Right, so a pint of tap waters all round then 240 - cor blimey, my poor credit card spontaneously combusted just at the thought!
I definately can't make the next one (it's the missus's birthday, and i rather like having my nethers attached, rather than in a jar!), but i'll be at the one after come hell or high water!
Getting itchy feet, as not been out over a month, and neither I nor the boat are ready for a trip yet (i still want to do my YBA PB2 first, and the boat needs to be fitted out for little things, like rod holders, fish finder, and possibly a door to the cuddy mught help!) - i've been fortunate to book a charter next thursday out into the solent - skipper is taking me and a mate as the only passengers - £60 a head for a whole day and a boat all to ourselves - sounds like luxury to me!