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Andy135 last won the day on April 14 2022

Andy135 had the most liked content!

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  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Fishing, shooting, training spaniels, real ale and https://www.offshoreoutlaws.co.uk/
  • Boat Name
    Jersey Girl
  • MMSI

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  1. Definitely. We've been foxed by the weather for too long. 2024 is our year. I'll even remember to bring my hooks 👍
  2. @Gazza, bumping this up as I took a side-scan screenshot of bream nests over the weekend and thought I'd update this thread. Here you can clearly see the bream nesting sites showing as circular, honeycomb-like structures on the right hand side of this sonar pass. I was scouting around for a new mark on the weekend as my regular spots were already taken. As soon as I spotted these I dropped a line over and bingo! Fish first drop. Full report over on Outlaws in case you want to read it: https://www.offshoreoutlaws.co.uk/topic/2357-may-14th-on-the-bream/
  3. Now spoken for. 👍
  4. 30 fishing magazines. Mostly Saltwater Boat Angling with a couple of BASS issues. Will be taken to the recycling centre after Easter but would rather they went to someone else to read. Free to collect from Berkshire or Gosport, or even from Cornwall over the Easter weekend. Could post but they're quite heavy.
  5. Lifejacket 100 model. 30N buoyancy. Used once. Yours for a donation of your choice to the RNLI plus postage.
  6. You know me too well! 🤣
  7. Your humour has definitely gone to the Dogs.
  8. Many thanks Charlie. Looking forward to it. 👍
  9. We always suspected he was a wrong'un Mick, but now he's just gone and proved it 🤣
  10. Out on Friday almost certainly. If I can wangle a few hours over the weekend I'll see if I can grab a quick local trip too. 🤞
  11. Andy135

    Radar safety

    Fair point. I was 15 miles from the marina, but probably no more than 5 from the nearest land (Selsey Bill).
  12. Andy135

    Radar safety

    Well, I can confirm that Jersey Girl was fine whilst being bollocked by HMS Ledbury at the Overfalls today. No electrical gremlins, just a flea in my ear for getting too close to their live firing exercises 😬💥
  13. Andy135

    Radar safety

    Sounds like an interesting tale! Has the vino worn off yet??
  14. Andy135


    Steady on Graham, you'll have me signing up if you're not careful and I'm not even on PBSBAC's patch! 🤣👍
  15. Andy135


    Welcome Adam. 👍
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