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crazy fred

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crazy fred last won the day on November 3 2017

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  1. ?
  2. Well done rob a lot better than our trip but back down Sunday till we get fed up or weathered out
  3. No we go back next Sunday when the weather settles down .This means a lot more writing as the plan is the end of december .
  4. No I'm going mako fishing with lures!! At the End of this month for three months bound to get some unavoidable hookups with them damn tuna though but I'll try my best to avoid them .
  5. I've seen three different photos of people playing it perhaps they all had a go and why not . Looking at the photos the fish is probably dead no hose in its mouth to help keep it alive and keep its body temperature down and no photos of the release ??? And as for the weight you need the length and the girth to calculate . Same fish different angler the fish looking rather dead
  6. To rule out the throttle control unit out swap the plugs over so port becomes starboard and see if the problem reverts to the other engine . If so new control unit needed .
  7. Does he get the smelt to chase the popper!!!
  8. Would have been far more serious if it was a dog fish .
  9. All ready got bus pass
  10. Sorted fitted rope cutters !!
  11. Looks like Allan had two ballian wrass ?? Perhaps he meant ballan not baloon .
  12. Sea wolf Fred and Ron Monday 17th
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