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PAD last won the day on August 23 2017

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    Catching Fish

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DogFish catcher

DogFish catcher (3/6)



  1. Anyone looking for a Reel Serviced or Repair can contact Club Member Allan Green who owns Fisheagle. I would like to thank Allan who has done a great job repairing my Akos Airloop R10 with new parts which now runs like new at a very reasonable price repair. The reel is a heavy fixed spool which has had a lot of use, it was not turning and I was thinking of replacing it, it now runs perfectly and am very pleased with the repair and the new parts. Allan is now in the business of servicing reels over winter ready for the warmer months. Great Service, great work, great pricing Get in touch with Allan I can fully recommend him 😃😃
  2. Hi what time is the presentation finishing tommorow? I will try to get Sophie and Curtis to Cobbs but have not got a time Curtis is finishing at Shoreham, being a good 2hrs away not sure if we can make it. Good luck to everyone tommorow. Regards Paul D.
  3. I understand that but I think you will find if a child has taken part in the competition they will want to go to the presentation what ever day they fish. Two disappointed children that wont be fishing ,find it hard to understand that sat & sun were open to the two other comps but not this one ,Children's logic. Sophie and Curtis have really enjoyed fishing against each other in competition they were looking forward to the last comp as they are level with each other on wins but not to be. Good luck every one who gets out weather permitting. Paul.
  4. Hi would it be possible to open up the last junior competition to the Saturday the 23rd aswell, Curtis has just started with the England Juniors Talent Pathway and has a shore match at Shoreham on Sunday 24th, they have only just announced the date and he would love to do both. He has only just joined the England set up and cant really miss it. We have a chance of getting back from Shoreham for the presentation at Cobbs on Sunday if they finish with the boys early enough. Sophie wants to fish in the last match if possible but wont be able to if its just on Sunday. I will try and get them to the presentation but may be a little late. Many Thanks Paul Driver.
  5. Well done Nige ready to fly !!!!
  6. Many thanks to Dave Evans and Reel Magic for taking Sophie and Curtis out for the second round of the Junior Comp 20/08/17. We started out on the secret Ray mark on the turn of the tide at 9am. It took a good 45mins to start to have any effect but the kids were happy catching a few dog fish and a surprise Dragonet. They had a really good time catching 4 different types of rays and a few Bream and Smoothounds before the tide picked up and the fishing slowed as the weed ran through. We tried a few marks along with the patch but the fish didn't play ball. We finished near the piers and had a few more Bream a small Plaice and a Tub Gurnard. The day started out flat calm and got a little breezy with the rain clouds looming as the day went on. The kids really enjoyed it competing with each other to catch the most. We had no monsters but Sophie managed a Undulate Ray of 8lb 10oz and a Blonde Ray of 9lb 2oz. Between them they managed 12 species and had a day to remember, 3pm seemed to come around quite fast as we tried to tempt a few different species and the day was over. We added to Dave's species count which was good, my two can be hired for species hunting should anyone need a hand. Sophie beat Curtis on this occasion so they are level after two comps between them, all to play for on the last comp. Thanks again to Dave for all his efforts two happy tired children ( Well Curtis is not so happy after his sister beat him but their is always next time). Many thanks Paul Driver.
  7. Sophie and Curtis Driver hopefully will be out with Reel Magic on Sunday 20th weather permitting. Forecast kèeps changing but looks windy most of weekend.
  8. Well done for getting out on plan b or c. We had a fun day catching some lively conger and tope. Curtis caught a new pb after a bit of ground baiting in the swell. I lost one which was stripping line and would not get its head up before it let go but a nice one of 39lb came along soon after. Lots of fish being caught as the tide eased and a few fresh mackerel helped the fishing. It wasn't quite Cherbourg wrecking but a good day apart from the rain. Thanks to Dave for the trip a bit too wet for a doombar even, need a week to dry out all the kit now cheers
  9. Many thanks to Allan for his time and patience, a great day out hunting a few species the sibling rivalry was as intense as ever. They both really enjoyed it ribbing each other each time a fish came to the boat. A few pictures to follow of two very happy kids.
  10. PAD

    Rod Repair

    Castaways on Ashley road have done a few for me in the shop or they have a rod builder come in once a week to collect any rods that need a tip or ring fitted at a good price.
  11. I think alfresco was on the list for sat 8th with Jayden.
  12. Sophie and Curtis Driver will fish on Saturday 8th on Fisheagle the weather looks better than Sunday. Its nice to have the two dates as an option to pick the best weather, could we have that option on the last comp and have an option of fishing a saturday or a sunday. I understand the presentation is on the sunday but for some it might be a better option to go to the presentation the next day as we are very much weather dependant for our fishing. Having the option to pick the best of the weather seems a good idea. Paul D
  13. Hi Rob Curtis and Sophie will be out on the weekend just need to confirm with Allan best day for weather as forecast a bit mixed between the days thanks Paul.
  14. Curtis and Sophie Driver will fish the first one with Allan Green and Fisheagle. Many thanks to Allan for offering his help with the juniors Paul Driver. Have we got any score sheets to print off yet?
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