anchor that is often used in the med where there is little or no current and it is usually used from the stern in conjunction with the main anchor to stop the boat blowing around in the wind, hold the boat just off the beach etc etc. 12mm will be plenty strong enough for your boat, but may not work with the windlass (if you keep it). In addition, I personally find 14mm a little more comfy to handle. That is the only 2 reasons for 14mm. Incindentaly, the buyers of my boat are not using the boat primarily for fishing. They may well be interested in going for an all chain solution for the windlass they plan to fit. Quest II has +/- 330m of 14mm warp (110 of multiplait, and 220 of braid - courtesy of Martin's source) plus about 15m of 8mm calibrated chain. If your chain is calibrated, they may be interested in a straight swap if you wanted? Alderney ring and buff, the lot?
Andrew Rest assured your windlass is well wired up and not slow because of that. It is just slow. Lewmar now manufacture the Profish series which allows the windlass to be lowered in freefall which is a huge boon and I perhaps would have stuck with one if it was available when I ditched the windlass on Quest II (because it was so slow). That is worth considering. That said, the 705 rope locker is very badly thought out and the moulding for the windlass is halfway down the locker meaning most of the space is wasted, especially as the windlass needs to allow the chain to fall vertically. Next, 120' of chain is madness on your boat! Have you considered what you will do if you get snagged? At the very least, ditch the first 100' of chain, sell it, anything, but get rid of it. Then splice to that a healthy length of warp (if you are determined to keep the windlass you will be seriously limited on quantity). The weight of the chain will have quite an effect on ride and handling, not to mention performance and economy. Personally, you have a great boat... Get rid of the windlass (
She's going to remain in the area Charlie. She'll be moored over at North Haven and the new owners are already friends with some of our members so with luck she will still be a regular sight. Subtle name change to "Seaquest" coming up though.
Thanks all. Some of you know that my crewing capabilities dramatically improve with the warm sunshine of Spring. I've no idea why, but they also tend to go off the boil with the first frosts. ...maybe it's 'cos my feet get cold in my flip flops? Anyway, really appreciate the offers and hope to get out a lot more now than I did with Quest II. Slightly different arena, but if anyone fancies a night out lamping for rabbit with air rifle or rimfire or (in time) a dawn deer stalking foray, then please let me know and I will see what I can organise.
As of tomorrow I am boatless If any of you are prepared to put up with my flip flops, incessant burbling, bad angling and dreadful wind I would very much like to offer myself up as able crew and relief skipper for any spring and summer angling. I hope to be able to get a pass once or twice a month and may splash out on the odd charter, but on the whole love my small boat fishing, inshore for the usual suspects and especially offshore. Able to bring ice, food, beverages etc etc and usual contributions. Happy to helm to give you a break too. Please keep me in mind! Thanks Tom
Effing ridiculous system in my very humble opinion! Why can't they just use traffic lights exactly as in the road? We all know what they mean, they are universally understood.
They are cool gadgets and remarkably high quality considering the tiny size. Mine is due to arrive anytime and hopen to get plenty of fishing, shooting and boating vids done with it.
Not exactly a fishing video, but definitely boaty. This was filmed back in October by some friends of the marina. Mainly on the new breed of mini camcorder, the Go Pro etc. I think it's pretty cool even is the music sounds a little like it's from a dodgy film... http://vimeo.com/33381632
QUEST II is now UNDER OFFER To a lovely couple who will keep her in the harbour. Not avid anglers, but they are friends of club members already. I hope they love her as much as the guys and I have.
Have a great day Peter
Nice looking boat Mark! How are you guys getting on out there? Where exactly are you in NZ? Anywhere near the Bay of Islands? If yes, you need to get out on the Mako and Striped Marlin!
Woohoo I am playing galley slave and anchor monkey for the dodgy bloke from Eastbourne. Can't wait (praying for fair weather) PS: Also can't wait to see Manta Ray, the pics so far look fabulous. Looks brilliantly finished.
I work at PBM and can agree with Adam and Martin. The marina has come on in leaps and bounds since it was a grubby old boat yard some 8 years ago or so. The moorings are fully maintained each season, but the season is 1st April to end of September (usually some grace throug October) and then the boat has to go somewhere... This is not unusual for many marinas and personally I would not want any boat out on a swinging mooring through our recent winter storms... insured or not! Your boat will get trashed in no time. The water taxi is free of charge and in season runs from about 07:30 to about 21:00 with the exceptions being the very lowest of spring tides when the taxi can't ge across the flats. Rowing boats (small) are available at all states of the tide... simply help yourself and drop it back when you return. We do have fuel on site. It is not the cheapest in the harbour, but by no means anywhere near the dearest and the convenience factor of not heading halfway up the harbour or the worry of the quality from elsewhere make it a real boon. Great staff , great onsite cafe go to making it a really pleasant place to keep a boat. Over the coming months / year there will be changes to the offices and also new toilet and shower facilities going in. The existing ones are fine, but the new ones will be more in keeping with the upgrades around the rest of the marina. Parkstone Bay itself is quite exposed from a strong SW storm, but we don't get much of this through the season and as I said, you'd have to be bonkers to keep a boat out on a swinging mooring through the winter anyway... The bay isn't deep, but not many places in the harbour are. My own boat is on a shaft and draws close to 3'. I haven't ever touched bottom in the bay simply by having a quick glance at a tide table and avoiding dead low water. It is no hassle. If you are on a leg or an outboard you will find it even less of an issue. Get your name down fairly quick though as the renewals are filling up quite quickly.
Hear hear. Hope Dave can find a way to keep the mag going.