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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

Mike Fox

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Everything posted by Mike Fox

  1. Frisky had a bit of a struggle today, as we decided to stay inshore with the Forecast...and only small bream on the Patch. Eventually was embarrassed by the lack and size of fish, and weighed the next few, but put all back... Carol Fox 13oz Mike Fox 1lb 0oz
  2. Brilliant! Mike
  3. Hey Derek, Have just been told the charters have had a few pollack in the 4-6lb size bracket off the Patches during the week...bigger than anything I've seen there in 20 odd years! What size were yours? Cheers, Mike
  4. Thanks Bob. Good luck all... Hope some of the kayak chaps can join in too ! Mike
  5. hmmm...worrying Derek Was hoping to try one of the local spots for bream on Sunday.....unless this is a double bluff, and you had a dozen 4lb fish there, and you're trying to keep the secret to yourself ! Mike
  6. Hope the chaps have seen this from the Met Office inshore forecast (the bold bit especially): Channel Islands For coastal areas up to 12 miles offshore from 1200 UTC Fri 13 May until 1200 UTC Sat 14 May 24 hour forecast: WindWest or northwest 2 or 3, increasing 3 or 4 later this afternoon then 4 or 5 overnight. Sea StateSlight becoming moderate. WeatherFair.VisibilityGood. Outlook for the following 24 hours: WindNorthwest 4 or 5 increasing 5, perhaps locally 6 in the afternoon, decreasing 4 on Sunday. Sea StateModerate, locally rather rough for a time. WeatherFair.VisibilityGood. Mike
  7. See here : http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-13361822 Mike
  8. Hi Dave, Sunday there will be a small flotilla coming back from Alderney, and there's a separate "thread" on the forum for boats to register for the club Bream Comp on Sunday. You could just stick your name down - it's all done on trust as per rules available elsewhere. Trust me, if the weather is half-decent, there will be boats everywhere. If you don't get any takers for a buddy boat, why don't you grab yourself a crew member keen to try a spot of fishing, and plan to head out to Poole Patch or Ballard Down? There will be 20-30 boats at each in all liklihood, and if you can find a clear spot to anchor or drift, there should be a few fish to small pieces of ragworm, squid or mackerel on No 4 hooks fished on the bottom. I'll probably decide on location on the day, but one of the above is likely. Best of luck, Mike PS I wouldn't burden you with buddying a 6 knot vessel!
  9. No problems Dave, will do ! Just the one left... Mike
  10. There is a real risk of a sailing boat winning the club bream comp this year, as all boats registered so far will probably be in Alderney, and no-one else seems to be entering 1.) Adam F - JV (only if Alderney is cancelled!) 2.) Alun J - ditto 3.) Rob F - ditto if skipper has room! 4.) Paul D - Serenity ( if alderney cancelled ) 5.) A Devine - Serenity ditto 6.) Frisky Fox - with Carol, George and Mike
  11. Hi Dave, There will be plaice on the edges of the main channel there, mainly on ragworm baits. Any sizeable bass taken will have to be returned if in the nursery area. Chance of small pollack and wrasse in the Castle area, and there's always a chance of something unusual, such as brill, gurnard or bream. Frisky might well be out Saturday, amd will keep an eye out for you! Mike
  12. Had to replace my flares this year (again!) and as a result I seem to have two RORC flare pack containers rattling around the garage. These are the large yellow plastic "jars" with allegedly watertight lids, and might be a useful dry storage container for someone with a small or open boat or kayak. Rather than just chuck them out, I wondered if they have any value for any member? Mike
  13. Frisky is hoping for a local(ish) trip tomorrow...will keep Ch 6 on. Chris - the hounds have arrived up the Solent, but they weren't very numerous or voracious. We took two to about 4lb last week. Mike
  14. Mike Fox

    Shotgun Cabinet

    Gentlemen, gentlemen! I know the jet skis are annoying inshore at this time of year, but don't you think this is a little extreme ? Mike
  15. Hi Jim, I anchored near you on Saturday on the Ledge and we shared a few words. I had a trip out in a Raider 16 called Stargazer (the same boat I suspect) a few years ago with a club member Chris Corkindale, and remember he drove it at around 20-25 knots and there was significant jarring and I needed to stand with bent knees to cushion the motion. Increasing the speed did help matters. The other thing I remember from helming was that the wheel was incredibly sensitive to small movements, resulting in large changes to course, so driving at speed proved difficult to keep on course. He had clearly more practice than me, and his track was almost straight...unlike mine That said, the boat was spacious, comfortable at anchor, and I had a 14lb 6oz bass from it, so I thought it was great! Mike
  16. I would agree with that Kam. Actually, I'm beginning to think the "Dorset" bream might have been hit very hard by the trawlers over the winter, and we've actually seen them arrive already. Just hoping I'm wrong!!! Mike
  17. Mike Fox

    Abode 11

    Frisky will be fully crewed Saturday and itching to go for the bream. Thinking of popping round Anvil Point westwards, and see what's happening there. It'll be over 2 hours for me, so no rush! Any reports from there yet? Might have space on Sunday if anyone fancies a slow boat. Mike
  18. Well done folks - right first time !!!! I remember reading about these things years ago. They're the tough guys of the crustacean world. Two basic claw types, with sharp or blunt ends, but one can stab through the shell of a lobster, and the other can stun it, or punch a hole. They've even been known to shatter aquarium glass. A few tales here: http://www.blueboard.com/mantis/faq.htm#faq3 If you find a live one, take care picking it up...even if you only want it for pout bait Mike
  19. Fishing in our competition on Sunday, I had a few rather plump pouting, and not having actually eaten any this year, I took a couple of decent ones home for dinner. When cleaning one, this little fella was in the stomach. It's a crustacean, with legs underneath (as pictured) a little like a shrimp, with two fearsome claws and a broad tail. This particular one was soft, probably having moulted rather than had it's shell dissolved, and been found by the voracious pout. Knowing how dangerous these things can be, I doubt the shell was hard when it was eaten. I do know what it is, but does anyone else have a clue? Mike
  20. Grrrrrrrrr 472 votes cast so far.....and guess which for Arty-farty WAFI indeed! Mike
  21. Also travelled for ages and ages on Frisky, and after stopping in a few plaice hotspots (as per last week's trip) we eventually reached the outer reaches of ....Southbourne Rough, where we have had some nice ones before. Alas, not to be, and travelled back via various banks where spotties have been found...but alas...none today. Popping back into the harbour we were discussing the 30 or so fish we had caught, with sun-beaten faces on the calm sea, and we realised we had one ace left. Trundling back up for the 5.30 bridge lift, we still had worms, and with the flood tide it meant we had a spare 20 minutes. Dangled a few worms in the traditional manner in a highly public hotspot, and Carol got the only plaice on the boat all day. A full 7oz , weighed on digital scales, and naturally returned. Best so far ? Mike
  22. Frisky will be staying in Poole Bay, fishing a mixture of channels, beaches, banks and patches of smooth stuff between some snags which can't be netted easily. If you spot us out, pop over for a chat, and I'll let you know where the fish aren't! Mike PS Am wondering how magnificent the magnificent trophy will be for the best plaice...or is this just for the fame, glory, and undying admiration of the rest of the membership?
  23. 1) Martin, Dean & Tony Deavin on "AWOL" 2) Brian (cabin boy) and Stuart on Sea Dream 3) Brian and Mark Osborne (new member) on "MegaByte" 4) Graham & Steve (non member) on Little Sal 5) JV - AF+ crew 6) mike and mick on r2d2 7] Alfie & Sally on Dream Drifter 8) Toby & George (non member) on MONDAR 9) Mike, Carol and George on "Frisky Fox"
  24. I remember an old tip to remove a hook from a person that I heard about years ago...but never witnessed it. Apparently, if you get a length of mono of a suitable thickness for the barb size, and whip it around the hook shank tightly, then slide it down towards the barb (jiggling as necessary) you can effectively mask the barb with the first few coils of whipped line. Then instead of a smooth shank and nasty barb, you have a slightly ridged shank and hidden barb...and it all comes out cleanly. Allegedly. Anyone ever seen this done...in the flesh so to speak ? Mike
  25. Well done for getting out John, I tried the Patches earlier on Sunday, and failed to find the pollack despite trying for them. Bad news re the hook. I've heard various stories about trying to extract them when out at sea, but not heard too many successes, and I don't know of any "foolproof" techniques. Wincing here at the thought! Guess the good news was it didn't happen while out there solo. Mike
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