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Steve H

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Steve H last won the day on August 1 2022

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    Sea fishing
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  1. Summer cod [emoji846] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. JB Chimney Sweep, charges £40 07505145731
  4. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6698137/amp/Cod-almighty-Angler-reels-31lb-beast.html
  6. Yes, the 6753 tons of chemicals and 8 tons of biocide that’s going to be discharged into the water doesn’t sound good at all
  7. https://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/news/17404970.corallian-energy-oil-rig-arrives-ahead-of-drilling-in-poole-bay/
  8. Thanks for the suggestions, looks like I’ve got some phone calls to make
  9. I emailed the North Haven club, they don’t do winter moorings anymore, boats have to leave the water by the 1st Oct
  10. No I’ll take a look, thanks for the suggestion, most places I looked at don’t do winter moorings just winter storage
  11. Thanks, we can’t really get out from Christchurch in the winter so might give it a go, it is a bit of a pain to get to but can put up with that if it means we can still go out fishing
  12. I’m looking for some advice on whether the moorings at Shell Bay are any good over the winter months. We were thinking of renting a mooring there just for the winter months so we can still get out fishing when the entrance at Christchurch gets shallow. They seem really cheap so I presume there must be some issue with them, any advice is welcome
  13. I'll buy it if it's still for sale. The anchor on the boat we just bought isn't heavy enough so this one will be ideal. I'm going to the meeting on Thursday if you want to bring it along then 👍
  14. Mal, do you still have one of the Bruce anchor's for sale? If so how much do you want for it Steve
  15. Steve H

    New member

    Sorry for the late update I've been really busy. When we headed out to our mooring it was raining lightly which didn't bother us too much. Upon getting onto the boat we saw that the propeller had been dented by the boat moored next to us as it looks as though the mooring next to us is moving. We took the boat out of the harbour and into Christchurch bay and the dent to the prop didn't seem to cause too many problems with the performance of the boat. We went over to the ledge to try and do some fishing. When we got there we had 30 minutes fishing until it started to rain heavily and the visibly dropped slightly. We packed the rods up and headed back to the harbour and moored up again. We didn't catch any fish on this trip out but it was good to take the boat out and give it a proper test for the first time.
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