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Breakin’ Bass

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Everything posted by Breakin’ Bass

  1. Hi John, I have fitted an Axiom+ 9RV to my boat. I’m happy with it. That said, I have nothing to compare it to as this is my first fishing boat! Only thing I would say is that a pure touch screen can be a little difficult to operate in rougher seas. I now understand why the Pro Axioms also have knobs and buttons, as well as touch screen functionality. Finally, the 9in screen can be a bit on the small side, so I only use it either purely Nav or fish finder mode. I find split screen is too small to be useful. Well for myself anyhow. Hope that helps. Kind Regards Pete
  2. Thanks Jerry. Look forward to the next date. Pete
  3. Thanks Jim/Terry. Understood.
  4. Please add me to the list of boats taking part. Do I need to register anywhere else on this site? Pete
  5. Happy New year to you all. Hopefully I'll actually get to meet some of you in 2021. Its been virtual start to my membership so far!
  6. Thanks Charlie. As I'm new to boat fishing in and around Poole Bay I'll be using it to find new marks and more importantly, hopefully marks with fish on them! Initially I aim to focus on some of the easier to reach marks listed on this site in up to around 30m of water. Then once I've built up some experience perhaps venture further offshore to maybe the mid channel wrecks/bnaks. Regards Pete
  7. Thanks Andy, just taken a look at the Simrad NSS Evo 3 blurb. It’s a very capable MFD. Unlike the Axiom it has the dual user interface as opposed to just touch. I’m now mulling over whether or not I’m going to need this. On balance however as I don’t intend using the boat in very rough seas I think I’d get away with just a touch screen interface. I currently have my IPad setup onboard with the Navionics app and find I can operate that OK, even in a choppy sea keeping “one hand for the boat”. Once again many thanks for your time and advice. Regds Pete
  8. Hi Andyman110, very many thanks for your comments. Interesting that you mention lakes and their associated bottom structure as Raymarine certainly push these images in their sales blurb. Seen very little of seabed and structure. Afraid I am a “tech tart” but sadly don’t have the understanding to go with it! I’m therefore grateful for the advice given on here. Simple certainly sounds like the way to go for myself. Out of interest what fish finder are you currently using. regds Pete
  9. Thanks Andy, your advice is very much appreciated. Especially as the cost of stepping up from Chirp type transducers to ones that provide the RealVision 3D is eye watering. To be honest even if I could see the fish in 3D I’m still not sure that I could catch them 😂
  10. Hi all, I’m currently looking at upgrading my GPS/Fishfinder (Raymarine circa 2004 C80 etc) for a Raymarine Axiom 9+RV set up. Does anyone have experience with this unit and more importantly would you recommend it? I’m not sure if I would actually require the full 3D/RV experience or just downscan and CHIRP would suffice? I’d further point out that as I only bought my 1st boat during lockdown I have no real idea of what is, or is not considered to be a good fish finder. Therefore any advice/recommendations would be most welcome. Many thanks in advance Pete ( Breakin’ Bass)
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