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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Hi Martin


Not as yet, was due down this week-end but my son at university has had to move house so that came first mad.gifmad.gif


The out-laws have not sold their house yet so we can not decide if to rent down there or up here. sad.gif


Down side of moving down now is that the wife and daughter have to find jobs quickly.

Up side is we can look for suitable houses more easily.


If we stay here or a while longer all have jobs but it is a pain to have to keep travelling down each week-end .......... spoils the fishing oppertunity wink.gif

WOuld still need to rent if we stayed here unsure.gifunsure.gif


What to do .............. sick.gif


I think I will go fishing and bury my head in the sand ph34r.gifph34r.gif





I think GW and crew will be up for this one.


we usually try to get out between christmas and the new year


It would be good to support Andy who has supported the Club well on our Open Comp.


Charlie biggrin.gif

  • 3 months later...

Hi all,


After reading the last post I thought the direct approach best and phoned Andy at the shop.


He wonders how such rumours start and confirms that all the details are very much still as per the poster.


Can I remind you that if you want to collect squid at


I cant fish weep.gifweep.gifweep.gif the 30th is the ONLY mandatory day of the year when ALL staff must work, NO exceptions.


So while you lot are cod fishing ill be driving up north to do a stocktake audit! ph34r.gifph34r.gif


Anyone want to crew on Neo at all ?


( The telltail is now emitting water - just the bilge pump and steaming light to fix now ).


Does anyone know if tehy comp can be fished from out of Mudeford after checking in ?




To see if you can launch at mudeford you will have to check with Andy at the shop. Personally I would have thought the time you use motoring around to mudeford and then returning to poole for the weigh in (assuming you caught ought) would negate any percieved advantages




Martin, if the crew status is still vacant, I'd love the chance to get out please. If you can let me know before christmas, I'd appreciate it so I can arrange work schedule accordingly.......yes, I'm back to work now weep.gif


Regards...merry christmas all, Rich


Martin...is the weather being kind to us for the comp??? I'm working today, unfortunately my workshop was burgled over xmas....B*stards have reduced my earning potential slighty, removing a few hand held machines, but I will try and ring you before I lose signal on the river.


Regards, Rich


Appreciate it's a little late to ask the question, but this will be my first attempt at fishing for cod, and to be honest not sure where any marks are? Any boats going on the Cod Comp on 30th mind if I follow (within distance of course) just to get me somewhere near the right spot?


If not then can someone advise approx distance and direction out of Poole Harbout.


Thanks and looking forward to joining the club and meeting you all in the near year.


Tony H

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