I'm a novice at boat fishing, I'm working my way thru the 18' Shetland I'd bought over the winter. I've fitted a new deck, replaced the cushions and rewired the lights as well as power points. The boat came with honda 10 hp outboard, but I've decided a bigger engine is required for seafaring (it was used in the river only), so a 30hp Johnson was bought.
Now, should I keep the honda and use it as an aux engine?
The upside is that I know the honda is a good engine, just serviced and the chap said it's in pristine condition. The downside is that (to my discovery) both engines weigh a considerate amount if both are fitted. With the trailer parked on a slight slope, the combined weight of the engines, and me trying to jump up, it lifted the jocket wheel of the ground.
Or should I get a smaller ob like a seagull which can be stored inside the boat untill needed? Plus it weigh a lot less.
Also, how small is small (minimum) to push a 18' boat in an emergency?
Thanks in advance.
P.S Anyone know what this boat is, I know it's a shetland but not sure of model.