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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Bad news chaps..... sad.gifsad.gif BW is dead.


Took her over to Tony this morning. Phoned him again at 5, and all was not well. It seems the fuel pump has been going for the past few months and leaking petrol into the cylinders. Oil has also been leaking here also, causing it to run without much oil to lubricate. The result was one of the cranks 'going' and shafting the entire powerhead. weep.gifweep.gifweep.gif : weep.gifweep.gifweep.gifweep.gif


I am sick, gutted, upset, p&^ssed off etc, etc.......


A new powerhead will be 2K, plus a new case, fuel pump and other bits and labour - total re-build = approx


Adam, very sorry to hear about BW engine

Dont panic mate


If I were you with 1 day to the Southampton boat show I would go and check the prices.


new engines are heavily discounted at the show, and come with all the bits required so are an easy job to fit.


If you got an update of your present engine it may be even easier to fit as the old control box and cables would do the job, and the new ones could be added later. also all the holes in BW would be in the right place.


Check out the specs and the prices, ask the dealers about any old stock units they may have.

They would be new but dated as last year or older, and the price should reflect that.


I would not go the repair route if it were me. but I would shop around on the net and visit the show.


very best of luck,

if you need advice or help to fit call


Charlie biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


Adam, Charlies advise is right on the button there are lots of deals out there. Also your engine is not worthless. It still has a parts value and will sell easily as a none runner. Talking about that, ask around there may be a 50 with a shot leg which could be rebuilt using your engine.

Finaly do not dismiss buying a seconhand engine, a lot of us do not have 3K let alone 5K and buy a well looked after used unit. I have never spent more than


Hi Adam


Sorry to hear the bad news weep.gifweep.gifweep.gif


I am sure when you have recovered from the shock that there will be a motor just what you need at the right price.

(At the moment any price is too much for me sick.gif )


I will keep my ears and eyes open for you and pass on any info I find.


Out of interest how many hours had it run?


Also how long ago was it serviced/checked out by a marine engineer? Would you have any come back there?

I expect not but it may be worth asking





Cheers Chaps!


I have come to terms with it a little now.


The engine is in bits all over Select Marine. Tony, kindly didnt charge me for the 4 hours he spent on it yesterday - I think he could see I was a bit gutted. If I sell it, it will be in bits, not as a whole engine. I will still recover it though - might get a few hundred for it??


The engine has had a hard life. It was secondhand when the chap before me put it on BW (he bought the boat new, but couldnt afford a new engine) and we rekon it has done thousands of hours from the state of it inside. Once we got past the cowlings - numerous spot welds we evident, liquid gaskets everywhere instead of proper ones etc.... we rekon it could have been an old commercial unit - 'made good'. I dont want to run the risk of repair, spend 1/2K and still have a potentially un-reliable 7 yr old re-con engine.


Second hand is a poss. Although with the experiances I have had with this ones, I'm not too sure I want to invite problems again. Also the old engine was not too bad. Fairly modern, quiet, economical 4 stroke - if I bought 2nd hand it would have to be an equivelant.


Gunna phone round today - but I think the answer will be a new engine (ouch) Mariner 60hp 4 stroke - Tony has quoted


I had the exact same dilemma early last year, repair an old engine (2 stroke 70HP) at vast expense or replace it, again at vast expense.


I took the plunge, borrowed the money and got Warrior to put on a New Honda 50hp.




be carefull if you are running the bigger prop as you may be straining the engine at all speeds.


The easy way to check if you have a rev counter is to: check the RPM at full speed with the boat loaded as it is on a trip.

It should get to plus or minus 200RPM of the stated Max revs for your engine


about 1" pitch is about 200rpm.


Before I worked as an outboard engineer it cost me a new crankshaft and bearings for my Yamaha 60 because my prop was to big for several seasons.


Hope that helps

Charlie biggrin.gif


I will add my condolences Adam - sorry to hear about the problems.


Apart from SIBS you do have one other thing going for you - timing. At this time of year you have a much better chance of picking up some value in a purchase than early in the season and I would certainly look to see what some of the dealers still have from PXs during teh year. I would include Richard at Holes Bay Marine etc.


If I spot a SH 50 Honda 4 (with 1 hour on the clock) going dirt cheap I will call you!




Bad luck matey, hopefully you will get a new shiny motor at a stupidly low price soon.


Malroy wise words from GW not only will your engine be strained if over propped but it will not develop the full quoted hp and will drink more juice as the engine is constantly over working.




Hard luck Adam. If you can afford it go for new everytime especially as you are a regular user and will clock up many hours quickly. I've had two brand new engines, both Mariner 2strokes and mechanically they have never let me down although I wish I'd bought a 4stroke for greater range and economy. There is a place in Brighton that sells engines mail order at least a grand cheaper than buying from a dealer. It's a bit daunting to get the engine delivered to your drive in an unliftable box but fitting one is straight forward with another pair of hands to help you lift it. On the other hand it would be nice to get it fitted and run up by expert!! The sense of security when you hear the purr of your ultra quiet new engine will soon deaden the pain of the bill. You might be lucky with a secondhand unit but you never know what treatment it has received in the past--at least you get the chance to maintain a new engine from scratch and have the backup of a warranty. Incidentally Barrus sent me complimentary boat show hospitality tickets for the first two years!

Good luck



Fitting another Mariner will keep the cost down, since all the cables/connections are the same, all you change is the outboard itself, ie, no drilling, no threading thru cables etc. I can't see it being more than 2 hours of work.


On the other hand, fitting a different brand could mean laying new cables etc and can cost


Thanks for all your support guys!


I have taken the plunge - and phoned Tony at Select Marine yesterday to order my new lump. She will be a 60hp 4 stoke EFI.


She is arriving on Mon afternoon, BW goes in for surgery on Tues morning, and she should be ready to collect Tues PM!!


I had a phone around yesterday, and most places were similar price wise. The place in Brighton were the same as Select, Richard at HBM was the cheapest at


Best of Luck with the new engine Adam


Once she has been run in [ which should not be to much of a chore] I expect BW will be a real flyer.


When I changed the engine on my dory to a new 60hp I was amazed at the differance in performance and lower fuel consumption.


Hope you have many years trouble free biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif




Thanks for the info on the props, in particular on the likelyhood of straining the engine


The Honda 50HP is designed to pull 6000RPM max where it actually red lines.


The engine is actually governed at this figure and cannot in fact be over revved.


Given the right water conditions, both the 13" & the 14 1/2" props will pull max revs with relative ease. I am still playing about with both these props & keep swapping from one to another.


I find that in smoother sea conditions the 14 1/2" is in fact actually achieving better fuel econony than the std 13" however when there is a good chop the 13" gives better results.


Neither of these actually seem to load the engine too much, however the 14 1/2" needs patience and a more gentle approach on acceleration to avoid excessive loading.


Its about time they developed a fool proof snap on and off system for props, so as you could just pop the right one on relative to the conditions and the amount of steaming you intend to do for the day.


Its about time they developed a fool proof snap on and off system for props, so as you could just pop the right one on relative to the conditions and the amount of steaming you intend to do for the day


They have!!! - It was reviewed in Sea Angler about 3 months ago. It is a manually adj. prop that you swivel the blades around to alter the pitch. http://www.plastimo.com/catalogue/index.php?LangID=1&catid=7 Go to 'propellers' then to 'Propluse'


Also, you can buy a 'hub & Prop' kit. Basically you buy th hub for about 80/90 quid, then you buy props that just clip on and off. The replacement props are much cheaper - about 30 quid a shot. Good if you need to change props regular, or if you run shallow water and risk damaging. Jimbo will teel you more - he has one on Tara.


Adam, you're gunna be over the moon with the new unit. biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


BW will look great in her new shoes. rolleyes.gif


There's always a silver lining somewhere.


Can't wait to take a trip in her, but I'm away again all next week. mad.gif


Bob F.


Hi Adam


Well done in biting the bullet weep.gif


Are you are buying the same engine as mine? Mariner 60 EFI

Bigfoot or standard?


I would be interested to find out what size prop is supplied as many people have said mine looks too small but the revs peaks as per the book.


It will also be interesting to find out how your boat performs aginst mine as BW was pulling away slightly when we went out together, perhaps it was due to the fact I hate boats slamming so I always slow down a bit. sick.gif



Good luck with the new engine





Cheers Coddy!


Yep - Ill let you know when it is fitted. It is a silver lining, and finishes off the boat really - a 60 is what I really wanted. Just trying to come to terms with the financial side of it though sick.gifsick.gif


I intend to keep a log of the new engine, and also re-set the plotter to keep track of the hours and miles.


The engine is not the bigfoot - just the std.


I rekon on 26-28 knts with the 60? The 50 gave me 25 when I first got it, and then deteriorated as the engine wore. The extra 10 gee gees I think will make a differance. In answer to your comment - I have so much confidence in the 165's hull that I rarely need to back off, she just bashes through the waves - I do agree though, backing off gives a nice smooth ride!


Not looking forward to running her in though, just want to give it full throttle!!!! biggrin.gif

Cheers Coddy!


Yep - Ill let you know when it is fitted. It is a silver lining, and finishes off the boat really - a 60 is what I really wanted. Just trying to come to terms with the financial side of it though sick.gifsick.gif


I intend to keep a log of the new engine, and also re-set the plotter to keep track of the hours and miles.


The engine is not the bigfoot - just the std.


I rekon on 26-28 knts with the 60? The 50 gave me 25 when I first got it, and then deteriorated as the engine wore. The extra 10 gee gees I think will make a differance. In answer to your comment - I have so much confidence in the 165's hull that I rarely need to back off, she just bashes through the waves - I do agree though, backing off gives a nice smooth ride!


Not looking forward to running her in though, just want to give it full throttle!!!! biggrin.gif

Hi Adam


I get about 26kts+ depending on sea state and tide. rolleyes.gif


It does start to drink fuel flat out but back it off a little and it cruises superbly at 20kts. smile.gif


One question I do not know the answer too, is that there is a small rubber tube from the gear box but it has been blocked off. Why it is there and what it does I have no idea. I would be interested to know if your new motor has the same.


Running in wont be too bad as its

1hr at half throttle or 3500 rpm max

2nd hr up to 4500 rpm

next 8hrs avoid continuous full throttle for maore than 5 mins at a time




Do you have an engine hour meter installed?

I would suggest one if not, they are available on EBay at a resonable price.


I always keep a log of the miles run and fuel used, it is easy on a spreadsheet, if you want a copy I will PM you mine.








OK send it over!!


One thing that has got me thinking:


Tony said that the engines come with a tachometer but nowt else? The Mariner book I got from the show says they come with: Fuel tank, control box, tacho, trim gauge.???? any ideas?


Ill have a look on ebay for an engine meter - are they easy to fit?

OK send it over!!


One thing that has got me thinking:


Tony said that the engines come with a tachometer but nowt else? The Mariner book I got from the show says they come with: Fuel tank, control box, tacho, trim gauge.???? any ideas?


Ill have a look on ebay for an engine meter - are they easy to fit?

I dare say that those items would be included if you were buying at full retail. My atitude is shop around for the best deal. People that only sell localy seem to think they have a captive market and act accordingly, If one is selling into a open nationwide market one has to be competative.

I would sugest that you get a competative quote showing those items as included and take it to the dealer you are talking about and ask if he wants to match it.


As a point we saved

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