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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Dear All


I found myself transported magically through time and stood in the que waiting to enter the Boat Show on Saturday, originally I couldn't make it, but as things turned out I was there.....I resisted buying a programme, even after being asked if I wanted one perhaps 40 times, and entered thinking I could find Warrior and Explorer boats by myself...big mistake!, anyhow I stumbled across Warrior and within 10 min's was skipping across a choppy sea with Eddie not really looking where he was going, bless him, I must say I was impressed with the little 150 and left Eddie trying desperately to get a sale but I wanted to check out Explorer first, i'm very pleased I did as the boat far exeeded my expectations with regard to build quality and overall lay out, I spoke at length to Bryan about the boat, got a few prices and a bit of discount and basically will be ringing him with a deposit today. My plan is to hold on to my current engine until funds allow a new unit, the purchase of the boat is a little higher than my original budget but I feel i've done the right thing, I must admit to being ever so slightly smitten!, but if you see her in the flesh she does a good turn at seduction, believe me.

I must admit that had Explorer not been there then Eddie would of got a sale but as it turned out the Explorer was much the same price, and for me,personally, I thought a better bet. Regards, Duncan.


Hi Duncan


Glad you found what you have been looking for, I'm sure you will be very pleased with your purchase smile.gif


keep us updated re quality of the delivered boat, the experience/service given by the company and your thoughts on the finished product. As you are aware this kind of information can help others make informed decisions. Also you could submit a report to Dave who is a member of Poole Bay Small Boat A/C and this site, the address of his site is http://fishing_boats.tripod.com





Hi Duncan


Glad you found what you have been looking for, I'm sure you will be very pleased with your purchase smile.gif


keep us updated re quality of the delivered boat, the experience/service given by the company and your thoughts on the finished product. As you are aware this kind of information can help others make informed decisions. Also you could submit a report to Dave who is a member of Poole Bay Small Boat A/C and this site, the address of his site is http://fishing_boats.tripod.com





Hi Duncan


There is already a report on the Elite by a guy in Plymouth but I would welcome another report (or 3) to get a balanced view.

I am sure you will be more than pleased with her when you get her home.


Thanks Martin for the plug for the site. biggrin.gif


I am sure some of the guys in the club have or had many bits of equipment of the years and I would welcome their thoughts on them both good and bad.


Just PM a message on your thoughts and I will do the rest for you.









Have they changed their deposit requirements? I had a look at the Elite a couple of years ago, but was completely put off when they said they wanted a 50% deposit!!!


They had only been in business for a while, so I guess they were having some initial cash flow problems. Perhaps this is all behind them now.


Bob F.





Hello Bob,

The deposit I was asked for was 1k, perhaps your right about the sum being far greater to help with initial cash flow prob's, I only hope mine will be mfr'd to the degree of finish of the boat on show, Dave Lewis, i've since found out,(read test report supplied by Explorer)! rates them very highly indeed so that's a pretty good endorsement as he doesn't usually mince his words, but hey...who knows?..I seemed to get the impression from Warrior that they were trying just a little too hard to sell the boat, (well Eddie was,... seemed to change attitude a little once I informed him I was yet to visit Explorer), from what i've been told there is Very little love lost between the two. I will be collecting the boat approx' 5-7 weeks so will post appraisal on that web site then. I've never attended a boat show before, but as Adam said I felt the entry fee was steep aswell, and it felt just a little too much for the rich and look at me type brigade, some of the kit was incredible but................sigh. Incidentally if anyone else fancies a try out when she's here then feel free, I will be using her in the Channel with a seasoned chap, helping me cut my Severn sea teeth.






Yes, I'd love to have a trip at some time.


When I bought my Alaska from Arnie Holt he told me the story about Warrior and Elite.


Paul used to work for Arnie and left to set up Warrior.


Brian used to work for Paul and then left to set up Elite.


There's a name for this sort of thing...in breeding is one phrase you could use. rolleyes.gif


But, you are right. There is no love lost between them all!!!




The original mould was for a 'Delmar' these were the original 'Warrior' type boats. From these then came the Predator and Warrior (not sure what order) then later the Explorer Elite and lastly the Endeavour...pheww!


Some of the moulds look very similar others not so, but the underwater section remains the same.




Just realised, most of these companies are up north. What's wrong with us southerners? huh.gif


I supposed it's not unlike cars' chasiss. Manufactourers spent millions on a floorpan and naturally they would want the most out of it. So we see many models from one manufacturer as well as from different manufacturers, think, Audi A3, VW Golf and Seat Octavia.


I read it somewhere Raider's hull is based on the Shetland family 4, not sure how true it is. As with Quicksilver and Jenneave, and all the European makes with a 'q' in their names, based their boats on the same mould.


Looking at the comments on the similarity between boats you are talking about and it was mentioned that they 'remain the same underwater', but if you look at www.prestonmarina.co.uk 'Predator' , the rear view clearly shows a Cathedral layout,with deep v up front,.. surely Warrior and Explorer do not use this config' although I would bet it works well, has anyone heard about this boat and if it is any good? as


The hull of the Predator looks similar to my Orkney 520 from the rear ( BTW : Orkneys are from down South in Arundel ). The front also is like a cross between the Warrior hull and the Orkney - ie. Not as V shaped as the Orkney but a deeper V than the Warrior.


Looks good from the pics on the Preston Marina site I must say.




Interesting! - I must admit I didnt know the hull looked like that from the rear, and that the seahog and the 160 were the same thing.


I would be interested to see hoe they perform at sea compared to the Warrior -esque boats - I cant fault mine - from high speed in flat calm to slower in lumpy seas it is stable and smooth.


Must say they do look the same but they are made by different companies ( assuming the web pages are up to date ), albeit in very close proximity to each other !


The Predator 160 in Preston Marine is quoted as being built by Douglas Marine who are at Douglas Boatyard, Becconsall Lane, Hesketh Bank PR4 6RR


The Seahog Predator is built by Poolside Mouldings of Naze Lane East, Freckleton, Lancs, PR4 1UNB


Freckleton is just down the road from Preston and Hesketh Bank, so I presume the hull is the same moulding but the final finishing is different ??


Having been intrigued I set in search of the history of this boat and found the following article which explains all ....



Sailing to success Nov 21 2003


By James Maloney, Southport Visiter



A HESKETH Bank boatyard has set its sail for success after starting production of a popular fishing vessel.


Douglas Marine Limited, of Douglas Boatyard, has been riding on the crest of a wave since securing the exclusive rights to build the Predator 160.


The deal, which was completed earlier this year, has marked the start of the family-owned company's first step into the mass production of vessels since purchasing the boatyard four years ago.


Ray Jackson, who runs the firm with his wife Chris and son Grant, said: "In the first year we will be looking to produce around 30 Predator boats and, hopefully, about 50 in subsequent years.


"Also, we are planning to produce a much bigger 30ft-long version. We might produce an even bigger one, but that will depend on the demand."


The company, which specialises in repairs, servicing, storing, mooring and lifting, also produces several narrowboats a year, some of them customised.


They will be taking on several new shipwrights to cope with the increased workload the Predator will bring.


Ray added: "We are already quite a busy boatyard, but if demand really gets going then we will be taking on more staff and will possibly move the production side to an off-site industrial estate.


"It would be difficult to mass produce the boat in the yard because there wouldn't be enough room for other aspects of the business. However, the building of narrowboats would still remain at Douglas Boatyard. That's because they are designed to the customer's specifications and need more attention to detail.


"That's also why we only produce about three to seven a year. However, the Predator is completely different. Its fibreglass shell means only a few things need to be added after its built, such as the outboard motor and steering."


The 16ft-long Predator series is a preferred choice for local sea anglers because of its stability and seaworthiness.


Its semi-cathedral hull design also makes it popular among water skiers and for sailing enthusiasts who enjoy exploring coasts or shorelines.


The original prototype was designed and built several years ago by Millennium Marine in Leyland. However, the death of one of the boat's designers caused production to be halted.


The ownership rights passed to Pool-side Mouldings in Freckleton before being acquired by Douglas Marine Ltd.




Good work Paul


I remember the boats when they were made by Millenium Marine. If I remember correctly they had a good write up in Sea Angler.


Does anyone keep there old issues of Sea Angler, would be interesting to see the test report.




Martin, do you know roughly when it was published??? My uncle has every issue of SA, so I can check with him. The library may have back issues on microfich, they do keep quite bizzare back copies!



  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Eddie Bray

Hi All,


I would like to add my two penneth to the discussion if I may. I purchased an Explorer Elite in June last year after reading both the Sea Angler and Total Sea Fishing Test reports on the boat. Both stated it was the best small angling boat that they had tested. This was also the verdict of the report a few months later in Boat Angler.


I contacted Brian at Explorer and discussed my requirements and agreed a price and completion date, I then paid a deposit of half the hull price and awaited the time where I could collect my new boat, in the meantime made arrangements to sell my current boat, as I was keeping my trailer and engine I needed to offload the boat.


A couple of weeks before I was due to collect my boat (had to travel from Plymouth to Liverpol to pick up the new hull so had to arrange leave etc) I phoned to see how things were going, I was told there had been a few problems and my boat was going to be a couple of weeks late, I was a little annoyed but put it down to experience, but I was really pi**ed off when I rang two weeks later and found out that it was still behind schedule and in fact the hull had not even been started at that time. I eventually picked the boat up about 6 weeks after the original completion date.


When I got the boat home, I had a good look at her, I was a little annoyed to discover that the battery shelves as seen on the demonstrator were not fitted, this meant that the battery would take up valuable room on the deck, but apart from that I was very happy.


After fitting the boat out to my requirements, I started to use the boat on a regular basis, and on the whole I have been very pleased.


Critisisms, and something to insist on when ordering is that all the hatches have sealant put around them prior to riveting, I have had more than one locker with water in due to the hatch covers not being sealed prior to being riveted, if the demonstrator you looked at had battery shelves insist that they are fitted (I have since built in my own and made them into lockable lockers, but this was a pain and shouldn't have been necessary.


If you are in the Plymouth area and would like a demo trip out on "Avin Alaf" then you can email me at eddiebray@blueyonder.co.uk to arrange a date and time.


I have taken her wrecking 26 miles offshore in good weather, and last weekend we were 15 miles out when the weather turned a bit grotty and we were at no time in any danger. The boat handles quite well at normal speeds, and not to badly at slow speeds.


Hope this is of value to you,


Eddie Bray.


Cracking report eddie - many thanks.


Your views seem to echo that of the majority of the Explorer owners that have posted here or we have spoken to.


We occasionaly venture down towards your way once or twice a year - and have been thinking about fishing the Nab Tower area on a club trail-away for a while - maybe you would like to join us if and when we do come on down?


Also interesting to note that you have taken your boat 26 offshore. A few of the smaller club boats have benn deliberating this for a while, and so far due to weather and other commitments have dont done so.




Thanks Eddie good to have some input from actual owners, your input is much appreciated.


By the way why don't you register in our forum and visit regularly. No need to be a club member to join the forum and by registering you get access to all areas






errr.... Adam, Nab Tower is in Portsmouth, Eddie is in Plymouth


Oopss! Didnt read it proper! - Scrap that then, what I really meant was, when we come down to Devon..! biggrin.gif

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