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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by rich

  1. Due to imminent delivery of new boat the price of the 440 has been cut dramatically. Contact me for details. Rich
  2. Allun, Many thanks for giving me the opportunity of a trip out today. Its always good to watch a Master at work, although I reckon those giant ragworms may have played some part in the results. Fair play to you though, it must take some nerve to dig them in the first place, let alone pick them up. I was most impressed with the smooth, quiet running Yamaha engine and am looking forward to collecting my 520 in the very near future. Despite scoring the same as most England batsmen, I had a most enjoyable day. The worst bit was getting home and having to explain to the wife that I'd blanked again. Next time.... Thanks again. Rich.
  3. Orkney 440 white (2005) for sale complete with :- Cuddy 15hp Mercury 2 stroke (2005) approx. 50 hours use & flushed through after every trip 25 ltr. fuel tank Orkney trailer c/w docking arms 2 new seats Aux. engine bracket Tonneaux cover Bilge pump Rod holders Garmin f/finder Compass Fire extinquisher All in immaculate condition
  4. After much hard work and networking, I managed to secure a temporary winter berth for my Orkney 440 at a yacht marina. Yippeeee! No cold, wet feet for me this winter I thought. I then contacted my insurance company ( a very well known company specializing in marine insurance ) to advise them that the boat was no longer on a trailer in the drive but on a pontoon in a marina. They came back after contacting the underwriters to say that they could not insure it on a pontoon because it was under 16 foot long. I have subsequently checked another company who said that they could insure it. Having only had the original policy a couple of months, I would have lost to much money to change and reluctantly had to advise the marina that I no longer required the berth. Is it me, but why is it easier to steal a boat under 16 feet than over? After all, they are both tied up with a bit of string! Rich
  5. rich

    Anti- Fouling

    Thanks for the advice. I see anti - foul doesn't apply to some of the reply's though! Rich
  6. rich

    Anti- Fouling

    I have a chance of a temporary pontoon mooring for two to three months throughout the winter in a local marina. At present my Orkney is trailered and has no paint finish other than manufacturers finish. If I leave it in the water for this length of time could it affect the hull in any way, other than a build up of weed? Could it introduce osmosis by leaving it in water without anti-fouling? I can easily pull the boat out to wash of any weed if it looks like building up. I hope to be selling the boat in the near future and don't want to introduce a problem to a sound boat. I look forward to your comments Rich
  7. rich

    Orkney 520

    Interested to see that Leicester Fisheagle has the same concerns as me when it comes to buying a new Orkney. BHG at Lymington offer a package for the 520 with a 30 hp Yamaha engine. If something should go wrong, I dont want to trailer the boat all the way to Lymington. I have been looking at the Honda outboards and there is a main dealer, Poole Marine Services only a stones throw from me. I guess an option would be to buy the boat from BHG and get PMS to fit it out with a Honda. The downside of that is that having spoken to the guys in the workshop at BHG they are familier with the boats and can run all the cables out of sight as they know where all the foam bouyancy stops and starts. Perhaps PMS could fit it and commission it at BHG. Looking at the fishing boats in Poole fishermans dock, an awful lot of them are fitted with Yamaha engines. Is there an main agent in Poole for Yamaha? What would you choose to do, as at the end of the day the price is about the same. Rich
  8. rich

    Orkney 520

    I currently have an Orkney 440 about 18 months old with a 15hp Mercury 2 stroke, which is a super little boat and I am very pleased with the build quality, but why do all new boats shrink by about 2 foot just after you buy them? I am now looking at the 520. I shall be using the boat around the Poole Bay / Poole harbour area. I can get a new one with cuddy, 30hp Yamaha 4 stroke and roller coaster trailer for about
  9. rich


    Frank W. Murphy Limited web site address is www.fwmurphy.co.uk Look at section 20 for hoursrun counters (Time Speed Vibration) If anyone would like info. on a particular product I may be able to help. Rich
  10. rich


    Frank W. Murphy Limited at Laverstock Salisbury supply hours run counters and real good mechanical gauges with adjustable switches built in. Ring 01722 410055 and ask for Chas Kimber. Tell him Richard put you on to them. Ask them to send you a Marine Catalogue, theres some interesting kit in it. (you could always look at their webb site) I worked for them for 20 years so I am biased. Rich
  11. The Poole Harbour Association have decided to call an Extraordinary General Meeting on 23rd February at 7.30 to be held at the Mariners Club West Quay Road in order to discuss the slips at Whittles Way and Slip Way. I am sure during this meeting, which I guess anybody can turn up, at the issue of other slips is sure to arise. I have a copy of the invitation here, but being a clockwork person I dont know how to attach it to this document. Perhaps I could fax it to somebody and they could put it on the notice board. Rich Admin edit = Poole Harbour Association letter added
  12. Finally remembered the name of the councillor who raised the subject about uprating the slip facilities in Poole. Councillor Don collier. The subject came up during discussions about proposed improvements to Baiter / Whitecliff park. He seemed to favour better slip facilities. Might be worth somebody representing PBSBAC to have an informal with him to see what he has in mind before any petitions go flying about. He may have some sensible suggestions about how we should move forward on this subject. His email address should be on the Poole Council web site. Rich.
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