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Everything posted by Baf

  1. Merry Christmas to everyone 🎅🎄🎅
  2. Baf

    Happy Birthday Baf

    Thank you for the birthday wishes, got family coming round for a beer or two.🍻
  3. I'm glad you are both safe lofty.
  4. Have a lovely day Mal 🍻
  5. Happy Birthday Allan.
  6. Done my bit
  7. Happy Birthday Lofty.
  8. Baf

    Google ads

    All gone, thank you Oli
  9. Happy Birthday Charlie Have a lovely day 🍻
  10. Baf

    Echo Artical

    Don't know if this in the paper issue but is on their web site. Poole fishing boat club hosts successful award show evening | Bournemouth Echo
  11. Baf


    How this is so true
  12. Happy Birthday Martin 🍺
  13. Baf

    What gloves?

    The one's I had are nothing special, there from screwfix Site work gloves, I have a few pairs which I use round the garden as well, I like you can grip with them but not so thick you can't feel what your doing. kept my hand warm enough. I know you can get thermal one's but never tried.
  14. Thank you Charlie for letting me join you, had a great day.
  15. Hi Charlie I would be interested if you don't mind.
  16. Thanks Martin for letting me join you, enjoyed the day out even if the bling didn't catch anything.
  17. That's Brian (Baf) with Madness -Martin
  18. Hi Martin Would have been great to join you again, but got family coming over to stay. hope to get a couple of hours in the harbour on Saturday if weather stays good. Cheers Brian
  19. Baf

    Happy Birthday Mal

    Happy Birthday Have a great day 🍺 🍻🍺
  20. First Flounder I've ever caught.
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