No problem Rich.
Are you gonna get someone to drop you off at Rownhams? Only asking cos you are not allow to park there more than 2 hours.
If that's a problem, I can come a bit off the motorway to pick you up.
Sweet Honey will be there, I'll need crew.
What time are you guys leaving in the morning? ie., how far is Weymouth from Poole? I will need to add the 1 hr 15 min on top of the journey time.
I would say 6hp is minimum, but it also depends on what type of outboard.
A 4hp high thrust WILL push a 25' <2 ton yacht in coatal area. The only problem is the tide is strong in this area and 4 hp isn't much if it's not a high thrust.
From time to time I flick thru the stolen page on Boatandoutboards just to see what's been nicked. I can't help but seem to remeber having seen the very same picture sometime before.
Sometime it might be the boat, the distintive decal or once I even remembered the house in the background.
I wonder can it be that thieves are targeting people selling boat thru the web or on boat mags?
I'm trying to sell my outboard thru them and have this guy expressing interest, but he ignored my 3 attempts to get him to ring me on the phone. All he seems to want is my address so that he can come down and veiw it next week. His email is on hotmail which has absolutely no credential. He can be who he say he is or he can just be a thief. Not that I mind him stealing the outboard (I can claim on the insurance) but he might choose to chainsaw thru the transome or worse nicking the whole bloody trailer with Sweet Honey on it.
I might be paranoid but I guess it's better to be safe than sorry.
I think callsign and MMSI number stays with the boat thru it's life. You can't take it with you when you change boat, you'll have to get a new one (or one from the boat).
Sweet Honey is on there
I noticed she wasn't put on there till 15/9, despite the licence started at the beginning of August. So I reckon it will take 6+ weeks for BW to be on there.
It's not a joke, funnily enough I thought the same as you when I first heard it in metalwork back in 3rd year, Mr Stanton smartly pointly out, milk is the mixture of water and fat. It might get seperated if ledt standing but a quick few shake and it's back in mixture form.
That's the stuff we use when lathe(?)/turning/milling of metal components. First get a jar, put some water in it, stir it round and round then pour some oil into the swirling water and it will turn milky colour. Squat this liquid onto the drilling space to cool as well as lubricate.
Bought it as a set frm crayside to replace the Alderney ring I lost. I only needed the ring, but it works out cheaper to get a set.
The stopper stops your bouyed Alderney ring from coming back all the way to the bow of your boat, so you don't have to guess where the buoy is. Plus others will be about to see your buoy and know you're anchored, that's the thoery anyway.
Cuttle will catch you most fish, rays, bass, bream, cod, pollocks, conger,..... anything that will take a squid will definitely take cuttle. The advantage of cuttle has over squid is that they are tough and will be able to resist crab attack longer.
To be honest, if anyone can get them straight off the quay, it would be cheaper. The fish bloke gets all his fish from Brixham down at Devon and truck it back to Hants to sell to the catering trade.
They come fresh (and stewing in their own juice-just like in Blackadder.... ) and I just pick out how many I want.
You can put down the size you prefered, samll or large, but I can't guarantee that if too many people want a certain size I will have to share it out to make it fair.
I will then get them bagged individually so you can take only one out at a time if you so want.
The fish man will probably come up either this week or next week. Does anyone wants any cuttle and how many? I'll bring them down on the Weymouth trip week Sunday. Price not sure until he gets here, but the cuttle will cost you what he charge me. I will bag it and blast freeze it in my chiller for you.
Post here please.
Paul, yes I will bring it down with me on the day. It's about 6kg in weigh.
Martin, I have also 2 more @ 6kg each if you want them you can have them.
The only thing I would advice is that due to them being disc and has a sharp(ish) edge, I would either use a piece of short chain or sleeve the rope with a short length of garden hose to provide cut.
A piece of 2x2 is good enough. Rise the engine as far up as possible, then measure and cut a poece of 2x2, stick it under it and lower the engine to wedge it into place.
My outboard has a 6" metal arm which I can raise and jack up the engine, unfortunately I can't tilt the outboard forward enough (because of its height) to engage it......