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Mike Fox

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Everything posted by Mike Fox

  1. Fished Southbourne from shore this evening, and drew a blank. It's rare to have a winter beach fishing trip where I had as many cod as I had pin whiting!
  2. Thanks Hookey, kind offer. Looking forward to it!
  3. The dangling lionfish is hardly bristling in indignation, and let's face it, it should have been! I remember a red-bellied piranha being weighed in at a comp in the late 70s, and the lady who kept it for years in her aquarium was laughing all the way through the weigh-in. I'm not convinced !!! Anyone else think it looks a bit "thawed out" ?
  4. Always terrifying Rob
  5. I know it's early, but if anyone can offer me a trip for the cod comp, I'd be keen to participate. Happy to share cost of fuel etc.
  6. How many of the above need GPS to function properly?
  7. To answer the original question, yes, it would be a major issue, and the usa have the capability of turning off the public system, reserving it for their military. The Eu with Britain's help started building the rival Galileo system, but since Brexit, our involvement and access is no longer guaranteed, and the UK is currently looking to go it alone. From the perspective of us as small boat owners, we should all have the tools and skills to find a safe harbour without electronic aids. Even in fog, the combination of compass and paper chart, from a known or estimated position should be good enough to find Bournemouth Beach, for example, then follow the coastline into Poole.
  8. Match them with suitably sized solar panels, add storage for overnight use, and the range is unlimited. The bad news is the size would be something like a football field, the weight of batteries would sink the average battleship,,and you'd probably still not get it on the plane.
  9. Pm sent Rob, but yes still Brixham.
  10. Thanks Stuie, now collected. I look forward to having the opportunity to use it.
  11. Could I have the VHF Radio please Stuie?
  12. Sorry to hear you're giving up having your own boat Stuie, hope you keep the fishing going though!
  13. Mike Fox

    WAFI !!!

    I feel your frustration Mick! I think there's two issues here... The first mentioned above is "consideration for others", and the vast majority of sailboat owners would observe this basic "right", and keep out of the way of others, particularly if they're not doing any harm out of the way. The other is The International Regulations for the Avoidance of Collision at Sea (ColRegs), and in the event of an actual collision, where would the legal liability lie? Given that the mark being fished was just to the south of the Hook Sands, and on the direct/shortest "safe water" line to Poole from the Isle of Wight (or vice versa), it was quite natural that the yacht would be passing through this general area. It's my understanding that the yacht, if under sail only, would be the "stand on" vessel under the ColRegs, and that powered vessels on his track should be keeping a good look out, and take early and prompt avoiding action as appropriate. Personally, I think a bit more consideration would have been warranted from the yacht, but in the event of a maritime court of law, the verdict relating to liability would almost certainly have been clear. I've had a big motorboat make a high-speed banking turn next to my first 19' sailing boat, "accidentally" swamping the air-cooled outboard engine with his wash, and have had dive boats "invade" a mark I've been anchored at, effectively pushing me off, but I wouldn't dream of getting so close to a drifting angling boat, irrespective of wind and tide, but regretfully some yachtsmen (and others) in this world believe they are "entitled" to ignore consideration for others. I personally think the increasingly crowded seas would be a much nicer place, if we all tried to give a bit more space for other water users.
  14. Well, with the removal of the "stay local" constraint on exercise, I tried the rods using existing reels on 2 local beaches. The difference is incredible, they really launch a lead and baits with so little effort, and am already achieving decent casts of way over 100 yards (the old target back in the 70s) with bait, from little more than semi-powerful lobs. I know the species don't count for our boat comps, but so far have seen: Bass (first fish on each rod) Flounder Whiting Dogfish 5-bearded rockling A total of 10 fish in two sessions, so taking a few boat skills shorewards does work. George also had all of the above, and added smoothound and plaice to the list as well. Hoping to visit Feisty again after 12th April, and maybe stay aboard if it's warm enough. Not long now...
  15. There is a serious and relevent point in here. Whatever we do as anglers, we can't stop numpties popping their boat on autopilot, and coming straight for us at times. The club members have recorded many instances, with a surprising number of events on Poole Patch, which is directly on a line from the Solent to the East Looe Channel. Even when anchored, it's obvious we are vulnerable, and something unpleasant can all unfold in just a minute or two. If the worst happens to you, and you find yourself about to be on the receiving end, you have only two practical options: - Fire up the engine and steam away, trailing lines behind you, but knowing your anchor is still down; - Cut the anchor line (needs a knife handy) and throw it over (is it buoyed?), and then steam away, trailing lines. One is quicker, one is safer. Neither have guarantees. Which would you do?
  16. The acid test is going to be if the police fine people for travelling "too far". The original article states "minimise travel outside of your local area". For example, it might be ok to drive 5 miles to the boat after 29th, but is it ok to drive 25 or more? I'm hoping to do a little shore fishing from 29th March, as my boat is 100 miles away, and it's reasonable to assume it's out of bounds. My dilemma is, I'm 8-10 miles from fishable beaches...will that be ok? Chesil is nearer 40 miles away, and feels risky. The lack of clarity is deliberate, and frustrating.
  17. Mike Fox

    Boat Insurance

    GJW Direct for me too
  18. Good luck for when you do go out Mick
  19. Looks great, hope the installation gives you many years of reliable service. Well done!
  20. Excellent Dave, well done. I'd add one thing...arrange a buddy boat for your first trip, as even after all of that, stuff can and does go wrong! Mike
  21. Oooh, they've arrived.... Am now itching to go out and play with them, but am worried at the definition of "local area". Ho hum, roll on the plaice....
  22. After much deliberation, I decided to stretch my budget and go for the Anyfish Anywhere range (thanks Neil), and have ordered the "Four and Bait" as a conti-capable rod with a bit more oomph, and a "Six and Bait" as a more powerful rod still that will perform well even without tournament-style capabilities. Both at 14 feet, and both ringed for fixed spool. The positive online reviews of both rods helped, plus I liked the fact they've proven themselves over the last decade, the build quality being that bit heavier, and they don't keep changing the range every 5 minutes. Sadly, I suspect I won't get a crack at the whiting with them, and might have to target the spring plaice and summer hounds when I first get a chance to use them, but that's ok, I suspect there will be ample opportunity this year. When I get the chance, I can fish one long one short, like Ohgreatone does, have the option of braid for bite sensitivity, can use them together, or pair them with an existing bass rod or conventional beachcaster depending on location and conditions. Many thanks for all of the comments and advice. I look forward to practice, practice, practice! With bait of course Colin.
  23. Thanks Neil...AFAW looks fabulous, pricey, and two piece blanks - kinda tricky to transport!
  24. Lots of positive points here folks - thank you. Compromise, flexibility in "want" etc wil be crucial in deciding. I'm finding it interesting that the range is so incredibly wide, models of rods don't seem to last long before they're replaced. One weird thing I've found is that Vercelli rods are 50% heavier than Colmics, which to me signifies something to do with the thickness of the walls of the blank... There's also a complete lack of independent reviews out there too. I guess much is the same on the boat rod scene.... I feel a spreadsheet coming on, to compare and contrast. How sad
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