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Clubs AGM and Presentation Tuesday 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club BH15 3EU ×


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plaicemat last won the day on March 22

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About plaicemat

  • Birthday 11/12/1946

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    Carterton, Oxfordshire.
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  1. Which I don't! Good idea, hadn't thought of that. Terry.
  2. It WAS the Pelican. I wouldn't have thought something that big could sneak up on you! Terry.
  3. I think we saw them, we stopped briefly by the Castle and they passed us going in, they returned to the Lifeboat academy. Terry.
  4. A stunning trip, lucky crew. I had a similar trip back to Cobb's from Southbourne but without the advantage of radar or experienced crew, that was fun but no big dramas fortunately. Whilst going down the small boats channel, I suddenly spotted the biggest blue ship I've seen in Poole on my starboard side in the main channel, probably about 40 yards away. I hadn't spotted it at all until that point despite two pairs of eyes keeping watch. Scary! Terry.
  5. plaicemat

    Hurry up!

    All this lovely sunshine, I'm getting very excited and not a little impatient. Come on bream! Terry.
  6. I know you've all been on the edge of your seats wondering how this went so, new pump fitted and everything working as it should. Now I see exactly how it works, Charlie's comment makes more sense. Terry.
  7. Which bowl, Charlie? Surely not the toilet bowl? Terry.
  8. Ta! Terry.
  9. Next trip down was going to include servicing the toilet flushing pump as it's never been used and all the washers etc have gone hard and it sprays the cabin instead of the toilet bowl. Number one daughter is making demands. Oh joy! messing around in tight corners in a smallish cabin. Then I discovered that, for not much money, I can replace the pump complete which just involves removing a couple of bolts and a couple of screws; simples! I can then take the old unit home and service it in the garage giving me a spare, the service kit came with the boat. Much happier, then a tidy up and polish in the cabin and good to go. Can't be long now? Terry.
  10. I think this is just to get an idea of numbers and raise interest. Registering, I would imagine, will come nearer the time. Terry.
  11. In the diary, decent weather expected. Terry.
  12. Slight confusion from this end, Do we not use one or the other system across the board or are individual species on different scales? If not, why not? Terry.
  13. The way I read it Jim was the wood was to frame it, perhaps I misunderstood. Terry.
  14. A vote for Charlie and Martin, I went for Lowrance which does everything I want it to and it was fitted by Karl with one or two other jobs, all professionally done. He's done several jobs for me, all very satisfactory. Terry.
  15. Slippery slope, Mal! It could end up with grammar and spelling checks on most posts and none of us want that. Although I could be tempted. 😉 Terry.
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