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Everything posted by Bassdaze

  1. Have new spotlight. Willing to travel!
  2. Not policing fishery is it?
  3. The rovex 200 is about a fiver in pokesdown.
  4. We should be more honest and just start having conga comps........
  5. Anyone actually catch any cod.?
  6. I may fake getting arrested on Xmas eve......
  7. I'm out tomorrow. Work Tuesday. Looked flat today so we are going to risk it! I just hope the run is behaving over this end
  8. Looks blown out.!
  9. Just used the new members marks and will put them in the plotter later. I think we are inshore in the morning Allan then we'll be heading out for the tide change.
  10. I'm out Friday from Christchurch. I'll give you a shout. Have no idea where those marks are though!?
  11. Blanked for cod in the car park then went off to a hole a bit deeper and had some conga and spurdogs. Finished off on dolphin sands on the way home and put a few whiting of decent size in the cooler as well as plaice. Not a complete bust in the end!
  12. Once again we fished the bait out and destroyed the eco system from the bottom. Lessons that are still not properly learned. The yanks have the right idea with mainly line caught fish and booming the sport fishing side of things.
  13. I'm out Sunday. Going to stay local off the needles area. Will keep you posted. Good luck!
  14. I was thinking about this on the quiet but I not as many! On auz they use stripped out cars as snapper habits. Looked like a good plan though
  15. Thanks guys. Good to know that there are a few over this way! I'll keep an eye out Mal. I could do with a radio course. Looked at one with the sailing club but never came to pass so I'm up for that. We had the boat out in winter for modifications but i hope to be out this year.
  16. Hi. I a new member. I've been farting about inshore for a while and doing ok. Im mooredin christchurch and am out a couple of days a week atm. Was wondering if anyone facied teaming up for an outing. I've been getting into lots of tope and rays but it works be nice to have a bit of company out in the water!
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