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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Took advantage of a rare opportunity....... with wife away on a course, the gorgeous weather and favourable tides to fish both morning AND evening of the same day .........


Early morning, out with the last of the ebb...... fishing the ledge by 7.30 ...... but where were the mackeral ??? ...... one in half an hour !! ..... tried drifting, trolling; in close, further out ...... then bang , bang.... two strings of fours and off to go for the triggers.... anchored in the deep hole half way betwwen the groyne and the lookout , close to successful spot last tues. ....... nothing but bream, and more bream..... mostly bait robbing tiddlers ..... but 10 or 11 bigger ones between 1 and 2 lbs. plus odd mackeral and pollack. As the tide eased, moved out over half way along the ledge to look for bass ....... but still getting pestered by the tiddly bream and usual dogfish; a couple of 'screaming - reel' bites produced one trigger 2 + lbs. and a bigger one I never got to see as the hook pulled out.


Back home for a late lunch after picking way through crowds on Mudeford slip.


Complete change of tackle for evening session ..... spinning rods , little leads and small hooks and a bucketful of ragworms + a few lights and torches and flask of strong coffee. Went across to Barton with setting sun painting beautiful sky and warm breeze off the land flattening the sea.


Three other boats were fishing the area ....... really close in ..... I bet they could have cast onto the beach !! I explored the area with the sounder and saw the fascinating shapes of the bottom contours......flat sea helped with this..... anchored in the 'groovy bit' and, as the tide started to push, soon got loads of bites.


Wow! what a variety of species...... and yes ....... a few soles !!! [ thanks Adam ] ......... smoothhounds and bass that fight like something else on this light tackle ; tasty plaice, sole and gurnard ..... even bream and mackeral and didn't mind ol' spotty and mates........ and tiny rays that come out like big butterflies!!

An excellent evening I must repeat...... if weather and tides oblige again [ soon!]


Other boats had lots of little bream and a few soles .....[ in close].... and packed up about the same time..... about 12.30.... when the tide stopped moving so did the bites. [ thanks again Adam for the advice ] .


Used GPS to steer straight back in at 20 mph. ; retrieving boat was a doddle and was home and in bed at 2.


What a good day,




Superb! - Glad you had a goodun, alun!


Always a pleasure to read your 'mini' stories and accounts of your trips!


Long may the good weather hold out, I have lots of missed summer trips to make up!

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