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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by z1plex

  1. What a doughnut!.. , on the last boat it had a wedge fitted so I assumed wrong , I should've opened my eyes and had a look 'round first. Thanks for your responses...the bracket is fitted and all works wonderfully well, and yep, sure enough the pin takes out the engine to the required angle. Thanks again guys. Regards, Duncan.
  2. Adam, Thanks for the advice, I just 'asumed' i'd need one as the angle looks a little too steep......my inexperience shining through !! . I'll make up a backing plate as you suggest and maybe give Arnie a ring at Seahog, nice to think it will go straight on though and I hope it will, the angle does look 'iffy' though!, it's probably me trying to get things too right! Thanks again, Duncan.
  3. Hi guys, My boat's pretty well ready to go now.........seems time has evaporated since I got it in it's basic form back in November?, can't even remember the month!, but i've had little option other than make the boat secondary, but hey .... anyway I have yet to fix the aux' bracket and i'd like your considered opinion on what to use as a 'wedge' to take out the angle of the transom in order to have the bracket plate virtually flush, or as near as dammit. Obviously a hard wood or ply is required but marine ply is only available in certain thicknesses, (to get flush the wedge needs to taper from 2" to 0.5" approx) and will require glueing and planing??, any advice gratefully recieved as once that's done i'm more or less there. Regards to you all, Duncan.
  4. Adam , I had been told by many that the boat was relatively an unknown quantity, in fact David at Ainsdale had mentioned the price was so low as to get the boat out on the water to see how they were recieved generally. I decided against the Predator in the end as I found people generally, mainly dealers, were less than complimentary and mentioned problems with 'handling characteristics' more often than not.........whether this was scaremongery I don't know, and I don't particularly care much now as i've got the Samurai on the way. I have spoken at length to a friend of a friend of...you get the idea, and found that the Samurai was closer to the original boat I had decided to go for, the Explorer, than the Predator was , also it's fairly well built and tried/tested if you like. I must admit that costs came into it in the end and the Samurai was very close in price to the Predator, i.e: approx
  5. Cheers for the advice guys, and thanks for the offer of the trip out Adam, time allowing I may take you up on that..........I've purchased a lead in order to transfer info to and from laptop/GPS and have had some fun entering waypoints whilst out and about and also entering waypoints of wrecks etc along the Chesil area via a sheet full of co-ordinates then viewing on a web map, it's suprising just how much info' is available if you dig a bit! The GPS will just have to do once i'm on the water for a while but i've been looking at some of the types and sites that have been mentioned and they do look the business I must admit, very nice! I managed to find a cheap power lead also, so at least there won't be any issues on the battery front as it will be plugged into an accessory point. On the subject of the ongoing saga of which boat, where, how, what , why because and so on....i've actually put a deposit on a new Samurai which will be available for collection in about 5 weeks, so the deed is well and truly done this time,a little sooner than I thought as at one stage it looked like a long wait. However things like plotters etc will have to wait a while...the costs of lights,radio,rope,anchor,etc,etc,and oh yeah that as well , is mounting rapidly but i'm getting slowly but surely there. Very much looking forward to me and a mate spending a weekend fitting her out, should be fun Cheers for now, Duncan.
  6. Thanks chaps,...........that sort of sorts me out, i've checked into it a bit more and it appears I can download from PC to GPS via an appropriate lead, just have to delve a little further to get my head 'round it! , still it's assuring to know that, although not the best option, it still seems adequate for starters....I doubt i'll be straying too far afield in the first few instances anyway . All the Best, Duncan.
  7. Dear All, in my frustration at having to wait now for my boat, i've been trawling through various mag's and on the net, looking at various items I will need when the boat is with me. One of the items that seems to crop up on virtually every forum or advert for a s/hand boat is a Plotter. I have a hand held Garmin GPS, and find it works well once you've marked your waypoint, takes you back every time as it should, without fail. I'm unsure if you can enter co-ordinates in advance, the only way seems to be to mark a waypoint and then ammend to whatever other co-ordinates you like,i.e. ones for a wreck/drop off whatever but like I say, not sure if that will actually work. My question...and if it gives you a laugh then, hey ho!, is...how does a plotter work, are the cheaper ones worth considering, are they vitally important or can you do without??, ignorance I know, but you guys have given sound advice before so can you again please. Also, the previous boat I had was used for trawling and drifting, whereas the new boat will obviously be at anchor in the Channel.... in time, what length of chain would you recommend and what anchor type?, any advice greatfully rec'd. PS, how's the comp' with the Burnham boys coming along??, anything sorted?? Regards to you all, Duncan.
  8. Adam, I posted the details of the Burnham contact via e mail to your address on the link from this site........please confirm you recieved, if not i'll put details on here. Regards, Duncan.
  9. z1plex

    Trailer sorted

    Charlie, That sounds a good idea, i'm looking to get the boat in a few weeks, shouldn't take too long to get her ready , so I may come back to you on that for contact details etc. Regards, Duncan.
  10. z1plex

    Trailer sorted

    The contact I have, who is now boatless, was a member of Burnham SBO and still remains in contact with some members I think, he puts most of his efforts into shooting now but I will ask the question. I am at the embryotic stages of my boating you have to appreciate, so I am like a go-between in some respects, but I will ask the question and get a contact if I can. I would imagine that would be a good laugh. Should be seeing him tomorrow so i'll know more then. Cheers Duncan
  11. z1plex

    Trailer sorted

    Martin, I've fished the Bristol Channel from beach and rock for 16+ yrs, but from boat it will be a learning curve for me i'm afraid. I've fished from a friends boat in years gone by from Knightstone at Weston where we tended to head for marks just off of the main shipping channel...Clevedon green bouy being very productive as I remember though not particuarly funny when a container ship heading for Portbury bears down on you...rather large up close! There are numerous reefs running throughout the channel with some very steep drop offs, although having said that a longliner still, (I think), puts lines out just outside the harbour, and he used to do very well! I will be trying to track down an old friend who I have not spoken to for 5 or 6 years, he was the secretary at WSBO and what he didn't know about the channel in general you could write on a stamp so to speak, if I remember correctly he had the co-ordinates for every wreck and known mark from the Bristol side to beyond Watermouth. Also a costomer/mate who until very recently ventured out most weekends and through the week when funds allowed,(sold boat now), is also is very knowledgeable and he will be badgered by myself until he gives up as much information as I can gleen, he will be coming out with me in the first instance with any luck. From shore I can help as i've usually done well and have had some unforgetable nights, Battery point being my favouite mark of all, recent years not being as good i'm afraid, but I still do go and Cod will be showing by the end of the month from the usual places, a few have already made an appearance. But,..yes I will be pleased to hand over any information I can get on my way to learning more myself, if you need any more detailed info' for shore marks let me know and i'll re-post some info', but like you I am more interested in being afloat now Duncan.
  12. z1plex

    Trailer sorted

    Yes, I spoke a number of times to David at Ainsdale and i've now decided to go for the Predator, my first choice was, and still is, the Explorer but finances wouldn't allow come the end.....should I have sold my boat without the engine then I would of run the Explorer for as long as neccessay, however I found myself in a position to be able to buy a Tohatsu 50eptol for
  13. To All, Thanks for your attempts to sort me a trailer but i've sourced a suitable one for the boat, it's braked,multi roller,all singing job so that's another one out the way! Regards, Duncan.
  14. Paul, if you would get details i'd appreciate it, whichever boat I end up with will be 16'ish, that much I am sure of. Martin..the weight of the Predator for instance, if you check the Seahog site, is 400 kilos approx, what extra weight you need to take into account apart from engine,fuel,general electrics,battery etc i'm not overly sure of, but I would take an uneducated guess at 200-300 kilos??,(engine being 75). I can't think of how Adam, for example, gets up to 1200kilos??............and while on that subject ,..thanks mate..rub it in why don't you! Raider indeed, ..........................mind you,....... they do look nice Duncan.
  15. Sherlock, , thanks for the info', I have contacted a few mftrs but with little response, it appears the best option is the 'proper' multi roller type, IF one is available secondhand then I ain't gotta clue where it is!, i've trawled thru' loads of sites etc. without success. Martin may have uncovered something....waiting on info' to be posted from him, fingers crossed. Newboy, as Adam points out the Explorer is only available as 165 eq'....thank god, else i'd be slowly pulling my hair out with pliers and talking jibberish, (more so than usual anyway), I did ring and speak to Brian of Explorer earlier in week to give card details for deposit but he suggested I wait 'till next Monday, hmmmmmm....I wish he'd taken it then!!!, would have been well and truly finalised then!, because.............. I recieved a call today from David at Ainsdale Boats offering test ride in a Predator on Monday, I suppose i'll have to go and try as only 99.0?1!% sure , still prefer the Explorer but the difference in price is LOTS!, also I purchased a new engine today, (Tohatsu 50 eptol), as the boat went complete with engine in the end. That was rash, but at least when the boat's ready i'll have something decent to strap on to the back!(yep,....that was very rash) Incidentally, has anyone viewed Endeavour's web site, same as 165 and 'older' model = Explorer Elite...have a look, it gets more intruiging as time goes by...
  16. Newboy, appreciate that too, i'm sure something will rear it's galvanised head soon enough.......
  17. Martin, thanks for that.....much appreciated mate, good on yer' Duncan.
  18. Martin, new from Explorer @ 1100/1300,(unbraked/braked) Ainsdale Boat @ 1100 (braked)...so if the right thing then cheaper...I was advised by David at Ainsdale that I needed a Swing Beam Rear Cradle type....that was for the Predator, will it be different for the Explorer??
  19. Adam, yes it is, detective or what??, how did you work that one out??, anyhow while I ponder that, i've just sold it so i'm well on the way to an Explorer...on that subject if anyone knows of a suitable secondhand trailer then please let me know as the saving would be vast!...i'll ensure a pint or two wings your way By the way, glad to hear your mobile again, it must be very satisfying knowing the engine is all shiney and new, best of luck with that, although i'm sure it's gonna' be the dogs twitcher in a short time. I rang Brian,(Explorer), today and he's ringing me back Monday from their HQ to take details of deposit etc...I did mention the bag swinging that went on and he's still 'on one' about Warrior, I don't think they are going to buy a pint for each other for some considerable time from what he was saying.....as long as I get my boat i'm not really fussed, anyhow...if a trailer raises it's head please let me know. Regards All Duncan.
  20. It's a real pain but I think i'll stick to my original choice and go for the Explorer, i'm sat here now musing over bits and pieces but I feel if I go another route i'll regret not following my original gut reaction, it seems a few have bemoaned the delivery performance of Explorer but that's just the risk i'll have to take. I will be ringing Brian in the morning to finalise the deposit and delivery schedule and i'll repost the outcome to let you all know, at-least it appears i'm not on my own when it comes to soul searching and head shaking in respect to a new boat purchase....this is my first decent boat and it will have to last me some years to come. Anyhow, thanks for your support and input, you've give a learner boater some needed help and a shoulder!! ... Duncan
  21. This bitchiness between these boat manufacturers is becoming a bit silly...when I was at the boat show Eddie of Warrior changed his attitude when I told him I was yet to visit Explorer, Bryan of Explorer certainly didn't hide his obvious hate for Warrior and when I spoke to him about Predator I was warned away from them being advised users can't stop them 'porpoising'...what ever that means??, I assume it means riding up in the water then slamming down??, someone please enlighten me. I also have spoken to Arnie of Seahog who assures me all that is said about Cathedral hulls is not neccessarily true!!. The list of comments and cat scratching goes on and whilst I realise competition is fierce it would be nice to be able to choose a boat without the bag swinging and claw swipeing of these guys. I have raised my deposit in as much as I have transferred part of my loan into an account that allows me to use a debit card, I had raised a cheque and put it in an envelope to send off but it makes you wonder if the delivery schedules advised are just dragged out of the air, i've been told 5 weeks but I wonder if that's just a selling ploy...they appear to say anything, right or slanderous in order to get a sale...i've made my mind up to a degree in as much as i've been told Bryan i'm going to have an Explorer however I had recieved a reply from David Steele at Ainsdale which crossed with my visit to the show and I can buy a Predator and new braked trailer for over 1k less than the Explorer/trailer!!, talk about dangling a carrot...I must say though, out of all these guys I spoke to David was by far the least biased, obviously...but it did make a change.
  22. Good on ya' Adam, sod the money mate...you're only here for the once as they say...enjoy as i'm sure you will, sounds like the ideal set up...cheers Duncan
  23. z1plex

    Explorer Elite

    Hello Bob, The deposit I was asked for was 1k, perhaps your right about the sum being far greater to help with initial cash flow prob's, I only hope mine will be mfr'd to the degree of finish of the boat on show, Dave Lewis, i've since found out,(read test report supplied by Explorer)! rates them very highly indeed so that's a pretty good endorsement as he doesn't usually mince his words, but hey...who knows?..I seemed to get the impression from Warrior that they were trying just a little too hard to sell the boat, (well Eddie was,... seemed to change attitude a little once I informed him I was yet to visit Explorer), from what i've been told there is Very little love lost between the two. I will be collecting the boat approx' 5-7 weeks so will post appraisal on that web site then. I've never attended a boat show before, but as Adam said I felt the entry fee was steep aswell, and it felt just a little too much for the rich and look at me type brigade, some of the kit was incredible but................sigh. Incidentally if anyone else fancies a try out when she's here then feel free, I will be using her in the Channel with a seasoned chap, helping me cut my Severn sea teeth. Regards, Duncan.
  24. Dear All I found myself transported magically through time and stood in the que waiting to enter the Boat Show on Saturday, originally I couldn't make it, but as things turned out I was there.....I resisted buying a programme, even after being asked if I wanted one perhaps 40 times, and entered thinking I could find Warrior and Explorer boats by myself...big mistake!, anyhow I stumbled across Warrior and within 10 min's was skipping across a choppy sea with Eddie not really looking where he was going, bless him, I must say I was impressed with the little 150 and left Eddie trying desperately to get a sale but I wanted to check out Explorer first, i'm very pleased I did as the boat far exeeded my expectations with regard to build quality and overall lay out, I spoke at length to Bryan about the boat, got a few prices and a bit of discount and basically will be ringing him with a deposit today. My plan is to hold on to my current engine until funds allow a new unit, the purchase of the boat is a little higher than my original budget but I feel i've done the right thing, I must admit to being ever so slightly smitten!, but if you see her in the flesh she does a good turn at seduction, believe me. I must admit that had Explorer not been there then Eddie would of got a sale but as it turned out the Explorer was much the same price, and for me,personally, I thought a better bet. Regards, Duncan.
  25. Can't ask for more than that!,..........i'll post this sample tomorrow, should be with you Saturday or Monday. Cheers.
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