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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

alun j.

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alun j. last won the day on March 20

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About alun j.

  • Birthday 06/18/1952

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  • Interests
    bass fishing
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alun j.'s Achievements

Marlin Master

Marlin Master (6/6)



  1. A couple of months too late. One of mine broke , so replaced both and tossed the ok one !,
  2. alun j.


    this is what I have.
  3. alun j.


    Ohhh...What do you mean 'twin hose' ?
  4. alun j.


    I do.
  5. Whiting ???.....Shouldn't be long...the small fish they chase are starting to show
  6. It was a nice day…previous birthdays have been wet, A slow start opening cards and texts…then an afternoon in the sun catching a few nice bass…family dinner with fresh pollack on the menu. Thanks for the good wishes.
  7. alun j.

    Echo Artical

    Echo Artical...had me confused for a mo.!
  8. Are any being caught ?
  9. Carrot on a stick scenario.....lots may be planning trips...at last ! What will materialise ??
  10. alun j.

    in the kitchen

  11. alun j.


  12. Thanks for the birthday greetings....just back from France where a relaxing time was had....as much as possible with two 2yr old grandsons....only one book read !!
  13. Oh yes you can !..... Original Dark Creosote Traditional 100% Coal Tar Wood Preserver 25 Litre 25L Opens in a new window or tab Brand new £69.99 Buy it now Free next day postage Get it by Wed 31 May 19 watchers
  14. A blonde wanted to try out ice fishing. She went out and purchased all the gear she would need and headed to a local spot to try to catch some fish. She went out onto the ice with her gear and after getting comfy on the stool, she started to cut a circular hole in the ice as she had seen on the internet. As she was cutting, she heard a voice from the heavens speak out, saying, "THERE ARE NO FISH UNDER THE ICE." The blonde was startled. She stood up and looked around but saw no one. Cautiously, she moved a little further out onto the ice and set up in a different spot. She sipped some hot chocolate from her thermos and then started cutting another hole. Again, the voice called out, seemingly from all around her. "THERE ARE NO FISH UNDER THE ICE" Now feeling quite scared and starting to get a bit frustrated, she moved all the way to the far end of the ice and laid out all her gear, sat upon her stool and started cutting another hole. Right away, the heavenly voice boomed out, this time louder than ever, "THERE ARE NO FISH UNDER THE ICE!". She jumped off her stool and looked all around her. She shouted to the heavens, "IS THAT YOU, LORD?" The voice answered, "NO. THIS IS THE MANAGER OF THE ICE SKATING RINK. THERE ARE NO FISH UNDER THE ICE!"
  15. Adam, Rob and Alun on JV....on Saturday.
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