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Everything posted by duncan

  1. Can someone please help me here? I thought that the relationship between bass size and spawning potential was proven - is this not the case? If it is, then shouldn't the focus be on how to best implement a fisheries policy that enables the fish to spawn - rather than whether to implement such a policy?
  2. shame this one (or a version) started back in 2008, was re-created under the guise of Fedex, USPS and Canada Post through 2009 and 2010. I have only recieved the UPS one, but have had it 6 times (so far). The golden rules continue to apply "don't touch it" - but one version is slightly more cute as it disguises the file fedex(whatever)_invoice.exe as a word (.doc) icon, or the .zip version.
  3. I commented on this some time ago - and then it was suggested that the adverts were individually selected based on browser activity............ So now all I see now are boats....
  4. not sure about 'too early' Terry ... in the last thread all the skippers that commented on Charlie's suggested dates did so positively. personally, and I suspect others may be in the same position, the recent weather (all year!) seems to mock any concept of planning such a trip at all , but I'm sure (hoping) it will all come together 'on the night'
  5. I can onlly comment on a few years ago (sadly) but I used to outfish the rest of the boat with a single piece of cuttle mantle about 2"x 3/4" . Especially effective just downtide from PJ's 16 squid baits.... One suggestion was that with really large squid pennels you risk loosing the bottom, another was that you can drop a small bait back to find fish a lot more easily. Anyhow, the one undisputable fact is that you have to be out there with some bait in the water to catch!......
  6. duncan

    Finance options

  7. duncan

    Finance options

    er...Zopa is a middle man (they charge
  8. always a shame but there really isn't much you can do against someone who has gone 'prepared' the more you do the more damage will be caused - the equation is that simple. it used to be the case that a lot of the instances in Poole were Thursday night, for selling Fri and feeding a weekend habit - but these seem to have reduced a bit. now it's generally associated with a specific target such as your engine parts, or triggered by 'on-show' items. having been 'done' 5 times in the last 10 years you have my sympathy, although the only time they tried to take the boat they caused more damage trying than actually succeding - ingnition thingy & instrument panel destroyed. touch wood it's quietened down over more recent years!
  9. duncan


    I'm slightly confused - there are a lot of stainless rams on marine stern drive units happily operating in sea water...
  10. Grib data projections have it all between SE and SSW for Sat throu' Monday, with some really snotty stuff coming through at times. Real shame
  11. if you were at anchor, assuming you hadn't just anchored in his path, then he shouldn't trawl in a manner that puts you in danger. if you feel concerned in that situation a call on the VHF asking the trawler if he's seen you and his intentions would have the benefit of raising awareness with Portland CG, who will have his AIS track and may well contact him (he probably won't reply to your call) which might cause him to give a wider berth than might otherwise be the case. Generally his view would be that he can go as close as he needs to you as long as he doesn't hit you - your view might be somewhat different. When drifting you, and all the other boats, should take care when setting up drifts - although it's particularily difficult on the shambles because the trawler will be following carefully mapped contours rather than straight lines; and you won't know where he's going next. It can be bad enough on something as well defined as the Schole Bank at times!
  12. Somewhere else, on another forum, a trawler skipper will be posting about the negligent small angling boats that were slow to get out of the way whilst he was going about his job. From a negligence perspective I think you need to read the IRPCS, especially definitions and rule 18 (a)
  13. and he had the benefit of pulling it all apart.... anyhow, glad that is resolved
  14. I am not quite sure it was the best rod "ever", my Alba 6lb class kicks it's butt in all aspects and weighs a few oucnes by comparison, but it was an incredible piece of late 70s / early 80s rod building engineering. I feel a fish off coming on - I did say 'is' as I still have mine! I find it hard to believe that your Alba has the 12ft of tip transition provided by the Ugly when a pollack dives - but then again it might have alternative technology!
  15. whilst Tom's principles are sound (when it comes to tackle!) I question the concept of 2007 gear being old - I haven't used most of mine since then..... I think either the TLD or Penn 535/25GLS have proved themselves over and over again as good fishing machines, and able to handle the knocks and abuse associatd with small boat angling. I have a 25GLS that has fished most bottom fishing sessions I have been on, and has never failed. I did get a 975LD and absolutely love it - buying new today it would be the Avet or TQR that Tom's outlined. I have loads (and loads) of rods - I tend to use 3 or 4 over and over again for the reasons many have highlighted; what works for you. Line class ratings are hugely missleading (IMO) but are the only thing we can really use to discuss such things. Given that few people have large enought boats to carry all their rods for every trip (and as I never leave tackle onboard there are even more logistics!) the best solutions are the ones that can handle a range of situations competently. Next best are the comfortable ones - last off are the specialist no compromise items. An example of the latter is the Uglystick 1481/15 (I think!) which is simply the best pollack wrecking rod ever produced - but weighs a ton in use! Whatever you get - make sure you use it a lot...
  16. this would sum up my views on the engines presented. these are all modern 'new generation' engines and should be expected to perform well in all areas (inc service ....) - realistically things do happen but there's nothing fundamental between them.
  17. honest answer is no clue........but if grasping at straws it seems 1. fuel related 2. probably one cylinder only logical conclusion I have is that there was a temporary blockage to one injector, something held in place by the pressure build up (fuel pump would continue to deliver even if the injector was totally blocked) that got released when the pressure seal was broken. whatever it was may still be in the area, or gone... again guessing - it's gone. personally I would remove injectors and disconnect. prime through an amount of fuel, wash injectors, replace, prime etc, also check the secondary fuel filter for signs of biological material.
  18. I'm planning to get out, but I might be running over to Cherbourg for a party rather than fishing.... (I know I'm really not taking this fishing seriously nowadays) I have Friday looking best, but Sunday OK for getting back. Will listen out anyway
  19. given that he's not even on the first 2 pages of a google search for 'web design companies' (I don't kow where he actualy is and don't care) but that we are not only page 1, but no 1, on page 1 of a google search for 'boat angling club' - and that's without playing with the code!
  20. in a nutshell.........
  21. Neal Many here submitted to the consultation process around this. The bit you seem to have missed is "At present the professional fishermen are required to keep records of their catches which are submitted to Guernsey Sea Fisheries. No record is kept of what fish are caught by charter anglers or amateur anglers. It is felt that it would be impractical to require or indeed
  22. you need to be more precise I have no problem with an 'annual bag limit' applied to the boat at all - I have huge problems with one based on a day, or trip etc My reasoning is that the latter has absolutely no impact on conservation as a whole. Then you have the question of whether it applies to the craft or the person? Finally you would have the ridiculous situation of recreational netting and discards etc
  23. to me our choices are simple - either we as a club undertake to provide statistically valid data relating to small boat anglers or we will be lumped together with the rest of the RSA sector and the existing pre-conceptions will remain unchallenged. the key part of this is that as a group we make a larger overall contribution to GB plc per fish taken than any other - by a scary factor (my one problem with the survey would be SWMBO seeing the actual costs associated with running a small boat for angling!) I have taken, and eaten, 1 mackerel and 1 plaice in the last 2 years, against estimated costs of
  24. having spent a fair amount of time reviewing the various interested parties, and a quick chat with a well known to the the club charter skipper, I have drawn a different conclusion to Martin (but then again I've only had 2 glasses of red and 5 Stellas) however, my conclusion is that it's an opportunity for the club rather than there being any value in individual contribution. the club represents (or has membership of) a wide range of primarily sport fishermen who spend a lot of money each year on their chosen pastime. we have one of the best communication vehicles, and are passionate about our sport whether we liase direct with one of the stakeholders as a represenative sample or just let it pass by is the choice finally, we do not believe that the perception of our activities matches reality (but I'm not suggesting it would be simple) I didn't originally post because this should be in Club Talk - but the OP is a forum member
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