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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

Paul D

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About Paul D

  • Birthday 09/30/1960

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  1. Yes thanks, but I have managed to sell all the Avets now for asking price. Regards Paul
  2. fight club ? unfortunately all the Avet reels are now sold. regards Paul
  3. 2 Bait freezers ( the small fridge, under counter style ) - Free to a good home, Need to be collected. Also have a non working Ice Maker. Its huge, probably repairable, also needs to be collected. Contact me if interested. ( 07887 875964 )
  4. As you are all probably aware, a good friend of mine Alan Tompsett passed away recently. I am currently helping to sort out the sea fishing tackle that Al has accumulated over the years, so am looking to sell rods and reels. These are all good quality, in most cases as good as new ( an in some cases still new ). I have put the price I am looking for against each item. I will bring all the rods and reels to a club meeting, if not already sold or feel free to contact me to view / purchase. Also, if anyone is looking for a 10.6 metre Swiftcat with just over 1 year old outboards ( 2x300 HP Yamaha ) and all new marine electronics ( Simrad Evo 3 ), then let me know as Manta Ray is up for sale. She is immaculate. Tuna Rod and Reel These are immaculate ( have 5 of these for sale ) Tiagra Hyper 80 lb standup rod with Tiagra 50W reel looking for £700 for the two together ( cost new is around £1200 ) Reels Penn Spinfished SSV6500 - £100 Abu Ambassadeur 7000i in box - £55 Avet MXJ 6/4 2 speed reel silver - in box - £175 Avet MXJ 5.8 in box - £125 Avet MXJ 5.8 in box - purple - £125 Avet XJ 6.0/1 gold in box - £150 Abu Ambassadeur 6500 CL - in box £90 Abu Ambassadeur 5600 C4 - in box £75 * rare * Okuma Titus Platinum Trolling reel - Huge ! - £50 Abu Ambassadeur 9000 - £50 Abu Ambassadeur 7000 - £50 Rods I am still working my way through these but there are a selection of very good condition boat rods. Kensaki, Abu, Daiwa, Sabiki etc. I will post when I have these catalogued. Colmic Araron Pro - with changeable tips - £100 regards Paul
  5. Hi Oli, Been away from the site for some time now. It's impressive how you have updated the software and server. I know it is not for the faint hearted If it helps, I may have copies of the old pictures as I did have a backup of the whole site. regards Paul
  6. An ex work colleague of mine from 10 years or so back runs a wedding and photography business. Based in Christchurch area. Jon Roach FourT4 @FourT4 on twitter and he is in my friends list on FB. They have a website you can check out.
  7. Hope you had a good birthday Alan. How's the new pond doing ?
  8. Thanks for the birthday wishes. Not on here much now, need more hours in a day !
  9. Really sad to hear this. I always will remember going over to Alderney with Chris on TigerLily on my first ever charter trip with the club. Chris always had time for us small boat anglers. A true gent and friend of the club. Will be sadly missed.
  10. Hi Rich - long time no see. I was well pleased with the E-Tec, I had no problems with the engine at all. PJ has the same model as I had and I know he had issues with the EMU but was fine after he had it replaced. The servicing costs for my old Honda was partly the reason I went for the E-Tec. my friend has a 130 E-Tec on his Orkney and is well happy with his too. It seems to be the people who dont have them that knock them.
  11. and hopefully we can join you on Monday
  12. Here is a thought. Would this ban have taken place if the UK were outside the EU ?
  13. Attached the Best Fish From Catch Reports. bestFish.pdf
  14. Have a great birthday PJ
  15. Wasn't the leader, it was the hook knot which came undone - only myself to blame. Was a good fish but was fighting more Eel like than Cod as it header downtide at a fast rate of knots. No head shaking.
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