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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Well said that man! πŸ€ͺ
  2. Ha! I bet that went down well with the visiting gentry! Here's Holly having a good look at some carp in a local nature pond. This photo makes me think she's sizing up whether she could retrieve one 🀣
  3. Love it! A plaice-retrieving terrier! Who knew?! πŸ€£πŸ‘
  4. @Tarlach. and I got out on the shingle last night... details here: https://www.offshoreoutlaws.co.uk/topic/1056-what-a-pair-of-blankers/
  5. Good report but... who tries to enter a fish into a weigh and release comp without weighing it?? 🀣🀣
  6. Yep. Not jealous at all... 😬🀣 Good luck and keep us posted πŸ‘
  7. Lovely fish! Well done. πŸ‘
  8. Afraid the VAT does apply for second hand boats. I had to pay the VAT (usual rate) when I bought mine in Jersey.
  9. Yes, that's the ideal outcome, but what are the chances of finding one in the right place at just the right time? Safer to budget for both journeys and if they find a way to split the cost with another delivery then so much the better.
  10. One option may be to find a haulage company to bring it back on a low-loader. Certainly less stressful than driving all the way down to Spain and trailing it back yourself, and once you factor out your own time, fuel and selling on the trailer at the UK end, a haulier may be a worthwhile investment. The broker will likely have experience of hauliers collecting/delivering boats and may be able to recommend one for you.
  11. Yep, I'm inclined to agree. Whilst I don't approve of dumping at sea (which, let's face it, is what they're doing) I do applaud their intent.
  12. @jerry.shutter, as @plaicematsays, 29th March is when the requirement to stay local goes away, so that's when I'll be heading back down to my boat (I live 90 mins away from the marina). To say I'm gagging for it is an understatement! πŸ˜‰
  13. Bump πŸ™‚
  14. Andy135


    Very good Brian! Stick it on Outlaws too - they'll get a chuckle out of that one.
  15. This is exactly how I run my units. The lower unit is the chart plotter, the upper unit is the FF. I share depth data from the FF unit to the Plotter unit so I can see the depth reading simultaneously on both screens. Another advantage of having two identical units is that if one should ever break whilst I'm out, I can easily switch the chart card or transducer cable into the other unit and still salvage the rest of the day and get home safely.
  16. I've not used the wifi connectivity on the Ti2's but before you buy seek out some feedback from those who have. You may find that sharing chart card and transducer data over wifi results in lagging between the two units. This is occasionally evident on Ethernet connected units, so I can only presume that it will be the same if not worse for wifi connections. After all, you're passing a lot of data between two units and you'll want the connection to be as good as possible. Do the Ti2's have a yellow ethernet connection on the back? I'd use this if so as the ethernet cables are quite cheap. Edited to say that if you plan to use one unit as the chartplotter and the other as the FF, with the transducer connected to the FF unit you should be able to avoid data lag, its only when you want to see your FF view on your plotter unit or vice versa that you may run into lagging.
  17. I got the same reply Terry. It sounded like a series of tenuously related paragraphs that were copy & pasted from elsewhere in the hope that they could baffle me with bullsh*t. Like you I don't feel they're committing to any concrete action on super-trawlers.
  18. Another vote for adjustable brackets here. I have a flush mounted unit that is harder to see (wrong angle) than the two bracket mounted units, which I have angled to suit my height. I also find that it's easier to flick my eyes between the bracket units and the horizon, whereas my whole head has to look down to see the flush mounted unit.
  19. Fishing is now allowed. https://anglingtrust.net/covid-19/
  20. Happy New Year all! πŸ‘πŸ‘
  21. I'm keen. Either to take Jersey Girl over or as crew for Tarlach Too.
  22. If you like my posts and want to see more, you can find me at https://www.offshoreoutlaws.co.uk/

  23. Hi Pete, Welcome to the wonderful world of boat ownership πŸ‘ As for your question, I have no direct experience of the Raymarine kit, but I can suggest that for the vast majority of anglers, we do just fine with Chirp, Down and Sidescan views. It's easy to spend a lot of money quickly, chasing the next best thing in sonar imaging but I recommend you go for regular chirp/down/sidescan and learn to use it effectively. You'll find that it's perfect for 99% of our fishing here in the UK.
  24. Festive wishes to you all. Here's to a relaxing holiday season. Fingers crossed for calm seas and tight lines in the new year. All the best, Andy
  25. Andy135


    Ouch! Some proper toe-curlers there 😬
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