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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Ragdoll

  1. Does any one know of any coordinates so I can go bream bashing with my kids next month .. I'm new to this area (poole) .. I see a guy who said that there was a petrified forest around the Bournemouth piers area ?
  2. Hi Hooky if your ever going out to catch some bream I'd take my boat and go out with you if you want ?
  3. Lovely cheers ill be up for that 👍
  4. Very nice 👌 I've had trouble with my fish finder so its coming back out in about a week for a couple of days so I can fit a new transducer etc also paint the parts of the hull I missed last time lol .. 😆
  5. My quick silver going in at cobbs
  6. Where was you based ? I want to have a go at the shambles but I think it maybe a bit too far for my little boat . I've got a quick silver 640 with a 90 mariner with a 100 litre tank do you think I'd make it there and back .? Any tips be great... Cheers
  7. Hi stuie what sort of species are you hoping to catch ..... is march the so called dead month or was that Feb I can't remember lol 😂
  8. Hi Alan I'm in cobbs quay on f pontoon I'm new to this group and new to boat fishing in general . I'm looking to go plaice hunting could you give me any tips please 🙂
  9. Hi 👋 what's the best weather for fishing in the bay ?
  10. Ragdoll

    New member

    Hi Tony 👋 I rang cobbs today I gotta get my boat out but earliest they can do is 2 weeks from now then I can fit my fishfinder .back 8n the water in 2 days hopefully . They did say I could put it in the cradle and fit the transducer in the dinner break but 8ve never done 9ne before and don't really know what I'm doing so best have it out for 2 days
  11. Great picture 👍👍👍😆
  12. Ragdoll

    New member

    I'd meet up with you if you get time to get your boat underway . The weathers going to get really nice next month and I've heard that's when the bream starts ! I love bream fishing I can't wait for it lol . When sun's out and the waves are calm I'm straight into the bay 😆🤣😂
  13. Ragdoll

    New member

    Hi thanks for the warm welcome ill keep an eye out for you matey cheers 🍻
  14. Ragdoll

    New member

    Yeah that's it I hit the mud bank and stalled my out board great way to learn ill definitely remember that lol I don't think I'll make Monday I'm working but I was going to try next Saturday but I heard the weathers getting a bit worse later in the week then after that supposed to be hotter than Spain lol ill keep in touch with you see if we can get out and show me the proper way in and out of cobbs lol .... love your new outboard ! Very nice 👌
  15. Ragdoll

    New member

    Hi Martin when you going out next ? I'm after going out with another boat so I can follow and learn the routes and places to fish 🐟
  16. Ragdoll

    New member

    Hi lofty 😉
  17. Ragdoll

    New member

    I'm new to these sort of forums I have no idea how to use them lol but I'll learn (some how) when is the next time you guys are going out to the bay ? I tried last week but it was too lumpy I got about 200 yards past the chain ferry and had to turn back .I really want to catch some plaice or a turbot Nigel
  18. Ragdoll

    New member

    Hi Terry and Martin my names nigel 😊
  19. Ragdoll

    New member

    Hi just joined and paid my yearly fee .I have a boat in cobbs quay mariner only been there for a few weeks went out last week and caught my 1st poole bass 6lb 2 oz on ragworm off brown sea Island (was actually hoping to catch a plaice ) im waiting to get access to the member only part so I can get some info on going out into the bay and going to some fish meets which I'm really looking forward to ! Hoping to get down there in a few days might try getting boat out to fit my new garmin striker 7cv
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