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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Good evening.


I have just come back from walking my dogs at Baiter (14th September) and see a RED & WHITE FISHING BOAT... looks like a Colvic of about 22ft - 26 ft whick looks like it is dragging its anchor/mooring ashore at Baiter. The name on the wheelhouse is KINGFISHER.


If you know the owner it might be worth giving him a call. Fortunately it looks like a displacement hull boat so it will probably sit sort of upright on the beach, but I am sure they will want to know where it is.






2 crew were working on it by wading alongside this afternoon. no idea what they were doing, but they were getting thrown about by the sea conditions. They had the boat anchored both ends, stern to the beach, just by the entrance to baiter car park in very heavy surf.





I wonder if anybody informed the Harbour Master or other Port Authorities ??? Perhaps the Harbour Police could prevent the "salvage" operations and get the owner back on the boat...... Any News ????


Dave biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


On a related note, does anyone know the owner of a small boat, similar to a Shetland named "Tango" that was tied up by the now wasteland to the right of Poole bridge?


Unfortunately she is lying on the bottom sunk sad.gif


I am fairly sure, having watched them for an hour, that the two people were repairing the boat hull, not removing parts. It is hard to remove bits from the boat, while standing up to your chest in water in difficult surf, with the gunwhale of the boat level with your head.



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