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    Sea Fishing, Boats and Photography
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Pout catcher

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  1. I have a Quicksilver 5.8 meter boat and was thinking of getting a backup outboard engine, any thoughts to what size would be needed. and if mounted on a stern bracket what size shaft would it need. I did look at Seastart rescue but they only cover up to 3 miles from the coast. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. More news tonight that ENSCO 72 has asked for an extension for drilling in the area also another company is showing interest.
  3. If you type in google search ENSCO 72 a link to the marinetraffic.com will appear, on there you can view the track marks where the rig is slowly moving around the area.
  4. The oil rig has now come to the attention of the media this morning, what I don’t understand is one minute we hear about a marine conservation area around here then a oil rig turns up to explore the site. They say they were only test bore holes but why allow them to do this if you were not allowing them to extract the oil. It was also mentioned B.P found deposits before there?
  5. Seadog

    New Member.

    Thanks Hooky for the advice, one hour each way of High tide, the draft of my boat is about 12 inches and my new mooring could be near the Wick slipway, is the one hour rule ok getting down from Wick to the RUN.
  6. Seadog

    New Member.

    Hi Hooky, I have a mooring down at Christchurch Trot but I have found it is a bit windy down there with other boats bumping into your, where is your mooring, I was looking to move up stream.
  7. Seadog

    New Member.

    Hi All, My name is Ed and I joined the fishing club yesterday at the meeting, which I thought was a really good night; I received plenty of advice for fishinging in the Christchurch area and on Boat Safety from Mel and received a friendly and warm welcome from other members. My only regret is that I did not join sooner. I have just upgraded my boat to a Quicksilver 530 so I looking forward to getting out on the water.
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