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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

Mike Fox

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Everything posted by Mike Fox

  1. Sounds a good day Graham....wonder what your mystery fish was? Mike
  2. Looks a great trip !!!! My wife loves pollack has a Personal Best of about 2lb, and I'd love to get her one like that. How far out were the pollack and wrecks, might I ask? Mike
  3. Kept Frisky lashed to the pontoon today as I wasn't impressed by the forecast, and popped down to West Bay on the motorbike instead. The whole charter fleet was in - stopped by the S-SW 5-6 forecast. Chatted with a couple of blokes on the pier, fishing with boat rods, multipliers, tiny hooks and a fivers worth of ragworm who looked fed up to the back teeth. Unpleasant swell there in the entrance, with plenty of breaking waves - probably S4-5 at the time. Tomorrow's currerntly looking a bit better Mike
  4. ...and some people say that Eastern European migrant workers don't contribute much to British society. Well done that man. Mike
  5. With the flooding tide tomorrow morning, and the wind forecast to drop, I fancy taking Frisky over to Christchurch Ledge for a dangle, possibly taking in Southbourne Rough, the Dolphin Sands and X-Ray en-route. Anyone else out in the vicinity? Anyone tried it today? Mike
  6. Well done on getting it sorted Graham! I must admit that the thought of 4 bilge pumps and all of that extra foam for buoyancy rang alarm bells with me...but at least you've found out what worried previous owners! Am also surprised at the fuel consumption, and wonder if the same performance could be obtained with much better fuel economy as a much smaller engine ? Mike
  7. You might be referring to an EPIRB, Kam. An Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon. Some can be rigged to release automatically in the event of immersion, but I think all have to be deliberately and manually triggered to avoid false alarms. They float...but have to be released and triggered to give a signal which would have been picked up by Coastguards. I think MCA coded and commercial vessels should have one on board by law, and at hand, but if the boat rolled while potting, and no-one grabbed it, it probably went down with the vessel, untriggered. AIS could have given a constant position, but lots of commercial skippers wouldn't use it as it gives away their fishing grounds, and they're not required to use one by law to my knowledge, being fairly new technology. I didn't hear if the body they found had a life-jacket or not. I somehow suspect not, as he would probably have been found sooner. Particularly if they had lights fitted etc during the night-time searches. There's safety equipment out there for commercial and recreational use, but if people can't or won't use it, then it can't help in times of emergency. Have watched this unfold, feeling sick to the pit of my stomach. My thoughts go to their family and friends. Mike PS If there's one thing we can learn from this as recreational sea anglers, it's that events can happen suddenly, even to professionals, and if you're not wearing a lifejacket with a working light, then a search that continues after dark has little chance of finding you. Do you wear yours, and does your light work?
  8. Well done for giving it a go Lofty...and unlucky with that pollack! Mike
  9. Trip aborted for Frisky. Alun got it right...it was too small a window. With a 6 knot boat a tiny weather window isn't worth messing with, when it's supposed to be for fun, even if the boat can cope. Inshore Forecast reads: Northeast, 3 or 4, increasing 5 to 7, occasionally gale 8. There's always another day! Mike
  10. Planning to consider the idea of a possibility of a suggestion of a potential trip out Saturday if the weather window (dry morning with NE3-4) materialises (but shhhh in case it hears me). Anyone else likely to be around Poole Patches or Southbourne at all tomorrow...and are there a few bream (and no nets) on them yet? Happy to keep an eye open or listen on Channel 6 if so. Thanks, Mike
  11. The odd evening when it gets warmer and lighter certainly appeals Allan, particularly as that damned bridge stops me doing the same! Just hope your species count doesn't go up too much as a result Thanks, Mike
  12. Gorgeous looking boat! Hope you have as much as success in her as you did with the original Wishin. Ouch at 600 litres - hope the fuel consumption is "sensible" ! Mike
  13. Just seen this : http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-21...itage-site.html Mike
  14. Well done for getting out... My only smoothhound mark there is the other side of Lymington at Sowley...but I think they wander all through. If you can launch near there, I'll let you have the marks. Great piccies...as usual! Mike
  15. Like Chris I have an autohelm and use it regularly, but even on short trips, as a "spare pair of hands". Mine steers a course well within 5
  16. Rich, Thanks for putting your time and effort in, particularly as I know you can get under both bridges at all states of tide - it's awkward boats like mine that can't! After being trapped before Easter for two 30-minute slots I protested to the Cobbs Quay marina manager, the Harbour Commissioners, the Bridge Keeper directly, and Councillors responsible. Not sure if this had an impact, but might have added to the weight of concerns. Over Easter, we were held for 15 minutes between the bridges as the "indicative" timings were applied more pragmatically. I know they're looking at yet another revised timetable, but if this "imprisonment" in the heart of Poole's industrial wasteland behind tall fences and barbed wire continues, I'll demand a slopping out bucket as a minimum, as my human rights as a prisoner are being denied me, with no access to shore, to toilet facilities, to emergency ambulance or fire brigade services. If that fails, perhaps a television crew on board a boat would show what Poole really thinks of it's local marine services, and the glories of Poole as seen from a visiting boat owner's perspective! I'd like to see free flow (under control of the lights) at peak periods such as public holidays when the basin is at risk of being full. For "normal" conditions, I think having three lifts within 15 minutes would be my ideal - so all boats going up or down the channel are not excessively impeded in their right to navigation. My compromise suggestion (for what it's worth) is to open the second bridge as soon as the first one is closed. Minimal disruption for cars...or boats. What's the harm in that? Mike
  17. Andrew, Will try to identify B19 from A pontoon - you should be stern on and so visible. I note you don't have your boat name on your profile! Might make it easier for other club members to look out for you as well ! Mike
  18. That's horrible to hear Andrew. I've just moved to A Pontoon at Cobbs Quay, and pass Court Jester and White Magic on the way to my berth. If you're on A as well, I will keep an eye out for you in future whenever I'm down. If you're on a different pontoon, perhaps you can find a few other club members there to keep an eye out for you on a "like for like" basis ? Mike
  19. Well done Graham - a massive amount of effort for a good reward by the looks of it. Good luck with sea trials Mike
  20. One of my favourite format comps...and Frisky is out for just one week for antifouling and the "below the waterline" jobs. Apologies, will have to sit this one out. Mike
  21. Looks just like a Common Blenny / Shanny to me too Dave Mike
  22. I've got a pair of 110 amp "domestic" batteries on Frisky that have been charged regularly for 10 years and are now holding 12.6V at rest...Sounds like despite the care, they might be on their way, mind, I guess 10 years is good. The starter battery is about 12.8V, but is only a year old. Good idea about discharging and then trying voltage check again. Will try that over the weekend Mike
  23. A little dicky bird told me the Mudeford boats have started picking up bream. Anyone else heard anything? Mike
  24. Well done Steve, you're getting out when I can just dream of it. Great pictures and a good time..again! Mike
  25. Mike Fox

    Book Order

    We've all heard about your shortcomings Rob. Mike
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