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mw last won the day on November 13 2018

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About mw

  • Birthday 03/09/1959

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    Boats fishing
  • Boat Name
    Aztec Warrior

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Shark Chaser

Shark Chaser (5/6)



  1. mw

    Smart meter

    I have it every min then you can see what you are using and turn things off kettles and toasters will surprise you
  2. mw

    Happy Birthday Mark

    Thank you i did wet a line
  3. mw

    Happy Birthday Mark

    Thanks no I did try but to windy mw
  4. Nidaplast is strong and lighter than wood but you have to glass it in both sides to make it stiff that takes some time and needs to be worm to set up i would think charlie would have used it when he built his boat
  5. They are not happy with fishing boats at all in poole yacht club I thought i saw you down there a while back when kayak comp was on ive been a member for a few years but not used the slip yet i did notice the yard not to us has a good slipway but cant see it being used much give them a shout mark
  6. my catch report only managed a scallop as this flat and a shellfish does it count ? other than that only sun rays mw
  7. I will be fishing Saturday on Aztec warrior mark winfield
  8. You can refuel in portland marina have to see when they are open mark
  9. How much are they charging a metre this year mark
  10. I thought you were going to say she is happy outside the house
  11. mw

    Oh bugger

    You could try J B weld I once repaired a heat exchanger on a boiler it lasted a couple of years not as hot as a turbo but may be ok mark
  12. Sounds like something in the Bible mark
  13. Hi Ben is it the pro fish you have if so I had the same problems mine had a 8mm gypsum i went down to a 6mm and used more chain before this I used 3 different ropes and they all got caught up and I had 24 inch drop in the rope locker mark w
  14. Sound like it could be an injector problem mark
  15. I tried it with chain and zip tied to the swivel 3 zip tied on the anchor still broke every time, tried strong orange thin rope still broke so back to just using swivel Did catch a bass on bread looking to catch a mullet though mw
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