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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Having seen a few dropped fish and had a couple myself I'm working on refining my cod rigs.


My current best effort is a fixed pennel with both hooks kicked forward and facing in opposite directions. top hook is a grauvell TEKLON 9400 BN in 9/0 (variant would be Mustad big gun 8/0) bottom is a Sakuma 545 Manta Extra 8/0.



What do you say?






Let us know Trev smile.gif I still think it's worth giving them lots of time because they seem to mouth the baits for what seems ages.Hook size is always going to have it's for and against,I've lost them on 6/0 and 8/0s?On small and large baits?But best hook ups have been on single/double small squid?


Wish I had hooked enough to give expert advice wink.gif


But over the years I have found that using pennels is definately worth it and I tend not to use huge baits.

My hooks are now 6/0 or 8/0 Varivas or simular and a sliding pennel.


Good thread

Hope we see a patern in the replies biggrin.gif


Charlie biggrin.gif


I use 8/0 Varivas and a sliding pennel. However, had a couple of fish fail to "hook up" this year already.


Best hook ups I have had are where I have been fishing single ( large ) ilex and the fish has taken ages to engulf the bait then "hammered off" = rod bends over and I presume hook gets set.


( Although over other side of the island I lost one like this as well - always amazes me how you can feel so much weight of the fish yet the hook is not "fully home" ? )


user posted image



An apposing, snelled, fixed pennel rig for cod.


With Sakuma 545 manta extra 8/0 bottom hook, kicked out, and Grauvell Teklon 9400 BN 9/0 rigged apposed and kicked out.


Interesting about snelling your hooks Trevor


I read a report about semi circle hooks from New Zealand, it was a trial done with long lines to take angling ability out of the equation, so all fish were self hooked.


The snelled hooks were a big percentage higher catch rate than normal tied identical hooks, and the semi circles higher than "Normal" shapes.


Charlie biggrin.gif




For that very reason the snelling Charlie. wink.gif


Must get the 'kick out' right as snelling tends to turn the hook. If you exit the eye with the snood on the outside, you will halve the hook up rate as the hook is turned away from not into the fish.

Posted (edited)

Come on then Trev...............30lber this weekend that a prove it works tongue.gif






Oooooooh and it will have a bare hook in its mouth rolleyes.gif

Edited by niggle
For that very reason the snelling Charlie. wink.gif


Must get the 'kick out' right as snelling tends to turn the hook. If you exit the eye with the snood on the outside, you will halve the hook up rate as the hook is turned away from not into the fish.

Thanks Trevor


Can you give a step by step guide to how it should be done


I would hate to try a new idea [i have bought some hooks], but set it up incorrectly and have the wrong outcome.




First snell the bottom hook.


1. Using a cut length of leader, pass enough tag through the eye from the front and lay down the shank on the back.


2. with the bend toward the palm of your hand pinch the shank and tag to hold them together.


3. Take the leader length and turn it tightly down the length of the shank about 6-7 times. (I always turn away from the cut joint of the eye).


4. Pass the leader through the eye from the back, taking care not to let kinks develop and no slack in the turns around the shank.


5. Pull the leader hard against the hook to 'set' the snell.


NB you can judge the turns and pinch the shank from the beginning where you will finish the turns. Ideally use a pattern of hook and match to a leader that will only just pass twice through the eye.


Snelling the send hook is exactly the same procedure........... but


This time you lay the leader along the back of the shank of the second hook as before, but ensuring that the distance between hook bends is exactly as desired and the hook bend is facing the opposite way on the leader to the first.


Snell and tighten as before with the leader exiting the eye to the front.


Trim bottom tag and tie to your swivel.


2-3 mins tops.







Bet me to it rolleyes.gif


Been watching it for two hours and still can't tie it............ dry.gif


Must be a crap knot........... laugh.gif

Thanks Trevor


I thought i would have a look at google for it


Found this one


I have watched it several times but I can not seem to remember the knot






Nor Me Charlie ! ! ! !


Hasn't she got Nice Eyes ! ! !


Do you think PJ could demonstrate it at the next meeting. ( He could wear his ordinary clothes though ) laugh.gif





Back to business!!!................. dry.gif






Let's have your offerings guys .....I can't see this working unless you offer some of your best ideas back!


Lez-be-avenue.............. blink.gif .........as they say......... biggrin.gif




Posted (edited)

I dont know what the flash bird is tying but a snell it aint. i dont know how to transfer drawings to the site but page 37 of the Jan 2011 total sea angling (just out) has it crystal clear and correctly tied. Derek, rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif


Just looked properly, go to the u-tube link on the post and click on the small video window on the right hand side colum by Paul Parnes 1min 50secs very good, just as Trevor puts it. wink.gif

Edited by codpiece

I've been using variants on this theme for 45 years.................. before carp were invented!!!!


If you look at the old feather rigs, they all used this turn.








I agree Trev.....been around (and in several variant forms too) for years.


Similar to the knot for spade end hooks too ... some variations use the grinner down the shank and others use the tagged end "over" the tightly wound turns on the shank...and through a loop that was formed by the first turn.


KNOT sure which is the strongest, but the original snell appears to be the neatest.


Good thread !!


Dave biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


I snell my top hook in a different way.

I first cut out a required length of mono, then make a loop along the hook shank, thread the top end in the loop wrapping the loop and shank 5+ times and then pull it thru the eye, moisten then tighten.

So the line only go thru the eye once and not twice as it is in the snimation.

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