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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Astevens4

  1. The juvenile bass fisheries further along the coast at Dawlish Warren were seeing very good numbers of 1 yr old juveniles when i talked to the rangers there in the summer, so hopefully we still have the juve's about and with no netting, it should prevent them getting swallowed by the commercials before they have a chance to spawn.
  2. Can we just drop in or pre- order only? Picking up a new boat in fareham either monday or thursday next week and the price for the jackets is very good - always prefer to have more than not enough! Tony
  3. Astevens4

    Joining the club

    Lol welcome both. Not at this weeks meeting but will show myself at Novembers and say hi. Tony
  4. Right, so a pint of tap waters all round then 240 - cor blimey, my poor credit card spontaneously combusted just at the thought! I definately can't make the next one (it's the missus's birthday, and i rather like having my nethers attached, rather than in a jar!), but i'll be at the one after come hell or high water! Getting itchy feet, as not been out over a month, and neither I nor the boat are ready for a trip yet (i still want to do my YBA PB2 first, and the boat needs to be fitted out for little things, like rod holders, fish finder, and possibly a door to the cuddy mught help!) - i've been fortunate to book a charter next thursday out into the solent - skipper is taking me and a mate as the only passengers - £60 a head for a whole day and a boat all to ourselves - sounds like luxury to me! Tony
  5. Had to push it back a day so moved her in about 6 this evening, to the sound of bagpipes over water! Got to book a couple of days to fit her out and clean her up a wee bit before i venture out in her. Already feeling the urge to buy something bigger and better!
  6. Thanks Brian -i'll make contact with him during the week. Thanks Tony
  7. My main is fine, but my backup (a wee 6 horse johnson) needs a thorough servicing, and i have an ancient 25hp pre volvo penta thats at some point been converted to electric start that i'd like to either resurect or final confirmation that it needs to be turned into tin cans! Close to cobbs would be a bonus, but reliability and not being a rip off merchant are the main criteria! Thanks Tony
  8. Well I'm a happy chappy - preferred pontoon berth has been OK'd, and apparently because of where it is i get a 20% discount they forgot to tell me about, which knocked £500 off my annual fee, plus of course the refer a friend for next years. Now i just need to work out how to spend all these savings - i reckon a round in the clubhouse may be first call on it! I'm provisionally booked in for Weds next week, and me and a fishing buddy should be down most of the day - got lots of extra's to install as no time between now and then to install it all, so if anyone fancies popping down to F 164,i'll be glad to press the flesh and say hello. If we get done in time i'll pop into the clubhouse and see if anyone's about as well. Ta Tony
  9. Sorry Martin, Chris did pip you to the post on the private message thingy that i only just discovered, so i'll have to give him the referral thingummy. In consolation, i'll buy you a pint in the clubhouse! As soon as i get his details i'll be booking it so i should be moving my little boat in next week! Thanks Tony
  10. Lol well Martin has it! I'm speaking to them tommorow to book it all in (and weep into my wallet!) - boat (Svensoni) should move in next week! Got a few bits to do on her before we go a sailing! Can anyone recommend a good outboard mechanic? In addition to the 18hp on the boat at the mo i have an old 25 pre-volvo penta thats not been started in about 10 years that i want resurrected and my backup 6hp johnson seahorse that will need a good service. Thanks Tony
  11. Thanks for that Brian, will check that e-mail and get the form back to you ASAP. I've decided on Cobbs - lovely Marina, pretty secure, and 24hr on site, so ticks the boxes on safety. Good facilities, and really nice clubhouse. Plus decent sized Bass jumping in the Marina itself! For Refer a friend, first come first served, so whoever gets their details to me first will get it - i'll hold off on confirming the berth until one of you messages me! Really looking forward to seeing some of the members over the next few months. Tony
  12. WOW! now very impressed indeed - i'm on a few forums, and the welcome here just blows me away! Lots and lots of good advice here - i hadn't considered dry stack up until now. I've just spoken to Rockley Park and Cobbs Quay - Rockley are cheaper than Cobbs Quay for Dry Stack, and main marina, but Cobbs have a very long pontoon, where the far end don't have electrical hookups ( F Pontoon) which is only about £500 dearer than dry stack at Rockley, plus being an MDL site, means that i can do easy visitors berthing if i want to dot up for a couple of days towards Dungeness for Cod, or down towards Teinmouth for flatties. I'm going to see Cobbs this afternoon, so fingers crossed! P.S. Membership joined via the paypal link. Do you need the membership form as well, or do you take the details from Paypal? My paypal e-mail is different to my normal one, so i rarely check it is all! Thanks again for the warm welcome, and great advice. Tony
  13. Howdy from slightly further afield. I've decided that as nice as charters are i needed a wee bit more freedom, so bought myself a wee 16ft cuddy fast fisher, which i'm hoping to moor down in poole. Dont fancy trailering it back and forth from north wilts whenever i fancy a quick fishing trip! I have to say i'm impressed because theres nothing of this ilk available at the other south coast ports like weymouthor southampton - the clubs there tend to tend towards the "genteel" yachting set, rather than the normal joe who likes his fishing! If i can get me a berth i'll DEFINATELY be becoming a member! Tony
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