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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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I thought that there were three programmes, Tues Weds and Thurs but dont have listings in front of me. Good luck to HFW we need some kind of high profile publicity.




Lifted from an email received re the programmes


For the past few months, I have been travelling around the UK meeting fishermen, marine conservationists, politicians, supermarkets bosses, and of course fish-eating members of the public.


My experience, and how it has changed the way I think about fish are shown in Hugh's Fish Fight (broadcast 11th, 12th, 13th January 2011), as part of Channel 4's Big Fish Fight.


This season featuring programmes from fellow chefs Gordon Ramsay, Heston Blumenthal and Jamie Oliver, aims to champion sustainable seafood and celebrate lesser known delicacies of the deep.


The website, fishfight.net, is the campaign hub accompanying Hugh


Tonight on Channel 4: what I find is not just bad . . . it's mad!

For the past few months, I have been travelling around the UK meeting fishermen, marine conservationists, politicians, supermarkets bosses, and of course fish-eating members of the public.


My experience, and how it has changed the way I think about fish are shown in Hugh's Fish Fight (broadcast 11th, 12th, 13th January 2011), as part of Channel 4's Big Fish Fight.


This season featuring programmes from fellow chefs Gordon Ramsay, Heston Blumenthal and Jamie Oliver, aims to champion sustainable seafood and celebrate lesser known delicacies of the deep.


The website, fishfight.net, is the campaign hub accompanying Hugh

Posted (edited)

Made me weep.....what is Britain doing in the EU and signing up to this criminal stupidity ??

I sent the links to all my contacts that I think will be as angry as me !!


Dave biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


PS.....HFW Appears to be doing more in one programme than the AT has done in the year I have been on board..... maybe I am being harsh and impatient !! ph34r.gif

Edited by pirky

I added my name to this some time ago and after watching last nights program will continue to support it.


I take my hat off to those celebrities and politicians that get behind this in the hope that somehow enough pressure can be built up, that the other politicians have to listen.


I am sure I heard the minister say on last nights program that he would be at the front of any protest against discards, it would be interesting to see if he actually would.


I would like to hear the AT's views on this campaign.


Interesting that the trawler crews actually looked as angry about it as we are, maybe more because of the wasted earnings than wasted fish, but it seemed fairly genuine.


As someone said earlier there has to be a better way than discards, which is just a criminal waste of resources.

Not only are fish scarce but so is fossil fuel which the trawlers are burning as they trawl up non quota fish.


Charlie biggrin.gif






I could only bring myself to watch the first 20 mins or so! (at least the common skate appeared to make it)


it makes me angry and upset


Can only echo what others have said- I'm glad it is getting high profile recognition and I would also like to see the ATs response to fishfight (I am not a member)

would it not be good if they quickly jump on the bandwagon as it gains momentum?


my name was on the petition some time ago


According to my emails Angling Trust is totally backing Hugh FW. Hugh provides the celebrity angle as well as the perfect media coverage for what we all know is a just and sensible cause. AT on its own could not hope to get the viewing figures of HFW. Incidentally a lot of the commercial boys interviewed were in favour of everything landed but a limit on days at sea. Could also be an idea to have a total tonnage quota rather than a species tonnage quota with discards being severely punished--would need some policing.





I think there lies the issue Peter - forced discards are one thing (EU quotas etc), but, a boat choosing to discard as they have found \ netted a more proffitable catch is another.




There are at least four reasons why commercial fishermen discard fish:


1. Fish are too small to be legally landed.

2. Fish for which there is no market.

3. Fish of a size and type for which there is a market but a vessel has no quota.

4. Fish for which a vessel has quota but chooses to discard small or low value (albeit legal) fish in favour of utilising its quota allowance to land larger fish which are worth more money. A practice referred to as 'high-grading'.



Tesco's didn't come out too well. They need to start stocking rod and line caught tuna. But I also note that Sainsburys also stock the Princes stuff and it is of course cheaper, but hopefully people will think twice before buying.


I think there lies the issue Peter - forced discards are one thing (EU quotas etc), but, a boat choosing to discard as they have found \ netted a more proffitable catch is another.



So much things have been said about discards, but what's the alternatives?


We can make the fisherman keep everything they catch and oncew they reach their quota tonnage, they stop fishing,

But the problems are

1) the fish they catch is low value, so they can't afford to be on the water


2) the fish they catch are of low value they have to raise these prices so that they can stay in business.


Either ways, it is going to push the fish prices up, will consumers pay these extra?


It was demonstrated when HFW did the chicken thingy and some people didn't/wouldn't pay the extra needed for those chicken to have a decent life, so will these people pay extra to save our fishstocK?



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