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Mark Bassett

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Everything posted by Mark Bassett

  1. Brand new 2.7m inflatable boat that can be used either as a tender or a fun beach boat. This boat has a V-hull, and an air floor. Fitted with a detachable aluminium seat, stainless steel hardware, locked in oars, and supplied with a high capacity foot pump and a puncture repair kit - this all fitting in the supplied storage bag. Rated to take a 10hp outboard - though a 3 to 4hp would be more than enough in my opinion. Never been in the water. Will last for decades! First £700 takes it away - it feels to be a better quality than my last HonWave that would be over a £1,000 at this size! Only selling as I've sold the boat this would have been used on.
  2. I can certainly see the sense in the species hunt Chris, and appreciate the point well about not all being available for the Comp days. Its good to see the youngsters getting in amongst top three, and no doubt it'll only be a matter of time before the monthly prize falls to one of the juniors (if it already hasn't!) Just thinking out aloud, if they had a Fish of the Month section of their own, maybe through the summer months, perhaps with the winner getting something like a £10.00 tackle shop voucher for instance, would that get more juniors out on the water?
  3. Is there no prize given for best fish taken each month by a Junior within the club? If there is not, maybe its something the committee could give some thought too given it would add further encouragement for the youngsters to get out with a rod rather than wear out there thumbs on a playstation!
  4. I'll look forward to that Greg. I've had a few Pilothouses over the years, including Quicksilvers, Marlins and Arvors, but my norm has been big bowriders, which I agree are not much use for fishing. The theory of OHANA is sound as a multi-purpose boat, and a longer season to use her with the cabin, so fingers crossed we get some boating in this summer to allow me to put the theory into practice!
  5. Hi Mal, Good to hear from you, and glad to hear the 695 is doing you well. As you know I didn't get much use in the time I had her, but what I did get I loved, as it worked well for me given I'm mostly single handed. I bought OHANA last summer, having sold the Monterey given I'd decided to give up boating (again!)..............well that lasted about three weeks before the need to be back on the water took over! Only been out on her three times I think, plus the run back from Southampton where she came from. Not entirely sure if I've bought the right boat for me, but only because I'm more familiar with sports boats. As a boat she's solid, and in fantastic unmolested condition. I'd planned to use it over the next few months and then make my mind up before the summer whether she's a keeper, or if not sell her and go back to silly fast boats for the three months of the year that they are fun. Oddly, given she's a Marlin, she's never been used as a fishing boat, so there's a blank canvas from a set up point of view. Might pick your brains once the lockdown is over to see what you've done with the 695........................unless you fancy the bigger 855 with a px of the 695 that is!!! Stay safe, and see you on the water, soon (ish) I hope!
  6. Thats taking "Lockdown" to the extreme!
  7. How big are the cans Graham, and what fuel have you been carrying in them? Thanks Mark
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