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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by markee_b

  1. Although I've been coy about my little incident whereby I drove straight into the side of the biggest boat in Salterns marina I feel the time has come to come clean...yes it was me and no I still can't believe that I didn't see a 21m Princess while pootling around a marina Thats my Stevie Wonder impression. Most of the damage was to the gelcoat of the big boat...all repaired now, but in the process I bent my pulpit a bit and wondered if any of you good people on here are adept at (or know someone who is) getting these things back into shape ? The boat is at Mitchells in Prakstone, so artisans in the vicinity would be good to know Cheers both for the help I'll probably get and the snide remarks I'll certainly get Mark
  2. Roger that though I'm now undecided on Sunday (forecast light winds and cloudy) or Monday (stronger winds and sunny)...
  3. I did actually notice a link off my original one...but the piccy wasn't as good Even bigger hammerhead So the one that was dumped in an orange grove was only kept for the line class record....load of old cobblers if you ask me. Which you didn't
  4. Thanks Dave...you're a gent
  5. Yes please !
  6. Another example of the outdated method of only ratifying dead fish for record purposes...what a shame 750lb Hammerhead
  7. I think we should get back on topic Nice report and good catch Crazy...
  8. markee_b

    Rod Rings

    You could pack out the extra 1mm couldn't you ? Or alternatively saw some of the tip off
  9. My GPS is still dodgy...must get on at the Arthur Daleys types who flogged it to me
  10. I thought Princess just made giant 72ft fenders ?
  11. markee_b

    Rod Rings

    How about these from Veals ?
  12. MarkeeB is on a (dry) berth, well actually the boat is...so we'll be leaving early morning Monday from Mitchells yard...think we've decided on Dancing Ledge area now...are the GBG up for that ?
  13. Got a full crew on Espadon now and am aiming for either Sun or Mon but this is all weather dependent... At the moment I'm favouring a trip round to Dancing Ledge for a crack at the bream before they disappear. Anyone else going that way ?
  14. Cool...we'll keep a weather eye on it...still have room for one more too if anyone is available...?
  15. Did we Alun ? I thought you'd knocked me back !!! Never mind...now I'm less confused you're on !!! Which day is your preference then...Sunday or Monday ?
  16. Is it one of these ? http://web.ukonline.co.uk/aquarium/pages/goldsinny.html ????????
  17. There'll be other days Sam !
  18. Think I took part-responsiblity there didn't i ?
  19. All....my regular anchor monkey is selfishly on an Alderney Charter trip over the bank holiday weekend, so its open boat time for anyone who may be interested. I'm looking at going out either the Sunday 28 or Monday 29, and as yet haven't even thought about the best place to head....all open for discussion... Until I get a bit more comfortable with things I'd say three people is the limit for fishing at the moment, so do I have two volunteers ? Mark
  20. You can run but you can't hide... indeed...
  21. Dave...I'm on a dry berth at Mitchells (Turks Lane)....it is a bit tidal, though with 65cm of draught I've only had one problem (when I/we missed the channel !). So far so good I must say, and as has been said the obvious advantage is the boat doesn't grow a beard nor does electrolysis have much time to have a go at it. Might not be the answer if you're looking to reduce your outgoings though as this arrangement too is about 2.5k per year (for a 21ft boat) and I couldn't find anything much cheaper when i was looking about. Not sure if I'm supposed to paste a link to them on here, so pm me if you're interested in their contact details. Mark
  22. Paul...yes that was me ! Had Mrs B blending squid and castor oil the night before for that one....she loved it ! Especially the smell Kam....now that is a good idea...I'd fly the flag if I had one !
  23. Must be a combination of me losing the plot and my ears not being very VHF-tuned yet I thought there were at least five Kams here aren't there ?
  24. Ah-ha... I could here yourslef and Kam nattering on the radio...tried to jump in but am still a little shy of using it at the moment....need a bit more familiarity ! Quiet fish-wise on the ledge wasn't it...
  25. Well done Martin and Fred....splendid catches I was one of a the Ledge Armada and counted 35 boats at one point there...we had a solitary bream of 2lb 10oz....thereby just missing out on a packet of hooks at the weigh in Think I must have been right next to you Paul D.... ???
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