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Everything posted by TomBettle
A bronze prop that hasn't had protection from an anode will fall apart in a year or so. Te same test with a hammer, a light tap should make a "tuneful" sound, but if you get a dull thud, you need a new prop.
PS: Just zoomed in on the picture! It looks horribly like you caught me having a pee! Tom
"Banging Herring" I was doing nothing of the sort! ...I may have caught a few, but I did nothing indecent to them.... ...promise Where was the pic taken from? All I can guess is that it was from a ferry or the dredger because I haven't got in the way of anything else as high as that... Well, you can all see where I caught them from, the little boat next to me is very easily recognisable on her moorings. Tom
OooooooH Watch those shards of fibreglass! If I was you i would stick to the vacuum cleaner...
I was out with my partner in crime (Martin McIntyre, soon to be a new member) from Southern Motorboats on Quest II. We had the pleasure of seeing Bliss II out from Poole. What a cracking boat she is! After a brief discussion with the boys on Bliss II, we headed to the ledge for the very start of the ebb. Doggie, doggie, pout, doggie. A couple of moves gained us a couple of mediocre whiting, so as Bliss II headed back west we punched tide over to the Needles and achored a couple of hndred metres from Wight Rebel at about 13:30. Doggie, doggie, doggie, pout. It wasn't our day, but what a beautiful day it was. I think the guys on Bliss II faired a little better as they had had a steady stream of Whiting by the time we parted company and we watched Wight Rebel T-bar a couple of medium Conger at the boat along with one whiting sized codling. I got the impression from the chatter on the radio that had it been a conger competition it would have been successful, but the cod were fairly few and far between. In hindsight I think we should have headed further south, but as bait was beginning to run low we stayed put around 1.5 miles south of the needles. Oh well, I have gained a few marks today, by "pinging" the charter boats with my radar and setting waypoints over their positions Well done on the Cod Adam! Tom
Hi Guys Yep, tiny hokai lures, 3 oz lead and very gently work them along the bottom. On the fish finder, great clouds were showing up within a few feet of the bottom (although I only ever hooked one at a time). I was drifting the last of the flood in the main harbour channel from bouy 44 down and then on the start of the ebb from bouy 48 up. Most of the herring were typical medium mackeral size, but I had one big one which I didn't even think about until I got home and then checked the NFSA record was 1lb 1oz. I gutted the fish on the boat earlier, but out of interest I weighed the big one on the kitchen scales and it was a tiny bit short of 15oz. Blimey! Could have been a record... It tasted nice for tea anyway! Tom
Well Billy no mates here was out again today all on his lonesome. Much more fun today drifting through the channel with a shrimp rig on getting stacks of Herring and gazillions of tiny Bass. Everything went back except half a dozen Herring which is breakfast for the next couple of days. Anchored at Baiter for a while, not a sausage. Same again apart from tiny weeny Bass taking worm on the float. Tom
I've just read the article in sea angler, one of my mates in Alderney said that the sea angler guys were over to do a boat test and it turned crappy. What weekend was that? Hi Toerag I was out there between 17th and 20th August. Reasonable fishing, but made tough in as much as we spent the whole time as camera boat whenever either of the other two boats caught fish. The fishing feature bit will be next month (so I am told) Tom
Thanks Rich I think I need fishing lessons! I think I know what I was doing wrong, but I need to get out with one of the experts for some guidance as it is soooooo frustrating. Tom
Got the boat round from Weymouth today and it was lovely out there. Fairly mild and little sea except for around any of the races which were kicking up nicely in the spring tides. With Rich's contacts I felt confident of hitting some double figure Bass on Storm lures in Portland Race around a mark we call "Lights in One". Incidentally this is a very good Conger and Bull Huss mark. Seconds into my first drift, bang, stuck in the bottom and on the light gear and five knots of tide, no chance. The same happened a further four times before I managed one tiddler about 2lb whch promptly went back. Oh well, an enjoyable run round to Poole and hopefully a few days practise around here over the next week or so. Tom
If you read next months Sea Angler you'll also see what we caught. This month was just the boat test. Quite pleased with it too! Autographs signed at the next meeting and please keep the Paparazzi away. Tom PS: Sam you are more than welcome, as is any other club member. By the way yesterday's trip went I could do with all the guidance I can get! PS: You are right, she is a fantastic boat. I own her with a few friends which makes it really affordable. Gotta get in a quick pitch: Discounts available for any club member on any boat in the range. People say that the Merry Fishers aren't real fishing boats and everyone says I need a cockpit the size of a football pitch... I used to say the same and owned an ex pot mans mitchell. The Jeanneau beats it hands down in all aspects and still offers plenty of space complete with comfort not even seen on some of he best charter boats. Personally I want a boat that gives me plenty of space for myself and the people I fish with (usually no more than 4), but I am too lazy and like my creature comforts so I don't like basic cuddy boats and want a decent finish above other pilot houses/ Mine is down at Saltern's until early December along with various other stock boats so if anyone wants to have a look round then please just come and take a peak. Likewise, not in the relevant section, but if anyone wants a trip out during this or next week then just ask. I just want your knowledge in return along with a smidge towards bait and diesel. Sales pitch over. Tom
If anyone can get hold of Rich would they mind asking if he still wants to come along as I am bringing my boat round tomorrow and fancy a spot of bassing on the way. I cannot get hold of him, but have PM'd him and tried his mobile which is off. Thanks for your help Tom
Martin Boat came as standard with lewmar winch which is great for al chain in shallow water. It takes up too much room in the rope locker and means only 100 metres of warp fitted, coupled with the fact that it is very slow and now has a minor fault meaning it chews the warp back into the winch unless you physically pull it down into the locker from the winch. Ever since we got the boat we have planned to remove the current system and replace with a redesigned bow roller and "side roller" system to bouy the anchor as we always used to on our old Mitchell. Haven't actually got round to this yet and although manually hard work, once the anchor is off the bottom it isn't really too tough a job just to haul it up. There is no way you could just pull it off the bottom, so you do have to drive up on the anchor very slowly with the anchor man taking in the slack with a turn on the cleat in the rope locker. Once vertically up and down the anchor "pops" out ofthe bottom and it is just a case of hauling. We haven't yet set a trip in the anchor, but may have that done over the next few days. Tom
Brilliant! Made me giggle al te way back to bed.
Hi Sam Assuming the weather is OK, I would be very pleased to have you onboard and to head out congering on 26th. I am thinking of ditching the windlass on the boat as it is not ideal for deep water anchoring so your muscles will come in very handy to help haul the anchor. Just a thought, but if your dad wanted to join us it may be a good practise session for the comp the following day. I'll need to check the tides, but we may be able to get one or two drifts with jellies before putting the hook down too? Check and see if the 26th works and let me know as I would really enjoy a day on the snakes. Over at Weymouth we have some cracking inshore marks where an average day would see eels topping 50lb with every chance of a 60lb+ fish (the best is mid 80's from a reef about a mile off the Bill) but I would love a crack at some slippery critters over here... As with anyone else who fancies a trip out, just let me know by giving me a ring or PM me. All the best Tom
I'll Have 5 please Martin Thanks Tom
Hi Gordon Sounds good to me! I have a bit of a problem with my windlass at the moment so cannot go much over 100 foot, but if there is a good wreck in that sort of depth then absolutely! However, anything goes so please call or PM to sort something out! Tom
Hi Bob You would be more than welcome. Stay in touch about it and let's see what the weather does. It would have to be very nasty not to go out in the harbour as I have a nice warm wheelhouse, but I will be guided by you and any other crew who fancy a bash. Tom
Well two weeks off and I want to go fishing. The boat (subject to weather) will be round in Saltern's from Monday 14th and I am free to go anyday except through the weekend as I have my daughter. So if anyone (up to three others on anyday) fancies going anytime from the 15th to 17th and from 21st to 26th then please PM me or call 07780687795. Up for anything, just want to get out on the boat so in the harbour through to wrecking and will even be happy with an evening session. All comers are welcome, just a contribution to diesel and your share of the bait. It would help if you know the area (as I don't), but flounder, bass, cod, conger, whatever tickles your fancy. Tom
I have a couple of weeks off and finges crossed will have my boat round from Weymouth so will be looking to get out too. Any tips on marks would be greatly appreciated and anyone who wants to come out would be welcome. Anything from the harbour to the rips is fine with me... Tom
Duncan I think this is a debate that could go on forever? We are all passionate about our boating and our fishing and those looking to get a new boat will be swayed more by their closest friends advise than by debate. If anything a debate is more likely just to confuse. I would love to be able to cruise at the speed you do, but only if I could retain the SD characteristics that I have at the moment and at my budget that just ain't going to happen. Likewise, I guess you would like the SD characteristics if you didn't have to forego speed? We all love our boats (complete with their niggles and idiosyncracies(spelling?)) and it is from the enjoyment we get from them that we get so positive that we are right about the comments we give. I have to say, I have read your posts on another forum (ybw) and always appreciated your remarks and you do clearly know more than most about your chosen subject!... ....don't know why I am being so nice! I seem to remember someone told me about a small local fishing club who is very active. Because of you I am almost living on this forum! So... after saying each to their own and how all styles have pros and cons I have one final comment.... ..... SHAFTS SHAFTS SHAFTS!
Toerag I really enjoyed your reply. I think it is really interesting the different opions people have of what is right and what is wrong. I still stand by shafts in nearly al situations. Compared with "Phaeton" for example, which I haven't been on, but looks a great boat, on a nice day Duncan can get to the fish really quickly and if leaving at the same time I would be at the rips half an hour later, however I spent most of my angling career chartering and am used to driving down from Oxford to fish Weymouth (live in Poole now) so for me only leaving half an hour earlier is a relative luxury. I am a fan of my own boat and now sell them as a result (so maybe I am a bit biased). As an owner I have discovered some annoying niggles that need thinking about, but this is the same with most boats, however I still wouldn't change my boat for an outdrive equivalent. She is a stable platform and goes where almost all others fear to go (I have seen a lot of boats turn away from seas my little girl has smirked at), she looks great, is comfortable to weekend on and will fish three in out and out luxury and will cram 5 on at a push. On top of that, apart from anodes and antifoul, underwater she is completely maintenance free and really cheap to look after. I still stand by my comment about centre of gravity. Where possible I want the bulk of weight low and in the middle rather than towards the back and with a nice semi displacement and skeg underneath she rolls a fraction and hardly leans into the wind. Each to their own though and I am sure that everyone on here loves their boats for some reasons and would also find things they would do differently if they had the choice. SHAFTS SHAFTS SHAFTS SHAFTS Tom PS: Toerag, what is it that you have?
Hi Guys I am off work for a couple of weeks and when the weather breaks (if it does) I am hoping to bring my boat round from Weymouth. Don't know when it will be yet, but early next week would be good so if any one fancies coming along for the ride then give me a shout. The trip is weather and more importantly SWMBO dependent. After the open comp I'll be taking it back so again if anyone fancies coming along, please just say. If planned well, we could see if the Whiting are about yet on the Adamant bank or try a mark or two closer round to Poole? Tom
Hu hum...would you be talking from experience Tom or should we keep quite Martin Martin As an experienced professional in the marine industry nothing like that could possibly happen to me! For me, preparation is everything and I always remember my handheld VHF when the new fixed one hasn't arrived yet. In addition I would recommend a good wetsuit, face mask and dexterity with a filleting knife whilst underwater with cold hands and TV cameras pointing at you. Failing to prepare adequately can result in continued mickey taking for long periods from your mates in Weymouth, Weymouth RNLI and Whiskey Bravo who take great pleasure in sending a helicopter 25 miles out and dropping a winchman to loan you his own personal handheld. No, nothing like that would happen to me and of course, if it did, I would be prepared! Shafts are great! Woohoo, we love shafts! (but remember a good wetsuit and a sharp knife just incase.
I promise I am not being tight! It needs a good reel and line so I don't want the cr*p that comes with it. It'll have a shimano baitrunner attached. I need something that can get ripped under the pontoon and bashed about as my nice posh rods are getting a little bit worse for wear and I have to keep telling my mate at Shimano it came broken Kam. thanks for the offer, but it needs to be one of those 7 fot bomb proof things so it can wiggle into little places