Mike Hall
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Everything posted by Mike Hall
Hi All am looking for somewhere to store and work on my 21ft boat she is having a total refit bard yard etc access to power would be an advantage but not essential I would prefer however to be able to gain access to the boat at all times so I can spend all my spare time getting the work done I'm estimating at present the work taking at least 3 to 4 months all suggestions of where to look welcome really desperate to get her moved from her current space or she may well have to be sold she is outside now so open space not a problem kind regards mike hall
Hi there Try Sign it ! Upholstry they are baesd at stanley green road poole the guy who runs it Chris has many years of marine experience the company helps deaf people into work so a good cause too I have seen his work and it is top notch here is a link ... http://www.signituk.net/90285/info.php?p=5&pno=0
hi is the bruce still for sale ? Mike
Hooky mate why didnt you call me about this? will call you tomorrow try the scrapyards too I have heard the motors are easier to shift as scrap rather than resell and scrap metal is at good prices at the mo have ya got any pics of the engine as will keep an eye open when out on the water sad news mate Mike
has this boat sold ?
Hi all Just got off my backside and decided to check out this section having now been fishing from a yak owing to the boat being out of action for a while now some of you here will know me from anglers afloat as mikee 1965 looks interesting mike
Hi Rob thanks we will be there i hope hahaha lets hope the weather is good for all got a sad on now this means no fishing at all this weekend oh well im sure will find something to do on the boat
Hi all you have not heard from me for some time but good news silver rose is back in the water looking forward to seeing some of you out there and also hopefully this time we will be joining the club. pity about the comp was looking forward to it it will be our first comp !!!! but never mind saftey first see you all soon mike hall
Hi all This note is not about a boat trailer but a tipper trailer a good friend and work collegue of mine has just had his tipper trailer stolen from upton they cropped off three locks and must of towed it out of the shingle drive because at the time it was full of rubble !!!! and in the middle of the night !!!!! so if any of you are offered one please let me know . as usual the insurance dont want to cough up the full price of a new one. so it is going to be expensive to replace . i am sorry for posting something non boating or fishing but it's his and my living. tight lines all mike
Hi Bob, Although we've never met and we dont know each other you have my deepest sympathy. But although your dad in personhas been taken the one thing that can never be taken from you is the memories .In your heart and mind he will live forever. Please take care
Hi All Jst feel like shareing some good news with you all . Todai i passed my RYA level 2 course . and i am happy to have done it in the conditions that we have had this weekend as i feel i have learned a lot . Also during this morning we had a live rescue tow in from borwnsea to shore road . 2 lads fishing in an open boat had engine trouble so i had some real hands on experience for the towing section of the course . i would recommend the course for everyone as there is always something to be learned . Next is the vhf radio course and then maybe some more rya courses. see you all out there sometime. Not looking good for silver rose to be ready for the open comp but hey there will always be another time keep up the good work with the site .
Hi Charlie hope to see you soon i agree with the salesman but my idea is a little different about this as i will explain when see you the problem with the shetalnd is when water does find its way into the foam especially from the top of the boat there is no way out for the water if have a hole in the hull then when the boat is out of the water it can escape through the hole in which it came but if no hole in the hull it just sits there my boat was sat on its trailer from the beginning of this year butalthough some of the water evaporated the majority stayed there dorys have the same problem a friend of mine had a dory with water in the foam and they drilled holes in the transome and stood the boat up as near vertical as possible for many months but he told me although he had done this not all the water came out they still found some of the foam wet because the foam itself holds a certain amount i was surprised to find a lot of water in the cockpit area under the floor now on closer inpsection i found the boxes at the bakc that house the batteries etc had no drain holes to let water escape into the well at the stern so water sat on the flrro until eventually finding its way through the bungs filling the holes used to put the foam in .the floor will feel sound because the foam supports it the floor is only half inch ply with just a few 2x2 bearers to keep it in place until foamed in so just as a suggestion i think it would pay you to check the bungs at the stern of the boat too just pop them out and poke a dry stick down through the foam until you reach the hull bottom then take out and look to see if the stick is wet . must go for now its 0131 am and my eyes dont want to stay open any longer !!! also need to get up for work early keep up the good work look forward to meeting you and looking over your boat please take care mike
Hi Charlie I would love to come and have a look and swap ideas and tips it is nice to find someone with the same interest as for the water in your foam it could be more than you think as i discovered but i have come up with a simple idea taht will maybe overcome the problem if it occurs in the future tell you about it later >I am in parkstone and my boat is at my mums in oakdale but not sure where you are .My mobile number is 07956934612 give me a call or send text anytime and i will let you know my address and maybe arrange a time to get together to look over the boats unfortunately my boat is still some way off being finished (maybe im too fussy !!!) not sure if it will be ready for the open i doubt it but will have to wait and see there is so much i want to do but maybe somethings will have to wait keep plugging away eventually all the holes will be filled !!!!! mike
HI Thank you Duncan for the seals information i have looked and they sell the seals i am looking for ( much cheaper than buying a new hatch )......all is going quite well i went to boat jumble last weekend and picked up the non slip matting for the floor and got 3 sheets for the price of one !!!!!!! just not the big brand name but it is exactly what i wanted .still a long way off finishing but i will keep plodding away tight lines all mike
Hi all Sorry for the late reply but been busy with work and trying to get the boat back together . Mike thanks for the phone number i will give Sam Trickett a call for sure especially as he comes recommended . Also thanks Duncan for the encouragement . Does anyone know where i gan get a new seal for my houdini escape hatch ? i tried e mailing houdini direct but so far no reply they probably want to sell me a whole new hatch . Also i have a canopy that needs repairing or psooibly renewing if the funds stretch that far any ideas? Good fishing to you all Mike hall
HI all long time not here but i am back and without the wife ! sadly or maybe not so sadly we parted company still got the shetland though . took the shetland out of the water at the beginning of this year because she had got very heavy ! suspect leak and being ful of foam i suspected it to be soaked also she was listing a little . ok well i decided nothing for it but out with the floor and foam and in with new stuff if you are going to do it then do it properly . ever got to the stage when you wish you hadn't started ? well the new floor is back in and the new foam will be too in the next few weeks and the rest of the furniture and fittings . so all in all i hope to have all done for the flattie season .but i need some suggestions as to the best place to get my 75 hp merc outboard serviced and thouroughly checked over without having to cut my other arm off to pay for it ( the wife got the other arm) but i want the job done well and you dont mind paying if you know the person cares about what he's doing and does a good job do you ? well must go more work to do to the boat but at least now i got no one nagging me about when im coming home for tea !!!! also once back in the water maybe i will have some space for some crew now and again but i would prefer experienced people as i still dont really know what im doing . one other thing is i may need to find somewhere to keep her also as i cant afford to moor her at rockley this year .anyone with any info or just want chat please leave message or phone number many thanks and tight lines all mike hall
Thanks Martin will try to chat to Tony soon
Yipee its weekend again ,Silver Rose will be potterin around in the harbour sat and sun hopefully so give us a wave if you spot usan leave a few fish for us please(the wife sulks if i dont bring her home some dinner she loves fish more than she loves me ),will keep you posted of any catches ......tight lines
Hi all Lookin for an aux outboard for our shetland also any recomendations on size (HP) I know it needs to be longshaft any one got anything gatherin dust in the shed? Must be good cond and reliable
HI all Can anyone tell me the name of the owner of the shetland "Ginsky" In the members boats pics? Our shetland is very similar to this and if possible i would like to have a chat about how his boat is set up and how it handles in a choppy sea etc .
hi newboy sounds like acid to me bearing in mind acid doesn't melt plastic! acid always comes in plastic containers hope this is of some help
wow what a quick response I can't believe it . Thanks for the tips Our boat ...Silver Rose is a Shetland Family Four (5.36m) and there is a stern light mounted on the transom.
Hi All, I would like some advice about navigation lights . I have the port,starboard and stern lights already on my boat ,but no steaming light or anchor light . My question is about situating these two lights ,do I need both ? any info would be appreciated. Tight lines and happy fishing to you all Mike & Rose
Hi All, Just thought id join in and add a little report about sat/sun. I wanted to have a go at the castaways comp on sunday (this would have been my first boat comp),but after digging worms at 7am sat We had to rush to the boat yard to pay the marine engineer for the engine service and fitting of a second battery and master switch(how much ?!!!!!!!)and also pick up the keys the trouble and strife and myself went round to my pal derecks house for a soothing cup o tea(should have been a large whiskey for the shock but i'm driving ) . We all decided that the entrance fee would be better spent on fuel and some more worms and being so exited at getting silver rose back after a long wait we decided to go out sat afternoon and make a night of it . Another fishing buddy of mine phoned me about the comp so we invited him along too. So off to the boatyard we go with everything including the bacon and eggs for brekky. We loaded all and sundry into the boat a few ltiile thingsas to do then off we go .......Not I plugged in the fishfinder switched on ....nothing!! hmmmm checked the radio ...nothing ...no power to anything except the engine!!! not a happy bunny upon looking or the problem I disover the engineer had cut the main power cable to the console and not reconnected it !!!!!!! into me van i go out with some cable and tape to make a temp repair that done we head for the slip ....In the water at last. of we go to wareham.All is well apart from my night vision we anchor up settle down to a nice cup o tea and bacon buttie (cooked by my lovely wife Rose)..(brownie points ) couple of hours nothing ok move back towards rockley a tad settle again fish biting very well a few flounders an a couple of nice bass this is heaven all the trouble forgotten.then me mobile plays its merry tune hmmmm our student has arrived back from a trip with no key to get in the house so back we go to the boatyard into the van and home to let her in . after this we got back to the same spot as before and continued fishing we packed up at about 11or 12 sun morning with a total in the boat (we had some escapees) of 19 flounder of sizes between 1lb and 2lb8oz and six bass up to 3lb6oz made it all seem worth whilean the wife had the freshest fish ever one flounder straight off the hook an into the frying pan ! (now she loves me ) One thing i must say is i was supprised at the lack of boats fishing up at wareham end of the harbour on sun morning .I'm not sure but i think we followed the boat Pilchard on our way back into rockley?
Hi all thanks for the welcome. You can be sure we will join in and im sure our little mishaps and good times will be the subject of many conversations here .Looking forward to meeting you all soon . We are a little sad right now because our outboard needs a little attention (service)and as usual the engineer hasn't finished it when he said he would and i'm not sure when we can go out again ,also the boatyard is closed for christmas .But after discovering the cost of owning and running a boat we want to get as much use form her as is possible,so I am sure you will all see us on the water bobbing around or bungling around .Iam hoping to get some advice about a few things like i want to buy a GPS but am unsure which to go for and which to avoid so suggestions on this would be welcome. be back soon